Le terrificanti torture subite dalla donne tibetane
Feb 26th, 2016 by admin

Le terrificanti torture subite dalla donne tibetane

Ngawang-Sangdrol-640x438 Ci sono orrori e soprusi che vengono compiuti quotidianamente, nella cecità dei mass media. E quando certe violenze vengono compiute dal governo di un paese sistematicamente osannato dagli occidentali solo allo scopo di ottenere la sottoscrizione di importanti rapporti commerciali, il silenzio mediatico diventa un dovere.

Un’oppressione così dura da soffocare anche il sogno di libertà e gli sforzi del popolo tibetano.

Per questo che molti attivisti tibetani, monaci buddisti, persone semplici gridano la loro protesta al mondo con gesti di impressionante disperazione, come ad esempio darsi fuoco.

Poche donne sono consapevoli quanto sono fortunate ad essere donne in Italia.

In molte parti del mondo le donne vivono in vere e proprie condizioni di terrore, viene negato loro il diritto non solo di essere donne, ma di vivere!

In Tibet moltissime vittime innocenti della politica del culto malvagio del PCC che ha basato sul terrore, sulla violenza, sugli abusi e le torture il suo controllo totale nel Paese, sono le donne Tibetane. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Update on the Atlas of Emotions
Feb 25th, 2016 by admin

Rochester, Minnesota, USA, 22 February 2016 – Dr Eve Ekman visited His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Rochester today to report on progress that has been made on the Atlas of Emotions project begun by her father Paul Ekman. She explained that although the main way for the public to access the Atlas will be online, she had brought a printed copy for His Holiness’s convenience. She told him that the aim of the project continues to be helping people and advancing science.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Dr Eve Ekman discussing the Atlas of Emotions in Rochester, Minnesota, USA on February 22, 2016. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL

Leafing through the Atlas Dr Ekman and His Holiness discussed different emotions such as fear, which she said is the emotion most associated with stress, sadness and anger. His Holiness remarked:

Anger is something negative, but it can bring a source of energy to bear on a particular situation. That energy can be transformed into something positive, but I don’t know if anger itself can ever be positive.”

Dr Ekman replied that we can ask whether, when anger arises, there are any constructive choices to be made.

In the context of emotions, His Holiness also mentioned the difference between sensory and cognitive experience.

Dr Ekman asked His Holiness, “What’s the next step? How can we help people?” He told her that just as cold is dispelled by heat, its opposite, anger and loving-kindness counter one another. “What people need to do is to learn how to counter their various emotions. Distraction is just a temporary measure. The longer standing remedy is, for example, to be able to see positive qualities in something or someone you otherwise see as negative. Since there is rarely any justification for destructive emotions, people need to become more aware of the causes of their emotions and how to apply antidotes to them.”

His Holiness suggested that the work that has been done so far on the ‘Atlas of Emotions’ be considered as a draft of a work in progress. He recommended that it be made available to interested and concerned persons whose comments and input could be sought, collated and taken into account. Dr Ekman agreed that this could be done through the internet, where it is soon to be launched.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Teaches the Tibetan Community in Minneapolis
Feb 23rd, 2016 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Teaches the Tibetan Community in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 21 February 2016 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama left the religious institution where he’s been staying in Rochester early this morning for a nearly ninety mile drive to Minneapolis. The local Tibetan community there had invited him to teach. The journey took him through a frozen landscape of rolling fields still bearing remnants of the winter snow.

Members of the Tibetan community offering His Holiness the Dalai Lama a traditional welcome on his arrival at the Convention Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA on February 21, 2016. Photo/Tenzin Phuntsok

Arriving at the Minneapolis Convention Center he was welcomed by representatives of the Tibetan community as he stepped out of his car and was offered the traditional ‘Chema Changpu’ once inside the building. Tibetan children danced and sang a delightful song of praise to him as he took the stage. His face radiant and brimming with health, he waved to the audience before greeting the assembled lamas and monks. Mayor of Minneapolis, Betsy Hodges and State Representative Carolyn Laine welcomed him to their city.

President of the Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota, Dr Tsewang Ngodup spoke briefly, rejoicing in His Holiness’s good health and thanking him for accepting the Foundation’s invitation. He noted the additional auspiciousness of its being Losar, the day before the Day of Miracles and the beginning of a Monkey Year with its propitious links to Guru Padmasambhava. He affirmed Minnesotan Tibetans’ aim to be active members of the Tibetan diaspora, to contribute to their local communities and conduct themselves as global citizens. He expressed a wish that His Holiness’s medical treatment be a complete success.

Seated before thangkas of Chenrezig, the Medicine Buddha and Guru Rinpoche, His Holiness began his talk:

“I always start by greeting my brothers and sisters. That’s how I think of you and how I think of all 7 billion human beings, so I’m never lonely. Many Tibetans came here as refugees, although many of them have passed on. Now there is a new generation who were born and brought up here. I’ve met you now and then over the last ten years that I’ve been receiving care at the Mayo Clinic. Two years ago we celebrated Losar together and I’m happy to see you all again. Read the rest of this entry »

Milano: Cittadinanza onoraria al Dalai Lama
Feb 21st, 2016 by admin

Cittadinanza onoraria al Dalai Lama, sì del Comune con 4 anni di ritardo

Exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, gestures as he speaks to his followers during the Jangchup Lamrim teaching session at the Gaden Jangtse Thoesam Norling Monastery in Mundgod Appena ieri avevamo dato notizia che “Milano ha rinviato il conferimento della cittadinanza onoraria al Dalai Lama” (da Milano Today, 16/02/2016) ed ecco che il quotidiano “Il Giorno” di  questa mattina ha dato notizia che il Dalai Lama ha finalmente ottenuto dal Consiglio comunale la cittadinanza onoraria milanese.

Milano, 19 febbraio 2016 – Quasi quattro anni dopo il «gran rifiuto» della maggioranza di centrosinistra, il Dalai Lama ha ottenuto dal Consiglio comunale la cittadinanza onoraria milanese. La delibera di iniziativa consiliare è stata approvata ieri pomeriggio praticamente all’unanimità: 34 i «sì», nessun contrario e due gli astenuti (il presidente del Consiglio comunale Basilio Rizzo e la consigliera di Sinistra per Pisapia Anita Sonego). Nel giugno del 2012 la cittadinanza onoraria a Tenzin Gyatso, il XIV Dalai Lama, era stata stoppata per motivi di politica estera. La Cina, che non riconosce né il Tibet né la sua massima autorità spirituale, minacciava di non partecipare all’Expo 2015 nel caso in cui Milano avesse dato la cittadinanza onoraria al Dalai Lama. Una minaccia che il ministero degli Esteri riteneva più che concreta. Risultato: cittadinanza onoraria stoppata. In ogni caso il sindaco Giuliano Pisapia e il Consiglio comunale accolse nell’assemblea di Palazzo Marino il Dalai Lama e gli conferì il Sigillo di Milano. Un modo, almeno parziale, per dribblare la minaccia cinese di non partecipare all’Expo. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Discusses Secular Ethics with Mayors
Feb 13th, 2016 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Discusses Secular Ethics with Mayors

Rochester, Minnesota, USA, 11 February 2016 – On a cold sunny morning in Rochester, His Holiness met with Mayor Tom Tait of Anaheim, CA, Mayor Greg Fischer of Louisville, KY and Mayor Ardell Brede of Rochester, MN, along with several like-minded individuals who were working to build kind and compassionate cities. Anaheim had adopted the name ‘City of Kindness’ and Louisville had adopted the name ‘City of Compassion’.
In welcoming the group, His Holiness said, “We are witnessing lots of suffering in today’s world, including the recent refugee problem. We must question what is wrong in today’s world. I feel we are lacking a sense of respect for other’s life, a sense of concern for other’s well being, which is kindness. We only think of me, me, me! That is the seed of today’s problem”.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with Mayors and other individuals concerned with building compassionate cities after their meeting in Rochester, Minnesota on February 11, 2016.
Photo/Tenzin Taklha/OHHDL

His Holiness admired the Mayors’ efforts in naming their cities as cities of kindness and compassion. He felt the time had come to begin a systematic effort to develop more kind-hearted people. This method should be able to encompass all seven billion human beings irrespective of whether they were believers or non-believers.

All children receive immense affection and love from their mothers. This is a biological factor, not based on religion. We should be able to find a way to promote these values on this level, not based on religious faith. This is what I call secular ethics. Secular in the Indian context of respecting not only religious believers but also those who do not believe in religion.”

His Holiness stressed the importance of finding a teaching curriculum for secular ethics that would be able to fit in the secular education field. He informed the group that a draft curriculum on secular ethics has been developed with the help of Emory University. This secular education curriculum was based on scientific education in combination with our common sense and experiences. Further meetings and discussions in India and the U.S. were planned later in the year to finalize the draft curriculum.
In stressing his commitment to this endeavor, His Holiness said, “I remain committed till my death in the promotion of the oneness of seven billion human beings. Whenever I look at another human being I always see them as a fellow human being that automatically brings a strong feeling of closeness. If one considers secondary levels then you are enveloped by a feeling of loneliness.” Read the rest of this entry »

Losar 2016: gli auguri del Dalai Lama a tutti i tibetani
Feb 9th, 2016 by admin

losar-dalai-lamaLosar 2016: in un rassicurante videomessaggio gli auguri del Dalai Lama a tutti i tibetani

8 febbraio 2016. In un videomessaggio registrato il 6 febbraio e postato nel suo sito web ufficiale, il Dalai Lama, ricoverato dal 20 gennaio presso la Mayo Clinic di Rochester per una terapia alla prostata, ha augurato a tutti i tibetani un “happy Losar”, un felice nuovo anno tibetano.

Colgo questa occasione per augurare un felice anno nuovo a tutta la mia gente, monaci e laici, giovani e anziani, a coloro che vivono in Tibet e nell’esilio” – dice il leader tibetano. Voglio anche dirvi che sto bene. Ogni giorno mi sottopongo a una terapia di pochi minuti che però richiede del tempo per essere ultimata. E’ come se stessi prendendo un periodo di riposo, recito le mie preghiere ogni mattina e ogni sera e, quando ho tempo, leggo le scritture. Niente di complicato o di serio, non c’è nulla di cui preoccuparsi”.

Il Dalai Lama ringrazia quanti, dentro e fuori il Tibet e i sostenitori in tutto il mondo, pregano per la sua salute. Chiede inoltre ai connazionali di approfondire il significato della celebrazione del Capodanno tibetano riflettendo sul significato dell’espressione “Tashi Delek”, da intendersi come un impegno a servire ed essere di beneficio agli altri, impegno fonte di felicità e di acquisizione di meriti e questa vita e in quella futura. “Dovete cercare di vivere in modo conforme all’autentico significato delle parole “Tashi Delek”. Read the rest of this entry »

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