Core Committee Working on the Curriculum for Universal Values Reports Back
Apr 30th, 2017 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with members of the Core Committee Working on the Curriculum for Universal Values after their meeting in New Delhi, India on April 28, 2017. Photo by Jeremy Russell/OHHDL

With regard to teacher training there was a consensus that teachers should not just master a set of guidelines, but should embody the ethics they are teaching about. The next point of agreement was that the framework for Social, Emotional and Ethical Learning pioneered at Emory University should serve as the basis for any programme for developing secular ethics or universal values as envisioned by His Holiness. Topics covered included the basic framework, progress in curriculum development, issues of quality control, accreditation and approval from His Holiness‘s Office. Read the rest of this entry »

The Prof ML Sondhi Prize for International Politics
Apr 29th, 2017 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama addressing the audience after receiving the Professor ML Sondhi Prize for International Politics to His Holiness the Dalai Lama in New Delhi, India on April 27, 2017. Photo by Lobsang Tsering/OHHDL

New Delhi, India – On his way to meet the Core Committee Working on the Curriculum for Universal Values this morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s car had negotiate its way round not one but two large puja elephants ambling along the road. Welcomed at the door by his host Analjit Singh and his son Vir, His Holiness first lit a ceremonial lamp to inaugurate the meeting. Geshe Lhakdor moderated today’s session which was an opportunity for delegates from several educational institutions to report to His Holiness about their deliberations yesterday. Read the rest of this entry »

Celebrato il compleanno dell’XI Panchen Lama a 22 anni dalla sua sparizione. A Roma il convegno: “La questione tibetana, il Panchen Lama e il controllo della religione in Tibet”
Apr 28th, 2017 by admin

27 aprile 2017. Il 25 aprile i tibetani e i sostenitori della loro causa in tutto il mondo hanno celebrato il 28°compleanno di Gedhun Choekyi Nyma, XI Panchen Lama del Tibet, scomparso nel 1995 a soli sei anni di età.Di grande interesse il convegno “La Questione Tibetana, il Panchen Lama e il controllo della religione in Tibet”, svoltosi a Roma, presso la sede del Partito Radicale, il 26 aprile. L’evento è stato organizzato da Amnesty International, dall’ Associazione Italia-Tibet e dal Partito Radicale Nonviolento Transnazionale e Transpartito. Sono intervenuti: Claudio Cardelli (presidente dell’Associazione Italia – Tibet), Chodup Tchiring (membro della Comunità Tibetana in Italia), Tseten Longhini (presidente della Sezione Italiana dell’Associazione delle Donne Tibetane), Laura Harth (vice coordinatrice della Campagna per il Diritto alla Conoscenza, Partito Radicale Nonviolento Transnazionale e Transpartito), Paolo Pobbiati (membro del Comitato Direttivo di Amnesty International Italia), Nicola Morra (senatore, Movimento 5 Stelle). Molti gli argomenti discussi: si è parlato di Asia, Buddismo, Cina, Cultura, Dalai Lama, Donna, Economia, Esteri, Pancen Lama, Pannella, Politica, Religione, Società, Storia, Tibet, Violenza.

La registrazione audio dell’evento (durata 2h.) al sito:

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The Politics of Reincarnation: India, China, and the Dalai Lama
Apr 22nd, 2017 by admin

The Politics of Reincarnation: India, China, and the Dalai Lama

Will the Dalai Lama reincarnate in Tawang?

By Tshering Chonzom Bhutia. April 20, 2017

The Dalai Lama’s visit to Tawang district in Arunachal Pradesh from April 7 to 11 garnered plenty of media attention. One of the most prominently discussed questions centered around the Dalai Lama’s reincarnation.

The Chinese side was unequivocal in not only objecting to the visit but also commenting on the reincarnation issue. The Chinese position, as encapsulated in remarks by scholars from important Chinese think tanks, is that the Dalai Lama’s reincarnation has to be approved by the Chinese government and selection has to be based on a combination of not just “historical rules” but also current “Chinese laws.” Read the rest of this entry »

Tibet: ancora un caso di autoimmolazione a Kardze
Apr 20th, 2017 by admin

18 aprile 2017. Wangchuk Tseten, un tibetano di trent’anni padre di tre figli, ha cercato la morte con il fuoco il 15 aprile a Kardze, capitale dell’omonima Prefettura Autonoma Tibetana, nella regione del Kham.

Wangchuk Tseten era originario del villaggio di Asey, nella Contea di Nyarong. Si è dato fuoco intorno alle sette del mattino (ora locale) nella piazza principale della città di Kardze. In un video postato su Facebook si vedono alcuni agenti di sicurezza cinesi nell’atto di spegnere con gli estintori le fiamme che avvolgono una persona immobile a terra. Fonti tibetane hanno riferito che il corpo di Wangchuk, devastato dal fuoco, è stato portato dalla polizia in una località al momento sconosciuta. Non si hanno notizie precise sulle sue condizioni di salute ma chi ha assistito a questo nuovo caso di autoimmolazione ritiene assai improbabile che possa essere sopravvissuto. Read the rest of this entry »

Il Dalai Lama in Italia
Apr 17th, 2017 by admin

Il Dalai Lama in Italia

Siamo lieti di comunicare che Sua Santità il XIV Dalai Lama ha accettato l’invito rivolto dall’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa di Pomaia e sarà in Toscana dal 19 al 21 settembre 2017. Tale visita seguirà quella in Sicilia dal 16 al 18 settembre in ragione dell’invito delle città di Messina e Palermo.
La visita in Toscana prevede inizialmente un
 incontro pubblico a Firenze nella giornata del 19 settembre. L’iniziativa è sostenuta dal Comune di Firenze che a propria volta ha invitato in città Sua Santità il Dalai Lama.
Nelle giornate del 20 e 21 settembre il Dalai Lama si trasferirà a
 Pisa dove parteciperà ad un simposio organizzato in collaborazione tra l’Università di Pisa e l’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa  Read the rest of this entry »

A Final Empowerment, a Long-Life Offering and a Public Talk
Apr 14th, 2017 by admin

Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, India – Last night’s heavy rain left the morning sky clear and the early morning sun shone on the mist wreathed hills as His Holiness the Dalai Lama travelled again to the Yiga Choezin teaching ground. In the yard of Tawang Monastery, on the road down and lining his path to the throne, people waited eagerly to greet him. From the throne he addressed them.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama acknowledging the crowd of over 50,000 gathered to attend the final day of his teachings at the Yiga Choezin teaching ground in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, India on April 10, 2017. Photo by Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

This is the third day of these public teachings. On the first I gave an introduction to the Buddha’s teachings and read the ‘Stages of Meditation’ to you. The traditional approach begins by explaining death and impermanence and so on, but I don’t find that so appropriate. I prefer to follow the pattern of Maitreya’s ‘Ornament for Clear Realization’ that begins with the Two Truths, conventional and ultimate, and goes on to examine the Four Noble Truths as well as taking refuge in the Three Jewels.

Starting with the Two Truths means introducing emptiness at the outset, which can be done in terms of dependent arising. It’s an approach that can have a universal appeal. Just as other religions present a saviour, Buddhists have the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, which Chandrakirti describes as the refuge of those who aspire to liberation. I referred to this approach in a verse towards the end of the Praise to the 17 Nalanda Masters.

By understanding the meaning of the two truths, the way things exist,
We ascertain through the four truths how we arrive in and how we leave the cycle of existence.
Engendered by valid cognition our faith in the three refuges will be firm.
May I be blessed to establish the root of the path to liberation. Read the rest of this entry »

Il Dalai Lama parla della Cina
Apr 13th, 2017 by admin

Il Dalai Lama parla della Cina

Il leader spirituale del buddismo tibetano ha detto l’8 aprile che tocca ai suoi seguaci decidere se esisterà ancora un Dalai Lama in futuro.

In un discorso fatto a decine di migliaia di suoi seguaci a Tawang, nell’Arunachal Pradesh, la secondo più alta sede del buddismo tibetano, il Dalai Lama ha negato di sapere dove il suo successore sarebbe nato.

Alla domanda se il prossimo Dalai Lama potrebbe essere una donna, ha poi detto, «Questo anche potrebbe accadere». Read the rest of this entry »

Il Dalai Lama arriva a Pisa, convegno e incontro con gli studenti il 20 e 21 settembre ’17
Apr 13th, 2017 by admin

Il Dalai Lama arriva a Pisa, convegno e incontro con gli studenti

Il leader spirituale del Tibet il 20 e 21 settembre in Toscana per partecipare a un simposio internazionale all’Università. di Valeria Strambi

I misteri della mente indagati in un simposio internazionale in cui l’ospite d’onore sarà niente meno che il Dalai Lama. Si chiama “The Mindscience of Reality” il dibattito che andrà in scena il 20 e 21 settembre prossimi al Palazzo dei Congressi di Pisa e al quale parteciperà proprio il leader spirituale del Tibet. L’iniziativa è organizzata dall’Università di Pisa insieme all’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa di Pomaia e prevede un dibattito tra studiosi di fama internazionale nel campo delle Neuroscienze, della Fisica e della Filosofia. Ma prima di partecipare al convegno, che sarà riservato a non più di mille persone, la mattina del 20 settembre il Dalai Lama terrà un incontro pubblico aperto agli studenti e all’intera cittadinanza.
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Empowerment and Visits to Ugyen Ling & the Dorje Khandu Memorial Museum
Apr 12th, 2017 by admin

Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, India – His Holiness the Dalai Lama reached Yiga Choezin earlier today in order to do the preparatory rituals required for him to give an Avalokiteshvara Empowerment.

At the request of local MLA Jambey Tashi he signed placards concerning projects in other places. One related to the Dolma Lhakhang that has been built at Lumla, another depicted a statue of Guru Padmasambhava at Lunpo Zemithang near the Tibetan border. He also unveiled a foundation stone for a statue of Maitreya to be constructed near the border with Bhutan.

The Buddha was someone who taught about dependent arising from his own experience,’ His Holiness explained when he was ready. “It’s important not only to try to be good people, but also good followers of the Buddha. What is unique about his teaching, his explanation of dependent arising free of extremes, is highlighted in the opening verses of Nagarjuna’s ‘Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way’.

I prostrate to the Perfect Buddha,
The best of teachers, who taught that
Whatever is dependently arisen is
Unceasing, unborn, Read the rest of this entry »

Il Dalai Lama: “Memorabile la mia visita in Arunachal Pradesh”
Apr 12th, 2017 by admin

Il Dalai Lama: “Memorabile la mia visita in Arunachal Pradesh”

11 aprile 2017. Oltre 50.000 devoti hanno presenziato il 10 aprile agli insegnamenti pubblici impartiti dal Dalai Lama a Tawang. Nel ringraziare il Primo Ministro Pema Khandu, il leader spirituale tibetano ha definito “memorabile” la sua visita in Arunachal Pradesh.

Atteso da una grande folla di fedeli provenienti dall’Arunachal Pradesh, dal Buthan e da altre regioni himalayane e salutato dalle massime autorità dello stato, il Dalai Lama è arrivato il giorno 7 aprile a Tawang. Il giorno successivo ha visitato l’importante monastero di Gaden Namgyal Lhatse, comunemente conosciuto col nome di “monastero di Tawang”, uno dei luoghi in cui sostò durante la sua fuga dal Tibet nel 1959.

Molti gli argomenti trattati dal leader tibetano nel suo incontro con la stampa. Rispondendo alle domande sulla questione della sua futura incarnazione, il Dalai Lama ha detto che saranno i tibetani ad esprimersi sull’opportunità della prosecuzione del lignaggio. “Se la maggioranza dei tibetani non la riterrà più necessaria, l’istituzione avrà termine”. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Gives Buddhist Teachings to 50,000 in Tawang
Apr 9th, 2017 by admin

08.04.17 Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, India – Despite forecasts of thunderstorms in the vicinity, this morning the sun shone on the distant hills and there were large patches of blue in the skies over Tawang. His Holiness the Dalai Lama too was in a jovial mood when he emerged from his rooms at the top of the Dukhang, the main temple of the 17th century Tawang Monastery. Read the rest of this entry »

Il Dalai Lama: «In Cina serve una nuova rivoluzione culturale».
Apr 9th, 2017 by admin

Il Dalai Lama: «In Cina serve una nuova rivoluzione culturale». L’ira di Pechino

In visita nello Stato indiano di Arunachal Pradesh, al confine con la Cina, il Dalai Lama ha affermato oggi che «nel mondo le cose cambiano rapidamente» e quindi anche i sistemi politici, come quello cinese, «dovrebbero cambiare».

Rivolgendosi a decine di migliaia di persone a Tawang, secondo luogo per importanza del Buddhismo tibetano, la guida spirituale dei tibetani in esilio ha sostenuto che «oggi come oggi i cinesi hanno cominciato a criticare apertamente il loro governo nei caffè e sugli autobus. E le autorità non possono imporre alla gente ancora a lungo quello che deve pensare. E quindi dovrebbero permettere che vi siano cambiamenti». Io, ha sottolineato, «ammiro il sistema egualitario marxista, ma sono fortemente contrario al leninismo». Il sistema totalitario e le chiusure che comporta, ha ancora detto, «stanno facendo molti danni in Cina». Per questo, ha concluso, penso che la Cina abbia bisogno ora di un altro movimento culturale sotto il partito comunista. L’ultimo che c’è stato fu violento, e non ha fatto cose buone. Per cui questo nuovo movimento dovrebbe essere più umano».
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His Holiness the Dalai Lama Drives from Dirang to Tawang
Apr 8th, 2017 by admin

Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, India – When His Holiness the Dalai Lama came downstairs to leave Thupsung Dhargyeling Monastery this morning, the sun was shining on the hills in the distance and there was a welcome blue in the sky. From the veranda of the monastery he greeted a group of local people sitting on ground below waiting to see him, telling them once again how important it is to develop a sound understanding of what the Buddha taught. Before leaving Dirang he stopped to visit the temple lower in the town from where he gave the Kalachakra Empowerment to 5000 people in 1983.

07.04.2017 The road from Dirang climbed steadily until the 4170 metre  Sela Pass which marks the end of West Kameng district and the beginning of Tawang. At each village on the way people were gathered to greet His Holiness as he passed. Adults were mostly dressed in traditional Mönpa costume, while many of the children were in school uniform. On the pass, snow could be seen here and there, but the road was clear. His Holiness and his party were offered tea and refreshments before continuing their journey. Read the rest of this entry »

Migrazione forzata di 200 famiglie in Tibet per estrazione mineraria
Apr 8th, 2017 by admin

TIBET: migrazione forzata di 200 famiglie per progetto di estrazione mineraria

Le autorità cinesi nella regione di Chamdo (Qamdo), conosciuta in cinese come Changdu, nella parte orientale della regione autonoma del Tibet, hanno obbligato quasi 200 famiglie tibetane a lasciare le loro case per far posto ad un progetto di governo senza fornire alcuna spiegazione adeguata. Secondo Radio Free Asia alle famiglie in preda alla disperazione, è stato detto di andare a vivere sulle rive  delle due città situate su due lati opposti del fiume Gyalmo Ngulchu, o Salween, in Dzogang county e tutto a loro spese.

Alcuni abitanti del luogo sono convinti che il governo cinese abbia in programma un progetto di estrazione mineraria.

Alle famiglie colpite dal provvedimento di esproprio forzato era stato promesso un risarcimento da 12.000 a 20.000 yuan (US $ 2.176 a $ 2.901), ma non è mai stato erogato, mettendo in serio pericolo la sopravvivenza di queste famiglie molto povere.

Alcuni nuclei famigliari hanno presentato un ricorso per rimanere nelle loro abitazioni, ma le autorità cinesi hanno risposto che è un ordine del governo e deve essere rispettato.

Molte aree tibetane sono diventate una fonte importante dei minerali necessari per la crescita economica della Cina e questo causa frequenti allontanamenti forzati degli abitanti locali che accusano le imprese cinesi di voler eliminare siti di importanza spirituale e di inquinare l’ambiente per sfruttare le ricchezze del territorio.

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At Thupsung Dhargyeling Monastery an Inaugural Ceremony, Teaching and Avalokiteshvara Permission
Apr 7th, 2017 by admin

06.04.17 Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh – This morning the day began in the new temple of Thupsung Dhargyeling Monastery with the recitation of the Guru Puja or Lama Chöpa. As many women’s voices as men’s could be heard. The Hon Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Kiren Rijuju, whose native village is nearby, met His Holiness the Dalai Lama to welcome him to Dirang. Since Parliament is in session and his presence was required in the Lok Sabha, Rijuju was unable to attend the morning’s inaugural ceremony at the monastery.

Members of the lay community debating Buddhist philosophy in front of His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Thubsung Dhargyeling Monastery in Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh, India on April 6, 2017. Photo by Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

His Holiness descended from his quarters on the top floor of the temple in the only elevator in the entire district and took his seat between the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh, Padmanabha Acharya and Chief Minister Pema Khandu. The occasion began with a mandala of the universe and representations of the body, speech and mind of enlightenment being offered to His Holiness. This was followed by an exemplary debate by members of the lay community, both women and men.

Ven Thupten Rinpoche read a report about the establishment of the monastery during which he was several times overcome with emotion. He attributed the inspiration for the creation of the institution to His Holiness’s persistent advice to establish a centre of learning where people could readily study the Nalanda Tradition in Arunachal Pradesh. He said they had done so, providing the best facilities they could find. Read the rest of this entry »

Il Dalai Lama in Arunachal Pradesh: “Non chiedo l’indipendenza del Tibet ma una genuina autonomia”
Apr 7th, 2017 by admin

Il Dalai Lama in Arunachal Pradesh: “Non chiedo l’indipendenza del Tibet ma una genuina autonomia”

Dalai Lama con P.M. Arunachal6 Aprile 2017. Dall’insediamento tibetano di Bomdila, in Arunachal Pradesh, il Dalai Lama ha ribadito di desiderare per il Tibet una genuina autonomia.

Non chiedo l’indipendenza del Tibet ma una genuina autonomia all’interno della Repubblica Popolare cinese. Apprezzo lo spirito dell’Unione Europea: la sovranità delle singole nazioni è importante ma ciò che più conta è l’interesse comune”, ha affermato il leader spirituale tibetano nel corso di una conferenza stampa convocata presso l’insediamento tibetano di Tenzingang, nella località di Bomdila, tappa forzata a causa delle avverse condizioni metereologiche del viaggio del Dalai Lama in Arunachal Pradesh. Il giorno 8 aprile Sua Santità sarà a Tawang dove inizierà ad impartire gli insegnamenti buddhisti alla folla di fedeli che lo attendono.

La Cina ha presentato formale protesta all’Ambasciata Indiana a Pechino. La signora Hua Chunying, portavoce del Ministero degli Esteri cinese ha dichiarato che l’India, ignorando le preoccupazioni della Cina, ha cocciutamente voluto organizzare la visita del Dalai Lama in Arunachal Pradesh mettendo a repentaglio le relazioni e gli interessi dei due stati. “Questa visita non solo contravviene agli impegni presi dall’India ma è altresì causa di nuove dispute circa il problema dei confini”.

Diverse le parole di Pema Khandu, Primo Ministro dell’Arunachal Pradesh (nella foto assieme al Dalai Lama). “La Cina non può dirci cosa fare o non fare perché non è il nostro vicino. La Linea McMahon ha definito i confini tra India e Tibet, non tra India e Cina”.

Fonti: Phayul – Tibet Post

Teaching, Long-life Empowerment, Monastery Visit and a Talk at Bomdila
Apr 6th, 2017 by admin

05.04.2017 Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh, India – When His Holiness the Dalai Lama came down to the courtyard of Thubchok Gatsel Ling Monastery this morning he spoke first to a group of young monks and observed them debate. He then also spoke briefly to a group of adult lay people who have formed their own study group. He praised their efforts and urged them to continue.  Before leaving, he unveiled the foundation stone for a new assembly hall.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama saluting the crowd of 15,000 on his arrival at Buddha Park in Bomdila, AP, India on April 5, 2017. Photo by Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

His Holiness drove the short distance to the Bomdila Buddha Park further up the hill. After saluting the crowd, estimated to number 15,000, he seated himself on the throne. Explaining that he had to spend a short time preparing for the White Tara Long-Life Empowerment he was going to give, he requested the audience to recite Tara mantras while he did so.

We are gathered today for you to listen to a teaching of the Buddha,” he began. “A long time ago people worshipped the sun and moon in the belief that they gave them protection. Later, religions emerged that also incorporated a philosophical point of view. The common intention of almost all these religions is to help people become better human beings. They all teach love and compassion, tolerance and forgiveness, and have long benefited humanity. Read the rest of this entry »

Visit to Dibrugarh University
Apr 4th, 2017 by admin

03.04.17 Guwahati, Assam, India – The unsettled weather of the last few days continued as His Holiness the Dalai Lama set off this morning from Guwahati. Thunder rolled and lightning flashed in the distance as he drove to the airport. The consequent turbulence made the flight to Dibrugarh a little bumpy, but it landed safely and on time.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Registrar Prof M N Dutta lighting a lamp to inaugurate the program at Dibrugarh University in Dibrugarh, Assam, India on April 3, 2017. Photo by Ven Lobsang Kunga/OHHDL

His Holiness was received on arrival at the Dibrugarh University campus at Rangghar by the Vice-Chancellor Prof Alak Kr Buragohain and Shri Chandan Sarma, Coordinator of the Buddhist Study Centre. Together they lit a lamp to inaugurate the occasion. As he took his seat on the stage with the Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar, Prof M N Dutta, His Holiness invited a senior member of the Buddhist Sangha to join them.

Following the Vice-Chancellor’s welcoming introduction, His Holiness addressed 1100 students and faculty.

Today, it’s important to acknowledge the oneness of humanity. There may be human beings in other galaxies, but we have no connection with them so there’s nothing we can do for them. Similarly, we may feel sympathy for the animals with which we share this planet, but there is not much we can do for them either. However, the other human beings around us we can communicate with because we have language in common. As human beings we are physically, mentally and emotionally the same. We really are like brothers and sisters. Read the rest of this entry »

Guest of the Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University & Lawyers Book Stall and Namami Brahmaputra Festival
Apr 3rd, 2017 by admin

02.04.17 Guwahati, Assam, India – The sky remained overcast, but the rain had all but stopped this morning as His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove to the Guwahati University Auditorium. His hosts were the Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University (KKHSOU), a state university established in 2005 with the motto—Education Beyond Barriers, and the Lawyers Book Stall which has been popular with local students for 75 years. Vice-Chancellor of the University, Dr Hitesh Deka offered traditional felicitations including gifts of a scarf, shawl and bouquet of flowers. Describing His Holiness as ‘symbol of peace’ he also offered him a framed citation, a book and a painting of a scene from the Buddha’s life in which he subdued a crazed elephant. Dr SK Nath of the Guwahati University, which had provided premises for the occasion, also offered his felicitations.

In a short introduction to the occasion, Bhaskar Dutta-Baruah expressed gratitude to His Holiness for coming. He noted that the misfortune that had befallen Tibet had resulted in benefit for many other people across the world who had been enriched by their encounter with representatives of the Nalanda Tradition. He welcomed His Holiness to the erstwhile Kamarupa, a region associated with tantric adepts Naropa and Luipa, as well as the scholar Atisha.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama unveiling the new Assamese translation of his memoir

Dutta-Baruah requested His Holiness to unveil and release a fresh translation of one of his earliest books, his memoir, ‘My Land and My People’, into Assamese. The book not only tells the story of His Holiness’s early life, but gives an account of what happened in Tibet up to the point at which he felt bound to escape. The translator, Indrani Laskar, was also presented to him.

Called upon to address the audience of 1500, His Holiness began in his customary manner. He explained that he greets his listeners as brothers and sisters because he cannot remember all the dignitaries names, but also because he is convinced of the need to promote the oneness of humanity according and the idea that all 7 billion human beings alive today are like brothers and sisters. Read the rest of this entry »

Arrival in Guwahati, Assam, and Attending 79th Anniversary Celebrations of the Assam Tribune
Apr 2nd, 2017 by admin

Guwahati, Assam, India – Following an uneventful flight from Dharamsala to Delhi yesterday, His Holiness the Dalai Lama this morning boarded another plane to fly across the country to Guwahati, the largest city in Assam. Minor but persistent turbulence during the descent to Guwahati were indicative of the weather on the ground—it was pouring with rain, which locals refer to as pre-monsoon. A crush of people, Assamese and Tibetan, eager journalists among them, had gathered to welcome him at the airport.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeting members of the audience on his arrival on stage at the ITA Centre for Performing Arts in Guwahati, Assam, India on April 1, 2017. Photo by Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

After lunch His Holiness drove to the ITA Centre for Performing Arts to take part in a concluding function of celebrations of the Platinum Jubilee of the Assam Tribune and the Golden Jubilee of its Assamese language sister paper the Dainik Asam.

His Holiness was introduced to the audience and welcomed with gifts that included a bouquet of flowers, a traditional wide-brimmed Assamese hat, which he said would be practical in the rain, a carved replica of the Kamakhya temple and a figure of the state animal, the one horned rhinoceros. He was invited to join the Governor, Shri Banwarilal Purohit, and the Chief Minister, Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, in inaugurating the occasion by lighting a lamp. Read the rest of this entry »

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