Ciò che manca nel “libro bianco” sull’istruzione in Tibet
Mag 22nd, 2019 by admin

Il palazzo del Potala a Lhasa, residenza ufficiale di Sua Santità il Dalai Lama fino al 1959, quando dovette fuggire dal Tibet.

In marzo, in occasione del 60° anniversario dell’Insurrezione nazionale tibetana, il governo cinese ha pubblicato il cosiddetto “libro bianco”, ossia un documento autocelebrativo dal titolo La riforma democratica del Tibet sessant’anni dopo. Nel documento il governo confronta le condizioni socio-economiche e politiche del Tibet indipendente con l’attuale situazione sotto il proprio dominio coloniale.

I “libri bianchi” pubblicati dal PCC mirano a richiamare l’attenzione internazionale sui “lavori per lo sviluppo” imposti dal governo in Tibet. Nessun Paese al mondo si comporta come la Cina il cui governo chiede alla comunità internazionale di approvare la propria versione di sviluppo del Tibet. Perché Pechino si vanta continuamente dello sviluppo del Tibet se davvero lo considera una parte integrante del proprio territorio come una qualsiasi altra regione del Paese? Ciò implica chiaramente l’insicurezza del governo circa la legittimità del controllo politico che esercita sul Tibet agli occhi del mondo. L’ultimo “libro bianco” appunto sul Tibet affronta molte questioni che mirano ostinatamente a legittimare l’occupazione della regione e la successiva oppressione che ha avuto luogo negli ultimi 60 anni. Read the rest of this entry »

Meditazione e yoga riducono le emozioni negative
Mag 20th, 2019 by admin

La pratica della meditazione e dello yoga aiuta a far fronte allo stress ed è associata a un volume inferiore dell’amigdala destra (evidenziata nell’immagine), legata all’aggressività.

La pratica della meditazione e dello yoga è collegata a un volume ridotto nella regione del cervello legata alle emozioni negative

Meditation and yoga practice is associated with smaller right amygdala volume, a brain region involved in emotional processing, according to research published in Brain Imaging and Behavior

The findings could indicate “that meditation and yoga practitioners have become more aware of their stress, but are at the same time more able to deal with it hence the smaller amygdala volume,”

La pratica della meditazione e dello yoga è associata a un volume più piccolo dell’amigdala destra, una regione del cervello coinvolta nell’elaborazione emotiva, secondo una ricerca pubblicata su Brain Imaging and Behaviour. Read the rest of this entry »

Lo yoga mindfulness migliora ansia e depressione nei pazienti con Parkinson
Mag 20th, 2019 by admin

La Mindfulness Yoga nel Parkinson è un opzione efficace di trattamento per gestire lo stress e i sintomi e dovrebbe integrare i programmi di riabilitazione, anche se servono studi sul suo effetto a lungo termine.

Lo yoga mindfulness migliora ansia e depressione nei pazienti con Parkinson

New research provides evidence that mindfulness yoga is an effective treatment option for patients with Parkinson disease. The study, published in JAMA Neurology, found that yoga practice improved motor dysfunction and mobility while also reducing anxiety and depressive symptoms.

  • Un programma di 8 settimane di yoga mindfulness per il morbo di Parkinson PD (MY-PD) è superiore ai convenzionali esercizi di stretching e resistenza (SRTE) nel migliorare in modo statisticamente e clinicamente significativo l’ansia e la depressione nei pazienti con PD lieve o moderato.

  • Entrambe le pratiche migliorano i sintomi motori e la mobilità, ma il MY-PD porta benefici al benessere spirituale in termini di difficoltà e calma percepite e alla qualità della vita correlata alla salute.

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Cerimonia di offerta di lunga vita per Sua Santità il Dalai Lama
Mag 18th, 2019 by admin

I monaci del Monastero di Namgyal eseguono i rituali delle Dakini, parte della richiesta di Lunga Vita per Sua Santità il Dalai Lama presso il Tempio Principale Tibetano a Dharamsala, India, il 17 maggio 2019. Foto di Tenzin Choejor

17 maggio 2019. Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India – Oltre settemila e cinquecento persone hanno affollato il Tsuglagkhang, il Tempio Principale, e il cortile antistante la residenza di Sua Santità il Dalai Lama per partecipare all’offerta di preghiere per la sua lunga vita. Il percorso dalla porta del palazzo al tempio era stato riccamente decorato con ghirlande di fiori e il colonnato accuratamente avvolto da stoffe colorate. Tashi Shölpa, Gyal Shay e i danzatori di Lhamo hanno accolto Sua Santità a piedi dalla sua residenza. All’interno del tempio, occupato dai monaci, sedevano i rappresentanti delle diverse tradizioni religiose tibetane: Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche, della tradizione Bön;  Jangtsé Chöjé, Gosok Rinpoché e il Ganden Tri Rinpoché, Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin, della tradizione Geluk; Sakya Trizin, Capo della tradizione Sakya, e Ratna Vajra Rinpoché; Sharpa Chöjé, Lobsang Tenzin sempre dalla tradizione Geluk; Situ Rinpoche della tradizione Karma Kagyu e Ringu Tulku dalla tradizione Nyingma. Read the rest of this entry »

Offering of a Long-Life Ceremony to His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Mag 18th, 2019 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama walking through the courtyard on the way to the Main Tibetan Temple to attend an offering of prayers for his long life in Dharamsala, HP, India on May 17, 2019. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

May 17, 2019. Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India – An estimated 7500 people packed the Tsuglagkhang, the Main Temple and Yard adjacent to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s residence this morning to participate in offering prayers for his long-life. The route from the palace gate to the temple through the yard and the temple itself had been richly decorated with garlands of flowers and bouquets. The pillars were painstakingly wrapped in coloured cloth. Tashi Shölpa, Gyal Shay and Lhamo dancers welcomed His Holiness as walked from his residence. Inside the temple, which was filled with monks, sat representatives of Tibet’s religious traditions: from the Bön tradition, Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoché; from the Geluk tradition, Jangtsé Chöjé, Gosok Rinpoché and Ganden Tri Rinpoché, Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin; Head of the Sakya tradition, Sakya Trizin, Ratna Vajra Rinpoché; also from the Geluk tradition, Sharpa Chöjé, Lobsang Tenzin; from the Karma Kagyu tradition, Situ Rinpoché; and from the Nyingma tradition, Ringu Tulku.

To the right of His Holiness’s throne, behind Ganden Trisur, Rizong Rinpoché, sat the Abbots of Sera, Ganden, Drepung, Tashi Lhunpo, Gyumé and Gyutö Monasteries, while to the left sat serving and retired Kalöns.

His Holiness greeted them with a broad smile when he arrived, before taking his seat on the throne. Looking out over the audience he saw six monks from Thailand and directed that they be seated with the Abbots on the dais. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Generating the Awakening Mind
Mag 13th, 2019 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeting members of the audience as he arrives at the Main Tibetan Temple for the final day of his teachings requested by Russian Buddhists in Dharamsala, HP, India on May 12, 2019. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

May 12, 2019. Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India – Before His Holiness the Dalai Lama reached the Main Temple this morning, the ‘Heart Sutra’ was recited three times in the languages of the Buddhist Republics of the Russian Federation, Kalmykia, Buryatia and Tuva. Once he had arrived, greeted the eminent Lamas and the audience and taken his seat on the throne, the ‘Heart Sutra’ was chanted once more in Russian. “So to conclude this series of teachings, today we’ll conduct a ceremony for generating the awakening mind of bodhichitta,” His Holiness announced. “As far as the awakening mind is concerned we need to understand that we are seeking to attain a state in which all defilements and faults have been eliminated and in which perfect realization—omniscience—has been achieved. Unsurpassed enlightenment is the goal you seek when you generate the awakening mind. You aspire to become a Buddha for the benefit of all sentient beings.

In his ‘Entering into the Middle Way’ Chandrakirti wrote: Read the rest of this entry »

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: Insegnamenti ai praticanti russi 2° giornata
Mag 12th, 2019 by admin

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama al suo arrivo al Tempio Tibetano Principale, per il secondo giorno di insegnamenti a Dharamsala, India, l’11 maggio 2019. Foto di Lobsang Tsering

11 maggio 2019. Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India. Dopo la recitazione del “Sutra del cuore” in russo, a cui hanno partecipato centinaia di praticanti presenti nel Tsuglagkhang e al suo esterno, Sua Santità il Dalai Lama ha aperto la sua copia del “Tre aspetti principali del sentiero” di Jé Tsongkhapa Ha spiegato che il testo fu composto successivamente alle tre versioni – estesa, media e concisa – degli “Stadi del sentiero verso l’Illuminazione”, in risposta alla richiesta di Tsako Wönpo Ngawang Drakpa, discepolo e capo del popolo di Gyalmorong, nel Tibet orientale. In una nota introduttiva, Tsongkhapa esortava Ngawang Drakpa a praticare bene l’insegnamento che gli stava mandando assicurandogli che, qualora avesse praticato bene, sarebbe stato il primo a cui avrebbe dato insegnamenti una volta raggiunta l’illuminazione, manifestandosi come uno dei mille Buddha di questo eone fortunato.

I “Tre Aspetti Principali del Sentiero” a cui si riferisce questa breve serie di strofe, sono la determinazione ad essere liberi, la mente del risveglio di bodhicitta e la comprensione della saggezza della vacuità. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Teachings for Russian Buddhists 2° Day
Mag 11th, 2019 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama explaining Tsongkhapa’s “Three Principal Aspects of the Path” on the second day of his teachings at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala, HP, India on May 11, 2019. Photo by Lobsang Tsering

May 11, 2019. Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India – Following a recitation of the ‘Heart Sutra’ in Russian, which the hundreds of Russians in and around the Tsuglagkhang joined in, His Holiness the Dalai Lama opened his copy of Jé Tsongkhapa’s ‘Three Principal Aspects of the Path’. He explained that it was composed after Tsongkhapa had written the Great, Medium and Concise ‘Stages of the Path to Enlightenment’ treatises. He wrote it in response to a request from Tsako Wönpo Ngawang Drakpa, a close disciple and leader of the people of Gyalmorong in Eastern Tibet.

In an accompanying note Tsongkhapa urged Ngawang Drakpa to practise well the teaching he was sending him. He assured him that should he do so, when he, Tsongkhapa, manifests enlightenment as one of the 1000 Buddhas of this fortunate aeon, he will share the nectar of his teaching first with him.

The Three Principal Aspects of the Path that this short set of verses refers to are the determination to be free, the awakening mind of bodhicitta and the wisdom understanding emptiness. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Teachings for Russian Buddhists 1° Day
Mag 11th, 2019 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeting members of the audience as he leaves at the end of the first day of his teachings at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala, HP, India on May 10, 2019. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

May 10, 2019. Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India – An eager crowd of more than 7600 awaited His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Tsuglagkhang, the Main Tibetan Temple, this morning. They included people from 69 countries among them 429 from India, 254 from Israel, 194 from the USA, 147 from Britain, 137 from Germany as well as the principal group of 1100 from Russia. His Holiness stopped to speak to several people as he walked through the yard. When he reached the temple he greeted Ganden Trisur, Rizong Rinpoché, the incumbent Ganden Tripa and others before taking his seat on the throne.

After a recitation of the ‘Heart Sutra’ in Russian, His Holiness addressed the congregation.

The teaching today is mainly directed to people from Russia, including those from the Buddhist Republics of the Russian Federation, Kalmykia, Buryatia and Tuva, who have a longstanding connection with Tibet. There is a special bond between us. Read the rest of this entry »

Insegnamenti di Sua Santità il Dalai Lama su richiesta dei buddhisti russi
Mag 11th, 2019 by admin

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama arriva al Tempio Principale Tibetano per il primo giorno di insegnamenti richiesti dai buddhisti russi a Dharamsala, India, il 10 maggio 2019. Foto di Tenzin Choejor

10 maggio 2019. Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India – Una folla entusiasta di oltre 7600 persone attendeva questa mattina Sua Santità il Dalai Lama al Tsuglagkhang, il tempio principale  tibetano. Oltre quattrocento provenienti dall’India, 254 da Israele, 194 dagli Stati Uniti, 147 dalla Gran Bretagna, 137 dalla Germania e, gruppo più numeroso, oltre mille dalla Russia. Sua Santità si è fermato a parlare con molti praticanti, mentre attraversava il cortile; raggiunto il  tempio ha poi salutato il Ganden Trisur, Rizong Rinpoche, l’attuale Ganden Tripa e altri Lama prima di prendere posto sul trono. Dopo la recitazione del “Sutra del cuore” in russo, Sua Santità si è rivolto ai presenti.

“L’insegnamento oggi è destinato principalmente alle persone provenienti dalla Russia, comprese le Repubbliche buddhiste della Federazione – Kalmykia, Buryatia e Tuva – che hanno un legame di lunga data con il Tibet. C’è un legame speciale tra di noi”. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Meets Business Leaders and Professionals from India, Vietnam and Russia
Mag 7th, 2019 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama listening as a member of the audience ask him a question during his interaction with business leaders and professionals from India, Vietnam and Russia at his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on May 6, 2019. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

May 6, 2019. Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India – When His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with business leaders and professionals, 35 from India, 45 from Vietnam and 18 from Russia this morning he told them: “The purpose of our life as individual human beings is to serve others as much as we can. I dedicate the actions of my body, speech and mind to the welfare of others every day. That’s the meaning of Dharma and reflects the longstanding Indian traditions of ahimsa and karuna. I’ve studied in the ancient Indian tradition since childhood, which has meant memorizing classic texts, receiving word by word explanations of them and using logic and reason in debate to scrutinize what I learned. I strongly recommend using ancient Indian logic. As a student of the Nalanda tradition I’ve found it really helpful for maintaining peace of mind.”

Having invited questions from the audience, His Holiness told a businessman that although shrewd judgement might sometimes lead to success, simply being honest is more reliable because it attracts other people’s trust. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Inaugurates the First Scholarly Conference on Kalachakra
Mag 6th, 2019 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama waving to well-wishers gathered to greet him in the Main Tibetan Temple courtyard as he makes his way to the Kalachakra Temple in Dharamsala, HP, India on May 5, 2019. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

May 5, 2019. Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala – In the cool, clear morning air, as the sun rose over the mountains into a cloudless blue sky, His Holiness the Dalai Lama walked from his residence to the Kalachakra Temple early today. Smiling faces, many of them from Russia, greeted him as walked through the garden. He saluted the statue of the Buddha in the main temple before entering the Kalachakra Temple and taking his seat. The Secretary of Namgyal Monastery welcomed everyone to the start of the First Conference on Kalachakra for Scholars of all Tibetan Traditions. Monks of the Monastery sitting in orderly rows chanted verses in praise of the Buddha followed by the Praise to the 17 Masters of Nalanda. Tea and sweet rice were served.

“How many scholars have come from elsewhere?” His Holiness wanted to know. The answer was twenty.

I’ve been quite unwell,” he said. “I came back from Delhi on 8th April feeling fit, but on 9th I was out of sorts, so I returned to Delhi for treatment. It turned out that my illness was not so bad, but I found the treatment tiresome. Now I’m well again, but I need to rest and relax. My staff keep telling me I need to reduce my schedule, so generally I’ll only meet people every other day.” Read the rest of this entry »

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