H. H. Dalai Lama Giving the Medicine Buddha Permission
Ott 29th, 2016 by admin

Giving the Medicine Buddha Permission to Vietnamese Devotees

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India, 29 October 2016 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama met about 80 members of the Vietnam CEO Club at his residence today, as he has done on previous occasions. In a new development, by means of interactive video-conference links groups of between 300 and 500 in four cities in Vietnam—Hanoi, Haiphong, Ho Chi Minh City/ Saigon and Da Nang—were also able to take part. These groups, gathered in conference rooms rather than temples, consisted of both Buddhists and young people who have been inspired by His Holiness’s explanations of universal values in books like ‘Ethics for a New Millennium’ and ‘Beyond Religion’. From where he sat here in his residence, His Holiness was able to see each of these groups in Vietnam on a large split screen video display.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to a group from Vietnam at his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on October 29, 2016. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

To start with, His Holiness took some minutes to perform preparatory procedures for a Medicine Buddha Permission.
“Spiritual brothers and sisters,” he began, “today I can talk not only to you Vietnamese brothers and sisters here, but also those of you gathered in cities at home in your own country. And although those of you in Vietnam are physically far away, at this time we have come together as one group. It’s a new experience for me to be able to speak not only to the people in front of me, but also to those who are far away, with the help of modern technology.
“I always stress that limitless mother sentient beings all want happiness and do not want suffering. While there may be other beings in other parts of the universe, it’s only the beings on this planet with whom we have a direct connection. Today, we are all interdependent. Challenges like climate change and global warming, and the natural disasters such as earthquakes that they provoke, affect us all, so we have to act as one community.
“You Vietnamese have proved yourselves as tough and determined. Now you need to think in terms of the whole world, not just what concerns Vietnam.”
He told them that when we talk about happiness, we must think in terms of peace of mind, which is a real source of joy. He mentioned that all the major religious traditions carry a message of love and affection and that conflict in the name of religion is unthinkable. Read the rest of this entry »

Il Dalai Lama a Milano: “Un’etica che parta dal superamento della divisione tra l’Io e gli altri”.
Ott 24th, 2016 by admin

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: Il tuo sorriso fa del bene a te, ma anche a chiunque ti veda mentre sorridi.
Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: Il tuo sorriso fa del bene a te, ma anche a chiunque ti veda mentre sorridi.

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: Altruismo, amorevole gentilezza e calma mentale.

A Milano arriva anche Richard Gere

L’attore, buddista tibetano praticante, era in prima fila ad assistere all’incontro con Sua Santità, che giovedì ha ricevuto la cittadinanza onoraria. Nella seconda giornata del Dalai Lama a Milano, oltre 8mila persone hanno preso parte alla lezione a Rho Pero. E a sorpresa venerdì tra gli ospiti c’era anche Richard Gere, accompagnato dalla fidanzata. L’attore americano, 67 anni – in prima fila al fianco della compagna, la socialite spagnola Alejandra Silva, 32 anni – è buddista tibetano praticante ormai da decenni ed è anche un sostenitore dei diritti umani in Tibet. In mattinata il Dalai Lama, circondato dai monaci e seduto su una poltrona con i tradizionali simboli del buddismo tibetano, ha parlato dell’interdipendenza, uno dei punti chiave della filosofia buddista.


Nella sua mattinata di insegnamenti, il Dalai Lama ha parlato di fronte a 9000 persone di due famosi testi composti da Lama Tzong Khapa, studioso, maestro, saggio e meditatore tibetano vissuto nel XIV secolo. Tra gli ascoltatori più attenti proprio Richard Gere, arrivato per la lezione delle ore 13. Nella prima parte, intitolata «Lode all’interdipendenza», Read the rest of this entry »

Richard Gere: “Il Dalai Lama ci fa sentire tutti fratelli”
Ott 24th, 2016 by admin

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: Il clima in Tibet rimane estremamente cupo e repressivoi”

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: Il clima in Tibet rimane estremamente cupo e repressivo”Richard Gere a Milano per il Dalai Lama: «Davanti a lui come uno studente. Qui c'è inclusione»

Milano, Richard Gere all’incontro con il Dalai Lama: “Lui ci fa sentire tutti fratelli”

L’attore americano parla davanti alle 13mila persone radunate in attesa della cerimonia che conclude la tre giorni del leader tibetano. “Qui ci sentiamo tutti benvenuti. E’ un grande abbraccio collettivo che ci unisce”

di Zita Dazzi. C’era anche Richard Gere, in prima fila, alla Fiera di Rho per l’appuntamento con il Dalai Lama che ha concluso la tre giorni del leader religioso tibetano a Milano. E l’attore, da anni impegnato per difendere i diritti della popolazione tibetana nella lotta per l’indipendenza, ha preso la parola dal palco prima della cerimonia guidata da Tenzin Gyatso. “Siamo qui in 13mila – ha detto Gere – e sembriamo in 10 persone in tutto, perché quando c’è sua Santità si crea sempre questa atmosfera speciale che fa sentire tutti uniti, tutti fratelli, con lo stesso cuore e le stesse intenzioni, gli stessi bisogni e lo stesso animo”, ha detto il protagonista di tanti film hollywoodiani, adesso quasi refrattario alla sua stessa notorietà. Richard Gere è salito sul palco e ha fatto un breve intervento prima dell’inizio della conferenza pubblica del premio Nobel per la Pace-

Dovunque lui va si crea questa atmosfera meravigliosa che vediamo oggi qui – ha proseguito l’attore – una sensazione di calore, di unità, di intensità, ci sentiamo tutti in grado di abbracciare il mondo e gli altri esseri umani. Ci sentiamo tutti benvenuti, inclusi, facenti parte di un insieme. C’è una sensazione di inclusione ognuno con le sue specificità, le sue diversità, le sue fragilità, per questo qui ci sono rappresentanti di tutte le fedi, cristiani, musulmani, ebrei, sufi. Qui abbiamo la piena dimostrazione che noi esseri umani siamo fatti per stare assieme ed essere una cosa sola”. La benedizione del Dalai Lama: in 13mila a Milano, Richard Gere tra i monaci

“In questo momento – ha spiegato ancora Richard Gere – mi viene in mente questo poema di Rumi che cito a memoria e che dice: ‘Vieni tu, vieni, chiunque tu sia, qualunque sia la tua origine, vieni tu, vieni, qualunque sia la tua disperazione, vieni con noi’. Ecco noi cadiamo e sbagliamo e rompiamo tante volte il nostro voto, ma lo stesso siamo chiamati ad andare avanti assieme con le nostre debolezze, i nostri sbagli, il nostro desiderio spasmodico di felicità. Read the rest of this entry »

H. H. Dalai Lama in Milan Avalokiteshvara Empowerment and Public Talk
Ott 23rd, 2016 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “I too could be subject to doubt, worry and anger, but I’ve learned that peace of mind is not just a matter of dullness

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “I too could be subject to doubt, worry and anger, but I’ve learned that peace of mind is not just a matter of dullness.

Avalokiteshvara Empowerment and Public Talk Conclude European Tour. Milan, Italy, 22 October 2016 – The streets of Milan were empty and dark this morning as His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove out to the Rho Fiera Milano hall where he was to start rituals in preparation for the Avalokiteshvara empowerment he was going to give. The hall was still empty as he took his seat facing the ornate mandala pavilion, unwrapped the text and began. As the audience began to enter they were invited to sit quietly and join in reciting Om mani padme hung.

Once His Holiness had completed his preparations and taken a short break, he climbed onto the traditional high throne and asked if anyone had any questions to put to him. The first was about what to say to people caught up in waging war. His Holiness replied that it is very difficult to communicate with people whose emotions are inflamed. There is no room to reason with them. That’s why it’s so important to pursue peace, harmony and compassion before violent conflict breaks out. Read the rest of this entry »

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: Iniziazione ad Avalokiteshvara e Conferenza
Ott 23rd, 2016 by admin


Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: Dobbiamo promuovere un maggior senso di unità di tutti gli esseri umani. Su questa base possiamo risolvere qualsiasi problema.

Sua Santità il XIV Dalai Lama: “La pace della mente è essere vigile ed utilizzare al massimo l’intelligenza”.

Milano, Italia, 22 ottobre 2016 – Le strade di Milano erano vuote ed ancora buio questa mattina quando Sua Santità il Dalai Lama ha raggiunto la sala della Fiera di Rho – Milano dove doveva iniziare i riti in preparazione per l’iniziazione di Avalokiteshvara. La sala era ancora vuota mentre prendeva posto di fronte al mandala decorato, aprì il testo ed iniziò. Mentre il pubblico ha cominciato a entrare, gli astanti sono stati tranquillamente invitati a sedersi e ad unirsi nel recitare il mantra Om mani padme Om.

Una volta che Sua Santità aveva completato i preparativi e fatta una breve pausa, salì sul tradizionale trono e chiese se qualcuno avesse domande da fargli. La prima fu: cosa dire alle persone coinvolte in guerra? Sua Santità ha risposto che è molto difficile comunicare con persone le cui emozioni sono infiammate. Non c’è spazio per ragionare con loro. Ecco perché è così importante perseguire la pace, l’armonia e la compassione prima che scoppino dei conflitti violenti. Read the rest of this entry »

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama a Milano: Lo spirito tibetano rimane fermo e forte
Ott 22nd, 2016 by admin

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama conferisce l’insegnamenti suI tre aspetti principali del sentiero’ e La lode al sorgere dipendente’ di Je Tsongkhapa ed incontra la comunità tibetana alla Fiera di Milano – Rho.

Milano, 21 ottobre 2106 – Sua Santità il Dalai Lama ha iniziato la sua giornata pubblica con un’intervista ad un vecchio amico, Pio D‘Emilia per SkyTG 24. D‘Emilia ha aperto le domande chiedendo se la salute di Sua Santità fosse ancora buona. Read the rest of this entry »

S. S. il Dalai Lama a Milano incontra il Cardinale A. Scola e riceve la cittadinanza onoraria all’Università Statale.
Ott 22nd, 2016 by admin

Milano, Italia, 20 ottobre 2016 – il mattino si stava appena aprendo quando Sua Santità il Dalai Lama ha lasciato il suo hotel questa mattina a Praga. Amici, organizzatori della sua visita ed altri sostenitori si sono riuniti per salutarlo prima che partisse per l’aeroporto.


Sua Santità il Dalai Lama cordialmente accolto dal cardinale di Milano, Mons. Angelo Scola

Arrivato a Milano, è stato accolto dal sindaco Giuseppe Sala e Tromdho Rinpoche.

Attraversando nella nebbia la città, la prima tappa di Sua Santità è L’Arcivescovado, residenza del cardinale di Milano, Angelo Scola, che era sceso a riceverlo nel cortile. Leggendo un facondo discorso in inglese, il cardinale ha espresso la sua ammirazione per Sua Santità e il suo piacere di riceverlo a Milano. Sua Santità ha risposto: “Rispettati leader spirituali, miei fratelli spirituali, sono estremamente felice di essere qui con voi. Durante la mia prima visita in Europa nel 1973, durante il pontificato di Sua Santità Paolo VI, che penso come il Papa italiano, la mia prima tappa è stata in Italia. Ora, in questa visita in Italia, il mio primo impegno è quello di incontrarmi qui con voi. Read the rest of this entry »

S. S. Dalai Lama: Tutti hanno il diritto di ottenere una vita felice.
Ott 22nd, 2016 by admin

Dalai Lama ha affermato che tutti hanno il diritto di ottenere una vita felice.

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama agli studenti: "Il futuro è nelle vostre mani".

Dalai Lama a Milano, la protesta sorridente che la Cina teme

Il 20 ottobre sono andata al primo incontro del XIV Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso al teatro Arcimboldi. In un teatro gremito di studenti dell’università Bicocca la città di Milano gli ha conferito la cittadinanza onoraria. La visita e gli insegnamenti del capo spirituale del buddhismo tibetano è stata accompagnata dalle proteste ufficiali dell’Ambasciata della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, che in una nota diffusa dall’Ufficio Stampa ha dichiarato: “Il fatto che il Consiglio Comunale di Milano, le altre Istituzioni e persone siano presenti con connivenza alla visita del Dalai Lama a Milano e conferiscano a lui la Cittadinanza Onoraria, ha ferito gravemente i sentimenti del popolo cinese. Tutto ciò ha un impatto negativo sui rapporti bilaterali e sulle cooperazioni tra le regioni dei due Paesi. La Cina, con i suoi Rappresentanti Istituzionali, esprime forte rimostranza e ferma opposizione”.

Nel 1950 l’Esercito di liberazione popolare cinese ha invaso il territorio e, dopo una serie di rivolte e di repressioni, nel 1959 il Tibet è stato smembrato e le regioni centrali di U-Tsang sono andate a formare la Regione Autonoma Tibetana, creata ufficialmente nel 1965, mentre il Kham e l’Amdo sono diventate parte integrante delle province cinesi del Chingai, dello Sichuan, del Gansu e dello Yunnan. Il Tibet quindi è diventato ufficialmente parte della Cina. Questo è l’antefatto. Read the rest of this entry »

H. H. Dalai Lama Giving Key Teachings in Milan
Ott 22nd, 2016 by admin

His Holiness The Dalai Lama: “We human beings are physically, mentally and emotionally the same.

His Holiness The Dalai Lama: “We human beings are physically, mentally and emotionally the same.

Giving Key Teachings in Milan

Milan, Italy, 21 October 2106 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama began his public day by giving an interview to an old friend, Pio d’Emilia for SkyTG 24. D’Emilia opened his questions with an enquiry about whether His Holiness’s health is still good.

Yes,” he told him, “but I’m getting older and sometimes late in the day I feel tired. However, I regularly get 8-9 hours’ sleep a night, so I wake fresh every morning.”
About the repeated Chinese accusation that he is a splittist, His Holiness remarked, “Historically, Chinese documents show, there were three empires, Chinese, Mongolian and Tibetan. After 1951 as we tried to come to an arrangement, we signed the 17 Point Agreement, a precedent followed by no other Chinese province. In the 60s we raised the issue of Tibet at the UN to little effect. In the 70s we realized that ultimately we would have to enter talks with the Chinese government and in 1974 formally declared we were not seeking outright independence, but the implementation of rights for minorities guaranteed in the Chinese constitution.” Read the rest of this entry »

La sfida a Pechino del Dalai Lama
Ott 21st, 2016 by admin

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: "C'è bisogno di un tipo di educazione in grado di cambiare noi stessi”

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: "C'è bisogno di un tipo di educazione in grado di cambiare noi stessi”

La sfida a Pechino del Dalai Lama: “Minacce di routine, il Tibet è una spina” 20.10.16

L’intervista. “Le proteste contro di me pronunciate da funzionari costretti ad agire così”


“SONO diventati reclami di routine. Le minacce vengono da funzionari che, qualunque cosa sentano personalmente, sono costretti ad agire così”. Tenzin Gyatso, il XIV Dalai Lama – oggi a Milano per ricevere la cittadinanza onoraria– liquida le polemiche che hanno accompagnato il suo riconoscimento e le dure e sistematiche proteste di Pechino, che lo ritiene un separatista; sorvola però sulla posizione di Papa Francesco, il quale per due volte ha preferito non incontrarlo nei suoi più recenti viaggi italiani.
Il nuovo leader comunista del Tibet ha ribadito che “contrastare il Dalai Lama è la più alta priorità regionale di Pechino”. Lei aveva definito Xi Jinping “più aperto” e “realistico” dei predecessori. Qual è la situazione attuale?
“Il clima in Tibet rimane estremamente cupo e repressivo, caratterizzato da controlli costanti sui tibetani ai quali sono negati molti diritti umani fondamentali. Lo ammettano o no, il Tibet resta una spina per la Cina che intende svolgere un ruolo importante nel mondo”. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H.Dalai Lama is Given a Rousing Welcome to Prague
Ott 18th, 2016 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is Given a Rousing Welcome to Prague in Hradcanske Square

Prague, Czech Republic, 17 October 2016 – The weather was cold and foggy as His Holiness the Dalai Lama left Bratislava this morning. He was delayed briefly at the airport because of fog at Prague, but was then able to complete the flight. He was received on arrival at Prague Airport by old friends: Jakub Klepal, Karel Schwarzenberg and Sasa Neumann before driving into the city. Immediately on reaching his hotel he gave an interview to Czech TV 24.

Asked what he thought was late President Vaclav Havel’s best idea he replied, “His sense of truth, his honesty and transparency—that he stood firm in difficult circumstances.”

His Holiness the Dalai Lama being interviewed for Czech TV24 in Prague, Czech Republic on October 17, 2016.
Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL

He said he remembered him as a dear and respected friend. “When we talked he was very gentle. The last time I saw him I suggested that Forum 2000 should consider sending someone with a sound reputation, but not representative of any faction or interest, to places of potential conflict to attempt to avert violence.”
To a question about whether he thought Havel had departed in peace, His Holiness replied, “Certainly, he lived a good and compassionate life. From a Christian point of view he ought to be in heaven, but from another point of view he may have returned to continue to do good for humanity.”
It was pointed out that President Havel was distinguished by always putting human rights first, but governments today tend to put economic concerns ahead of human rights. His Holiness remarked that that was quite normal and what set Havel apart was that he firmly stood by truth.
Challenged to suggest a solution to the crises in the Middle East, His Holiness simply answered, “Dialogue”. He reiterated this in an interview with Czech radio and the Czech News Agency, stating that it should be our aim to make the 21st century a century of dialogue. One and a half decades may have past, but there is still a long time to go to realise this dream. He was clear it would require a greater commitment to the oneness of humanity, the sense that we are all equally human beings. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama welcomed in Bratislava
Ott 17th, 2016 by admin

Comenius University in the Morning—Addressing the Public in the Afternoon

Bratislava, Slovakia, 16 October 2016 – Before embarking on his public commitments this morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama received an official Slovakian Parliamentary delegation. Ms Lucia Nicholson, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly; Mr Frantisek Sebej, Chairman Foreign Affairs Committee; Mr Martin Poliacik, MP and member of the Tibet Group and Mr Pal Csaky, MEP and former Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia called on him in his hotel.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama meeting with an official Slovakian Parliamentary delegation at his hotel in Bratislava, Slovakia on
October 16, 2016. Photo/Somogyi

Lubomir Bajanik of Slovak TV opened his conversation with His Holiness by asking what enables him to smile and to seem so happy all the time. He replied,

Peace of mind. I always try to look at things from a wider perspective. Looked at from different angles, problems don’t look so severe. I’m committed to contributing to making a happier, more peaceful world, so it’s better to be optimistic.

Each of us has to make an effort to create a happier world. At this moment in Syria for example people are facing tremendous suffering. Because of the real dangers they face, many are becoming refugees. Many European countries, Germany in particular, have done well to provide them shelter. It’s appropriate to offer them refuge, to provide education to the children and training for the youth among them. However, just as important is to work to restore peace in the lands they are fleeing. Eventually they should be able to return to help rebuild where they come from. The majority of us Tibetans who are refugees still hope to be able to return and restore our own country one day.”
Bajanik asked if the crises in Iraq and Syria can really be solved through non-violent means and His Holiness answered that the use of violence only leads to more violence. The 20th century saw immense violence and the imposition of tight control in many places. In the end, the only way to solve problems is through talk and dialogue. In the long run he said he looks forward to a demilitarized world. And the first step, as one of his Nobel Peace Laureate colleagues declared is to stop the trade in arms. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai Lama: Inter-faith Prayers for Peace at Zurich
Ott 16th, 2016 by admin

Inter-faith Prayers for Peace

Pastor Christoph Sigrist Priest of Grossmuenster Church, addressing the gathering for inter-faith prayers for world peace in Zurich Switzerland on October 15, 2016.
Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

Zurich, Switzerland, 15 October 2016 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama was met on arrival at the Grossmünster Church this morning by Pastor Christoph Sigrist, who introduced him to representatives of the Evangelical Church, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam and the Roman Catholic Church. The Church was packed with about 1000 people as the religious representatives entered together. Once they were seated the building resounded to a Bach toccata played on the organ.Addressing the gathering Pastor Sigrist said it was an honour and a great joy to welcome ‘Our Brother’, His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the Grossmünster Church. “It means a great deal to have you here to pray and reflect with us,” he said. Each of the religious representatives was invited to make a prayer beginning with Tibetan Buddhist monks from Rikon Monastery. His Holiness joined them in their melodic chanting as their prayers for taking refuge and cultivating bodhichitta filled the church. They were followed by the Imam, the Rabbi and women representing Hinduism, the Protestant and Roman Catholic Churches, each praying in their own way for peace and justice among humanity. Finally, the Church rang with the pure voices of the choir singing Heinrich Schütz’s ‘Grant us peace graciously’.
Mario Fehr, an old friend of Tibetans, who is now President of the Canton of Zurich said, “On behalf of the Canton Government and the people of Zurich, I am very thankful that you are all here and that you have joined us to pray for peace today.”
Invited to address the congregation that included another 700 or so watching a monitor outside, His Holiness began:
“Spiritual brothers and sisters, I’m very touched by the atmosphere here with leaders and followers of different faiths gathered to pray together. It’s a great opportunity for us to get to know each other. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai Lama in Zurich Teaching ‘Precious Garland’, ‘Stages of Meditation’ and ‘37 Practices of a Bodhisattva’
Ott 15th, 2016 by admin

Teaching ‘Precious Garland’, ‘Stages of Meditation’ and ‘37 Practices of a Bodhisattva’

Zurich, Switzerland, 14 October 2016 – The slowly stirring streets of Zurich bore a wintry air as His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove to the Zurich Hallenstadion this morning, but when he arrived a long line of beaming Tibetan children, some with flowers in their hands, were there to greet him.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama being welcomed by children as he arrives at the Hallenstadion in Zurich, Switzerland on October 14, 2016. Photo/Manuel Bauer

Inside the hall he walked to the front of the stage peering into the audience of 9000 in search of familiar faces. He saluted the large appliqué thangkas depicting the Buddha, Nagarjuna and White Tara behind the throne and took his seat, prompting the start of a Long Life Offering on his behalf. At the end he said: Today, Tibetans living in Switzerland have organized this Long Life Offering with faith and devotion. I’d like to thank you all. Whether the Lama lives long is not dependent on the ritual so much as on the strength of the spiritual bond between the Lama and the disciples.
“We Tibetans have a culture rooted in the Nalanda tradition that emphasizes study, reflection and meditation. We’ve preserved it for more than 1000 years. In Tibet, Tibetans have kept their spirit alive. We in exile are their representatives.
“I thought I would teach the first chapter of Nagarjuna’s ‘Precious Garland’ which explains how to attain the high status of good rebirth. Then I’d like to read volume two of ‘Stages of Meditation’ composed by Shantarakshita’s disciple Kamalashila in Tibet. There were Chinese Hashang monks at the Samye Monastery, built at Shantarakshita’s behest, with its departments of Ethics, Tantra, Meditation and Translation. Among these Chinese monks were some who said there was no need to study the Dharma, asserting realization could be won simply through thoughtless meditation.
“Kamalashila, invited at Shantarakshita’s recommendation, defeated these monks in debate. The Tibetan Emperor, Trisong Detsen, requested Kamalashila to compose a text to guide Tibetans and he wrote the three volume ‘Stages of Meditation’, to which I attribute a special significance. Later, after Tibet had become politically fragmented, descendants of the royal line similarly requested Atisha to compose a text with Tibetans in mind and he wrote ‘Lamp for the Path’. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H.Dalai Lama: Why We Need Dialogue and Solidarity in the Global Crisis
Ott 14th, 2016 by admin

Why We Need Dialogue and Solidarity in the Global Crisis

Zurich, Switzerland, 13 October 2016 – Smoke wafted from the chimneys under an overcast sky as His Holiness the Dalai Lama began his first engagement of the day in Bern this morning, giving an interview to Amira Hafner-Al Jabaji for the Swiss National TV programme Sternstunde Philosophie. A Muslim woman with a commitment to dialogue between religions, she began by asking how to reach out to those not ready for dialogue. His Holiness told her:

His Holiness the Dalai Lama giving an interview to Amira Hafner-Al Jabaji for the Swiss National TV programme Sternstunde Philosophie in Bern, Switzerland on October 13, 2016. Photo/Manuel Bauer

We are human beings, we all have the ability to take a longer term, more holistic view. We have this marvellous intelligence. If we look at a problem close to it often seems very grave, but if we can see it from a wider perspective it may not look so serious.”
Acknowledging that the major religious traditions take different philosophical points of view, he said that nevertheless these different approaches have a common purpose of encouraging the common practice of love, tolerance and self-discipline. Asked why he thought Buddhism was so attractive to Europeans, His Holiness said that its use of reason gave it an appeal to those who are more scientific minded.
As to Buddhist-Muslim relations, His Holiness mentioned the close connections he has witnessed between the two communities in Ladakh in North India. He recently made a point of visiting a Buddhist temple, a Sunni Mosque and a Shia Mosque there on the same day to encourage this cordiality. Regarding the situation of the Rohingya Muslims in Burma he said he was in Washington DC when he first heard of the troubles they face. He appealed to the Buddhists, when distressed by anger, to remember the face of the Buddha, convinced that if he were there he would offer the Muslims protection. His Holiness confirmed that he has discussed the crisis with Aung San Suu Kyi and encouraged her to intervene.
Ms Hafner-Al Jabaji asked how His Holiness imagines the world in 50 years. Read the rest of this entry »

La tremenda condizione di vita dei bambini tibetani
Ott 13th, 2016 by admin

tibet-enfanIn Tibet vivono ormai circa sei milioni di tibetani ed otto milioni di cinesi. Quando parliamo di popolo tibetano parliamo dunque di una minoranza etnica. Ed è difficile capire cosa significa essere una minoranza nel proprio paese.

Il governo cinese nonostante dica di tutelare i diritti dei bambini tibetani, poi in concreto non lo fa, non gli permette infatti di ricevere una educazione, non gli concede la libertà di espressione, non gli garantisce nessun tipo di assistenza sanitaria.

Il Tibet è un paese che raggiunge i 6.000 metri di altitudine e in alcune zone rurali i bambini non ricevono un’alimentazione adeguata al loro fabbisogno giornaliero. L’accessibilità alla scuola è preclusa alla maggior parte degli studenti, data la distanza dai centri maggiori, l’elevato costo delle tasse scolastiche e la difficile viabilità.

Il tasso di analfabetizzazione sta aumentando, i bambini tibetani non studiano più la loro lingua nelle scuole, studiano il cinese e il tibetano è vietato parlarlo, la matrice culturale tradizionale della minoranza tibetana è in via di estinzione e forse nella prossima generazione, saranno sempre meno i bambini che potranno leggere e scrivere in tibetano. Molti bambini vivono in piccoli villaggi rurali dove non ci sono strutture scolastiche, altri percorrono lunghi tratti di strada a piedi per raggiungere i villaggi dove ci sono delle scuole , ma sempre meno sono quelli che hanno la possibilità di imparare a leggere e scrivere. Molti bambini nelle aree rurali e periferiche della Cina e del Tibet occupato sono analfabeti e saranno automaticamente esclusi dallo sviluppo economico e dal mercato del lavoro. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai Lama: Russian Intellectuals in Riga, House of Religions in Bern
Ott 13th, 2016 by admin

Russian Intellectuals in Riga, House of Religions in Bern

His Holiness the Dalai Lama during a meeting with Russian intellectuals in Riga, Latvia on October 12, 2016.
Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

Bern, Switzerland, 12 October 2016 – Before leaving Riga today, His Holiness the Dalai Lama held a short meeting with a group of Russian intellectuals at which he announced: “I prefer things to be completely informal so we can feel free.”
Asked about the decision he made to leave his country and go elsewhere, he replied: “Historically leaders of governments can be more open-minded and sometimes less so—but the important thing is that they don’t last forever. It’s our basic human nature to want to be free. In our case, people in Tibet have worked to preserve our culture and language, while some of us escaped and took advantage of the freedom we found outside to preserve our identity.
“All human beings are the same in wanting happiness and not wanting suffering. We are born the same way; we die the same way. Wherever I go and whoever I meet, I consider them to be equally human like me. In today’s world we need the trust of friends. I want to retain the freedom to meet people and speak with them. I want to encourage them all to work to cultivate peace of mind.”

A Neuroscientist wanted to know where His Holiness thinks thoughts come from. He told him that in terms of sensory perceptions and much of our mental consciousness we depend entirely on the brain. This remains true in sleep when our senses are shut down and we dream. However, he said, when we die and the mind dependent on the brain has stopped, some consciousness can still remain.

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H.H.Dalai Lama’s 2nd Day of the ‘Commentary on Dignaga’s ‘Compendium of Valid Cognition’’
Ott 12th, 2016 by admin

Second Day of the ‘Commentary on Dignaga’s ‘Compendium of Valid Cognition’’

Riga, Latvia, 11 October 2016 – The golden early light catching the treetops and steeples of Riga’s churches belied the chill in the air this morning as His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with about 75 Tibet Supporters from the Baltic States. Latvian Buddhists welcomed him first with a gift of a thangka painting of 1000 armed Avalokiteshvara. As he accepted it, His Holiness told them:

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to a group of Tibet supporters from the Baltic States in Riga, Latvia on October 11, 2016. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

Avalokiteshvara has a special connection with the Tibetan people. On one level I consider him to be my boss. Now and then I seek his advice.”

The Estonian group made a request for him to come to Estonia to teach while the Lithuanian Representative presented him a small gift.
“It’s a great honour to meet with friends for the three Baltic States again,” His Holiness told them, “you have a lot of experience of oppression as we do.
“Tibet is often called the Roof of the World and the environment and climate of the Tibetan Plateau have an influence on our neighbours. More than one billion people depend on rivers that rise in Tibet. Deforestation and now mining have caused damage. The altitude and the dry atmosphere mean that this will take longer to recover than in other places.
“The Tibetan language too is under pressure. In some schools its study is restricted. In others it’s not, but students of Tibetan earn lower marks than students of Chinese.
“Recently, the Chinese authorities decided to upgrade several towns to cities with the effect that even more Chinese come in. They tend to be uneducated and unskilled but they outnumber Tibetans and compete successfully against them for what employment there is. In towns the principal language is now Chinese and in Lhasa Tibetans have even switched to eating rice instead of the tsampa they used to eat.”

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H.H.Dalai Lama Begins to Teach the ‘Commentary on Dignaga’s ‘Compendium of Valid Cognition’
Ott 11th, 2016 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Begins to Teach the ‘Commentary on Dignaga’s ‘Compendium of Valid Cognition’

Riga, Latvia, 10 October 2016 – Yesterday, His Holiness the Dalai Lama flew from India to Latvia via Helsinki. This morning, with a chill wind blowing through the streets and parks of the capital Riga, he drove to the Skonto Hall where an audience of 4500 awaited him. Of 3000 or so who had come from Russia, roughly 500 were from Kalmykia, 3-400 from Buryatia and 100 from Tuva. As His Holiness stepped onto the stage, many surged forward to catch a closer glimpse as he greeted them. He took his seat before a huge reproduction of a painting of the 17 Masters of Nalanda and suggested that the ‘Heart Sutra’ be chanted first in Sanskrit and then in Latvian. His Holiness’s teachings, organized by Save Tibet Foundation (Moscow) and Saglabasim Tibetu (Riga), are being translated and webcast in English, Latvian, Estonian, Russian and Mongolian, as well as Tibetan.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeting the audience of 4500 on his arrival on stage at the start of his teaching at Skonto Hall in Riga, Latvia on October 10, 2016. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

Here we are once again in Latvia,” His Holiness began, “and I’d like to thank the organizers for creating this opportunity for me to give some explanation of Buddhist teachings. Not so long ago when I was here to give an introduction to Buddhism, a Russian told me how difficult it is for many of his compatriots to travel to India because of economic constraints. He told me it would be much easier for them to come to Latvia. I said I would look into it and was pleased to find my friends here supported the idea—so here we are and a huge number of people have come.

We human beings are all the same; there are essentially no differences between us. We are all born the same way and we all die the same way. We need to recognise this oneness of humanity—we all want to avoid suffering and find happiness. If we focus instead on differences between us, we soon see each other in terms of ‘us’ and ‘them’ and deeper divisions occur. If, on the other hand, the whole of humanity were at peace, we’d all be happy.”
His Holiness recalled that when he first came to Europe in 1973 he was struck by the realization that even where there was great material development, people were still unhappy. At the same time he recognised and admired the spirit of the EU in placing the good of the wider community above the interests of single nations. The result was that even if they couldn’t help each other, they would do each other no harm. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai Lama Congratulates President of Colombia J. M. Santos on Being Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Ott 9th, 2016 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Congratulates President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos on Being Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India, 7 October 2016 – Soon after the announcement that the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize had been awarded to Juan Manuel Santos, the President of Colombia, His Holiness the Dalai Lama wrote to congratulate him. Praising President Santos’s unwavering efforts to bring an end to 52 years of civil war in his country His Holiness wrote: “This award is a tribute to your tireless efforts to promote peace in Colombia, regardless of how difficult the prospects may have seemed when you began. I am deeply encouraged by the steadfast determination with which you have continued to work for reconciliation and peace despite the setbacks that have arisen on the way. Clearly what is important is to continue to strive for the goal until we succeed.
“I remain confident that before long the spirit of dialogue, mutual understanding and respect you have fostered will bear fruit and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for Colombia.”

Oltre 2000 monache costrette ad abbandonare il Monastero di Larung Gar
Ott 7th, 2016 by admin

larung-gar5Oltre 2000 monache costrette ad abbandonare il Centro Studi di Larung Gar

6 ottobre 2016. Le autorità cinesi della Contea di Serthar hanno forzatamente costretto oltre duemila monache ad abbandonare il Centro di Studi Buddisti di Larung Gar di cui è in corso la sistematica distruzione per volontà delle autorità cinesi.

Un video postato sui social media il 30 settembre mostra le immagini delle monache che, costrette ad abbandonare Larung Gar, salgono sugli autobus predisposti dalle autorità governative. Alcune, in attesa di partire, piangono e pregano. Alcune fonti riferiscono che queste monache sono originarie di Lhasa o dei suoi dintorni e che “ad eccezione di cento religiosi ai quali è concesso di proseguire gli studi presso il Centro, tutti i monaci e le monache di Lhasa sono già stati espulsi”. Sembra che ora sia la volta dei religiosi provenienti dalle province del Qinghai, del Gansu e dello Yunnan. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H.Dalai Lama Teaching of Aryadeva’s 400 Verses – Final Day
Ott 7th, 2016 by admin

Teaching of Aryadeva’s 400 Verses on the Middle Way – Final Day

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India, 6 October 2016 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama began the final day of his current series of teachings this morning by observing that Bodhisattvas are referred to as children of the Conquerors. He said the Buddha had attained enlightenment as a result of developing the awakening mind of bodhichitta, the altruistic aspiration to enlightenment, many times in the course of his previous lives. When the Buddha gave the Perfection of Wisdom teachings, the main disciples were Bodhisattvas who cherish others more dearly than themselves. His Holiness was briefly silent as he reflected on these qualities.
“Although we cannot compare to true Bodhisattvas, we follow their example and engage in the Bodhisattva practices. As the ‘400 Verses’ say:
190. First prevent the demeritorious,
Next prevent [ideas of a coarse] self;
Later prevent views of all kinds.
Whoever knows of this is wise.

“The demeritorious here refers to unwholesome deeds, deeds that give rise to suffering. To behave in a non-virtuous way but to say we are following the practices of Bodhisattvas would be hypocritical. So the first step is to refrain from unwholesome actions, the next is to put an end to the misconception of self and third is to prevent all kinds of wrong views.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking on the final day of his teachings in Dharamsala, HP, India on October 6, 2016. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

All the major religious traditions teach their followers likewise to avoid non-virtue. They advocate love and compassion. It’s evident that bad behaviour creates hostility, whereas beneficial conduct attracts friends.”

His Holiness explained that in Buddhist teaching the root of all suffering is the misconception of an independent, autonomous self and there are ways to overcome it. The ‘400 Verses’ also recommends overcoming pride and self-importance, suggesting it is better to regard other sentient beings as your equals. We make the mistake of seeing the self as separate from the psycho-physical aggregates, seeing it as their ruler or controller. Therefore, we need to learn how to overcome this misconception of self. The Buddhist Sanskrit tradition goes to great lengths to explain how to overcome this mistaken sense of self, how to counter the disturbing emotions that arise from it and how to eliminate their very imprints that are obstructions to knowledge.

His Holiness observed that things are empty of any intrinsic existence and the mind can realise that and thereby reduce the intensity of our disturbing emotions. However, our present ordinary mind tends to be preoccupied with sensory perceptions. Some people are capable of accessing a subtler mind by employing lucid dreaming; being aware that you are dreaming when you are dreaming. His Holiness said that if we can meditate on bodhichitta and emptiness in that state of mind it can be very powerful.
He went on to say that this kind of use of the subtler mind is not taught in the sutra vehicle, it is an instruction from tantrayana. He said a yet subtler state of mind manifests, as he mentioned the day before yesterday, at the time of death. In addition to coarse, subtle and subtlest states of mind there are different levels of energy that support them. Noting that we all have a subtle clear light mind within us, His Holiness stated that the subtlest mind and subtlest energy provide the causes for the Buddha’s mind and body. He repeated that while emptiness is explained in the sutras, the subtlest mind that realises it is explained in the tantras. His final remarks were that it is helpful to keep in mind the route of the path we are taking when we engage in practice. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Teaching of Aryadeva’s 400 Verses on the Middle Way – Third Day
Ott 6th, 2016 by admin

Teaching of Aryadeva’s 400 Verses on the Middle Way – Third Day

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India, 5 October 2016 – Once again this morning, on arriving in the Tsuglagkhang, His Holiness the Dalai Lama saluted the audience, both those within the temple and those seated outside. Having mounted the throne he paid his respects to the Buddha before taking his seat. The ‘Heart Sutra’ was recited briskly in Mandarin as bread and tea were served to the crowd. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Teaching of Aryadeva’s 400 Verses on the Middle Way – Second Day
Ott 5th, 2016 by admin

Teaching of Aryadeva’s 400 Verses on the Middle Way – Second Day

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India, 4 October 2016 – This morning, escorted by representatives of the patrons of these teachings His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived in the Tsuglagkhang at 8.30 am. He acknowledged the members of the audience, shaking hands with some, smiling and waving at others, and took his seat on the throne.
“The magnificent teacher Nagarjuna said the Buddhas teach on the basis of the Two Truths, conventional and ultimate truth,” he began. “Conventional truth is based on appearances and includes the practice of love, compassion and bodhichitta. Ultimate truth relates to reality and emptiness of intrinsic existence.” Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Teaching of Aryadeva’s 400 Verses on the Middle Way Begins
Ott 4th, 2016 by admin

Teaching of Aryadeva’s 400 Verses on the Middle Way Begins

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India, 3 October 2016 – A buzz of excitement on the western side of the Tsuglagkhang this morning alerted the 5500 people waiting in and around the temple to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s imminent arrival. Photographers, devotees and well-wishers around the eastern door prepared to greet him.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking on the first day of his teachings at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala, HP, India on October 3, 2106. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

Having taken his seat on the throne, His Holiness remarked that the main disciples for the teaching he was about to give were a group of 1000 from Taiwan, most of them students of the late Tenzin Jamchen. Some of them recently received monastic ordination from His Holiness. Besides this group there were nearly 1650 from 64 different countries, as well as Tibetans and Indians.

He mentioned that although Tibetans principally follow the Buddhist Sanskrit tradition, both Pali and Sanskrit traditions have the monastic discipline of the Vinaya in common. He added:

Buddhism reached China before it was brought to Tibet, which makes the Chinese the senior students, while Tibetans and Mongolians are junior students. However, I think I can say that the junior students’ level of knowledge is not bad and we are all followers of the same Nalanda tradition. You students from Taiwan have been coming here to listen to teachings for many years and I’m happy to see you again.” Read the rest of this entry »

La pressione della diplomazia cinese sul Dalai Lama
Ott 3rd, 2016 by admin

La pressione della diplomazia cinese sta gradualmente allontanando il Dalai Lama dalla scena politica

The Guardian, 2 ottobre 2016

Recentemente, cedendo alle pressioni cinesi, molti leader politici e religiosi hanno escluso il  Dalai Lama da riunioni e incontri. In un editoriale pubblicato il 2 ottobre, il quotidiano The Guardian afferma la necessità di opporsi alle pressioni della Cina e chiede ai governanti di tutto il mondo di portare rispetto al Dalai Lama, leader spirituale e uomo di pace. Read the rest of this entry »

Tutti hanno abbandonato il Tibet ai persecutori
Ott 2nd, 2016 by admin

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama

Tutti hanno abbandonato il Tibet ai persecutori comunisti, ora pretendono pure di decidere sulle “Reincarnazioni”.

I regimi comunisti sono sempre stati il trionfo dell’assurdo, dell’ottusità burocratica, il palcoscenico della demenzialità del potere, ma la Cina aggiunge adesso un altro tassello (tragi)comico.

Al capitolo V (articoli 36-39) dei nuovi regolamenti sulle attività religiose del regime comunista di Pechino, si dispone infatti che è vietato reincarnarsi senza il permesso del Partito.

E’ solo il regime che fa professione di materialismo ateo a poter certificare che si tratta di reincarnazione autentica.

Quindi i “Buddha viventi” del buddismo tibetano – per reincarnarsi – devono fare domanda, la quale “deve essere presentata per l’approvazione al dipartimento per gli affari religiosi del governo del popolo”.

E’ solo una – la più ridicola – delle tante misure repressive che il regime ha deciso per soffocare la religione tibetana.Anche se questa norma surreale era già prevista nei precedenti regolamenti e ha iniziato a essere operativa dal 1° settembre 2007.

Infatti – come spiega padre Bernardo Cervellera (direttore di Asianews) – “già da anni il Partito-governo ha stabilito questa regola che cerca di prevenire la possibilità di una reincarnazione ‘non controllata’ o ‘non approvata’ del Dalai Lama”.

Sarebbe esilarante assistere all’iter burocratico di una di queste pratiche per la reincarnazione. Purtroppo però la cornice di questa vicenda è terribile: è la repressione sanguinosa del popolo tibetano (con la distruzione del buddismo) perpetrata dal regime maoista dopo l’invasione e l’occupazione di quel Paese nel 1950. Che segnò la fine dell’indipendenza del Tibet, di cui il Dalai Lama era al tempo stesso l’autorità religiosa e politica. Read the rest of this entry »

Il Partito comunista cinese “ha una priorità: fermare il Dalai Lama”
Ott 2nd, 2016 by admin

Tibet, il Partito comunista cinese “ha una priorità: fermare il Dalai Lama”

Lo scrive il nuovo segretario Wu Yingjie sul Tibet Daily: “La prima cosa da fare è rafforzare il nostro impegno contro la cricca del Dalai Lama. In questo modo porteremo avanti la nostra missione a lungo termine, ovvero rafforzare l’unità etnica”. Lo scopo finale rimane quello di influire sul riconoscimento del prossimo leader del buddismo tibetano. Torna in auge il finto Panchen Lama nominato da Pechino. Read the rest of this entry »

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