Golden Jubilee Celebrations at CST, Dalhousie
Apr 30th, 2013 by admin

Image of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's two day visit to Dalhousie, HP, India on April 27-28, 2013.

Image of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's two day visit to Dalhousie, HP, India on April 27-28, 2013.

Golden Jubilee Celebrations at CST, Dalhousie and a Talk on ‘Educating the Heart’

Dalhousie, Himachal Pradesh, India, 28 April 2013 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama was escorted from his car to the stage at the Central School for Tibetans, Dalhousie, this morning, sheltered from the sun by a ceremonial umbrella. With folded hands he greeted all who had come to attend the school’s 50th anniversary celebrations and took his seat. The first part of the ceremonies involved a march-past by present and past students of the school; the present students divided among their four houses and the past students grouped according to the decade in which they attended the school. They marched to the beat of a pipe and drum band. At the conclusion everyone stood to sing the national anthems of India and Tibet. The assembly was addressed first by the local SDM, Dr SK Dhiman and then by the school Principal Mr VK Singh, who referred to the students, teachers and staff as a family. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai Lama Teach in Dalhousie
Apr 29th, 2013 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is welcomed on his arrival in Dalahousie where he will take part two days of celebrations marking the 50th Anniversary of Central School for Tibetans (CST), Dalahousie, HP, India, on April 27, 2013.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is welcomed on his arrival in Dalahousie where he will take part two days of celebrations marking the 50th Anniversary of Central School for Tibetans (CST), Dalahousie, HP, India, on April 27, 2013.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Teach the Thirty-seven Practices of a Bodhisattva in Dalhousie

Dalhousie, Himachal Pradesh, India, 27 April 2013 – After an early start from Dharamsala, His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s party made exceptionally good time on the drive to Dalhousie. The overcast sky en route was more than made up for by the brilliant purple blossoms of the burgeoning Jacaranda trees along the way. On arrival at the Circuit House in Dalhousie, the former British Hill Station first established in 1854, His Holiness was welcomed by representatives of the local Tibetan and Indian communities.His Holiness has been invited to Dalhousie to take part in celebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of the Central School for Tibetans (CST) Read the rest of this entry »

Il Dalai Lama
Apr 28th, 2013 by admin

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama

di Claudio Cardelli

Il Dalai Lama è il capo spirituale del Tibet.

Tenzing Gyatso, l’attuale Dalai Lama, XIV incarnazione terrena di Avalokiteshvara, bodhisattva della compassione e “patrono” del Tibet. Il mondo intero ha imparato ad amarlo per le sue doti di gentile e saggia attitudine alla non violenza, alla sopportazione e alla diplomazia. I tibetani lo chiamano familiarmente Kundun (la presenza). Fuggito dal Tibet nel 1959, vive nel Nord dell’India nel piccolo villaggio montano di Mc Leod Ganj, a nord di Dharamsala. Premio Nobel per la pace nel 1989, il Dalai Lama conduce da quarant’anni la sua pacifica lotta per restituire al popolo tibetano la patria, la dignità di nazione e il diritto di poter vivere secondo le proprie tradizioni e aspirazioni.

Come nasce la figura del Dalai Lama?

Nel 1200 l’impero mongolo era al suo apogeo e sembrava volesse invadere il Tibet.

Gli abati di Sakya, imponente monastero tibetano e importante centro di potere, essendo astuti uomini di governo oltre che dotti prelati furono incaricati di trattare con i potenti Khan.

Kunga Gyaltsen Sakya Pandita, il quarto patriarca Sakya, con grande abilità cedette una parte del suo territorio come protettorato e si fece nominare rappresentante del Khan mongolo, una specie di “vicerè teocratico delle steppe”(Fosco Maraini, Segreto Tibet, Ed. Corbaccio 2006). Quando i mongoli conquistarono la Cina, la posizione degli abati di Sakya divenne ancora più importante. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai Lama Teach the Thirty-seven Practices of a Bodhisattva in Dalhousie
Apr 28th, 2013 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Teach the Thirty-seven Practices of a Bodhisattva in Dalhousie

Dalhousie, Himachal Pradesh, India, 27 April 2013 – After an early start from Dharamsala, His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s party made exceptionally good time on the drive to Dalhousie. The overcast sky en route was more than made up for by the brilliant purple blossoms of the burgeoning Jacaranda trees along the way. On arrival at the Circuit House in Dalhousie, the former British Hill Station first established in 1854, His Holiness was welcomed by representatives of the local Tibetan and Indian communities. Read the rest of this entry »

Il Tibet come nazione sovrana
Apr 26th, 2013 by admin

Il Tibet occupa una posizione centrale nella mappa dell'Asia

Il Tibet occupa una posizione centrale nella mappa dell'Asia

Il Tibet come nazione sovrana: una realtà storica

di Chodup Tsering Lama

Il regime comunista cinese, gli storici filocinesi e altri schierati per interessi economici contestano la sovranità del Tibet prima dell’invasione da parte della Cina di Mao nel 1949.

I rapporti con la Cina dal settimo secolo in avanti sono stati effettivamente movimentati, ora bellicosi ora pacifici con e senza la demarcazione di una linea di confine certa come spesso accadde nella storia passata.

Non esiste una versione della storia attendibile che possa giustificare la spietata invasione del Tibet come tende invece a credere l’opinione corrente, poco informata sulla verità storica e culturale del Tibet, talvolta insabbiata e cancellata se non alterata e contraffatta senza pudore ed esitazione alcuna da parte del regime cinese. Read the rest of this entry »

Dalai Lama to Myanmar Monks: End Violence
Apr 26th, 2013 by admin

Dalai Lama: "We're in the 21st century. All problems must be solved through dialogue, through talk. The use of violence is outdated, and never solves problems."

Dalai Lama: "We're in the 21st century. All problems must be solved through dialogue, through talk. The use of violence is outdated, and never solves problems."

Dharamsala, HP, India, 22 April 2013 (By Muhammad Lila, ABC News) – Amid a damning new report showing official Myanmar complicity in ethnically cleansing entire Muslim towns and villages, the world’s foremost Buddhist leader has a message to the Buddhist monks accused of spearheading the violence.

Please stop.

The recent remarks, made by the Dalai Lama during an exclusive interview with ABC News from his home-in-exile in Dharamsala, India, represent his most public condemnation of the Buddhist-led violence that has left hundreds dead and an estimated hundreds of thousands homeless.

“It’s very sad,” the Dalai Lama said.

“All the major religions teach us the practice of love, compassion and forgiveness. So a genuine practitioner among these different religious traditions would not indulge in such violence and bullying of other people.” Read the rest of this entry »

Panchen Lama turns 24, clamour grows for his release
Apr 25th, 2013 by admin

The 11th Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima

The 11th Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima

Panchen Lama turns 24, clamour grows for his release

DHARAMSHALA: Tibetans in exile have strengthened their calls for the release the 11th Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, whose whereabouts remain unknown after the Chinese government installed its own choice in 1995.

The 11th Panchen Lama today turned 24. The human rights organisations have described the missing Panchen Lama as the world’s youngest political prisoner.

Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay said the disappearance of the Panchen Lama for 18 long years reflects the level of repression in Tibet. “It shows there is no political and religious freedom, and freedom of expression as enshrined in the Chinese constitution,” he said.

He said the Chinese government violates its own constitution by restricting the Tibetan people’s religious freedom and cracking down on them.

He said the Tibetan people both inside and outside Tibet should pray for his good health and release.

Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, the six-year-old boy identified by His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the 11th Panchen Lama, disappeared on 17 May 1995. The Chinese government later admitted to holding the boy and his family in “protective custody”.

Despite repeated appeals to gain access to the boy, no international agency or human rights organisation has been granted contact with the young Panchen Lama or his family. To date, their well-being and whereabouts remain unconfirmed. Read the rest of this entry »

Ancora autoimmolazioni in Tibet: sono 119!
Apr 25th, 2013 by admin

tibetan__monks_selfimmolatedDue monaci tibetani e una donna si danno fuoco: 119 autoimmolazioni.
I due giovani monaci appartenevano al monastero di Ngaba (Sichuan). Poche notizie sulla donna 23enne. Pechino accresce i controlli sui monasteri, taglia le comunicazioni con l’esterno e imprigiona i promotori delle proteste disperate.

Dharamsala (AsiaNews/Agenzie) – Tre tibetani, due monaci e una donna, si sono dati fuoco ieri nella provincia del Sichuan, portando a 119 le persone che si sono autoimmolate per la libertà del Tibet e contro l’occupazione cinese. Questo tipo di protesta è in atto dal 2009.

I due monaci sono Lobsang Dawa, 20 anni (a sin. nella foto), e Konchog Woeser, 23 anni, entrambi del monastero di Kirti, Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Cambridge
Apr 22nd, 2013 by admin

His Holiness with Cambridge students

His Holiness with Cambridge students

Speaking about ‘Non-Violence’ and the ‘Path to Peace and Happiness’ in Cambridge

Cambridge, England, 20 April 2013, His Holiness the Dalai Lama remarked what a nice sunny day it was to well-wishers on the way as he walked from St John’s to the Cambridge Union this morning to speak to the Global Scholars Symposium about Non-violence and Conflict Resolution. The twelve student organizers met him briefly first before Cameron Taylor introduced him to the audience and he began his talk. “Brothers and sisters, I am extremely happy to have this opportunity to meet with bright, young people like you. You belong to a new generation who have a chance to create a better world in this twenty-first century. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: ‘Educating the Heart’ in Cambridge
Apr 20th, 2013 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to members of the University of Cambridge at St John's College in Cambridge, England, on April 19, 2013. Photo/John Thompson/Cambridge

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to members of the University of Cambridge at St John's College in Cambridge, England, on April 19, 2013. Photo/John Thompson/Cambridge

Meetings and Talk on ‘Educating the Heart’ in Cambridge, England

Cambridge, England, 19 April 2013 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a guest of the Global Scholars Symposium which allows current world leaders to interact with young academics who are striving to meet the great challenges of global society. He is staying in the Master’s Lodge of St John’s College, Cambridge and this morning walked through the College to the Divinity school to his first engagements of the day.

To start with he gave an interview to Cathy Newman of Channel 4 News, who mixed questions about general news stories such as gun control in the USA with questions related to Tibet. She asked His Holiness to explain his praise for the courage of those who have committed self-immolation in Tibet. He replied that right from the start he had described his sadness over these events, but also expressed his doubts about their effectiveness. Read the rest of this entry »

Working for Peace, Educating the Heart and Cultivating Compassion in Derry
Apr 19th, 2013 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama's visit to Derry, Northern Ireland, to participate in Children in Crossfire's Culture of Compassion events on April 18, 2013.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama's visit to Derry, Northern Ireland, to participate in Children in Crossfire's Culture of Compassion events on April 18, 2013.

Working for Peace, Educating the Heart and Cultivating Compassion in Derry

Derry, Northern Ireland, 18 April 2013 – Today, His Holiness the Dalai Lama made his second visit to Derry, the Irish city whose motto is ‘Life, Truth and Victory’ and is UK City of Culture for 2013. He was invited by his old friend Richard Moore, the Director of the charity Children in Crossfire.

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Tibetans Turn to Alternative Protest
Apr 18th, 2013 by admin

police-tibtTibetans Turn to Alternative Protest as Self-Immolations Prove Futile

By Nilanjana Bhowmick / Dharamsala, Time Magazine.

Last year, Norbu Jorden ran away to New Delhi to set himself on fire. Driven by accounts of other self-immolations by Tibetans — there have been 112 deaths since 2009 — the 20-year-old student concluded that this was the only way he could contribute to Tibet’s struggle for freedom from China. Jorden did not succeed: before he could engulf himself in flames, police in the capital intervened and eventually sent him back to Dharamsala in northern India, the sanctuary for Tibetans fleeing Beijing’s hard-line rule of their homeland. Now Jorden is expressing his dissent differently. Read the rest of this entry »

Visit to the Tibet Institute, Rikon and a Journey to Derry
Apr 18th, 2013 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with some of the young Tibetans who have attended programs at the Tibet Institute in Rikon, Switzerland, on April 17, 2013. Photo/Manuel Bauer

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with some of the young Tibetans who have attended programs at the Tibet Institute in Rikon, Switzerland, on April 17, 2013. Photo/Manuel Bauer

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Visit to the Tibet Institute, Rikon and a Journey to Derry

Derry, Northern Ireland, 17 April 2013 – In 1961, a group of Tibetan refugees were offered work and accommodation in Rikon, Switzerland. They settled down and formed a community that in the late 1960s led to the establishment of the Tibet Institute, Rikon to preserve Tibetan culture. Read the rest of this entry »

Tibet, si auto-immola una giovane madre: sale a 115 il numero delle vittime
Apr 17th, 2013 by admin

La giovane Chugtso, la 115ma autoimmolazione per il Tibet

La giovane Chugtso, la 115ma autoimmolazione per il Tibet

Chuktso, una giovane ventenne madre di un bimbo di tre anni si è data fuoco ieri, 16 aprile, all’esterno del monastero di Dzamthang, nell’omonima cittadina della prefettura di Ngaba, nella regione del Sichuan. La nuova autoimmolazione è avvenuta attorno alle 3.00, ora locale. Testimoni locali hanno confermato che è morta sul posto. Sale a 115 il numero delle immolazioni avvenute in Tibet dal 2009. Il suo corpo è stato portato all’interno del monastero dove si sono svolte le cerimonie religiose. Le autorità locali, arrivate sul posto subito dopo la protesta, hanno ordinato alla famiglia di cremare il corpo la sera stessa, in violazione della tradizione tibetana. Centinaia di membri della comunità locale, si sono riuniti nei pressi della casa di famiglia per la preparazione della cerimonia di cremazione. Quello di Chuktso è il sesto caso di autoimmolazione avvenuto a Dzamthang, dove si sono date la morte in segno di protesta contro l’occupazione cinese altre due giovani donne, Kalkyi, 30 anni, madre di quattro figli e Rikyo, 33 anni, madre di tre bambini.

La portavoce di Free Tibet Alistair Currie ha dichiarato: “Nel 2013, la frequenza delle proteste attraverso le autoimmolazioni è per ora diminuita, ma la morte di Chuktso dimostra che anche tutta la forza dello stato cinese non può dissuadere alcuni tibetani dal compiere questo atto”. “L’auto-immolazione è una protesta, non un suicidio, e fino a quando la Cina non affronterà le rimostranze del popolo tibetano, le proteste di tutte le forme continueranno in Tibet”.  Il Dalai Lama – che Pechino accusa di “orchestrare” le immolazioni – ha più volte chiesto ai propri connazionali di “mantenere il valore della vita al primo posto” e ha ricordato che “la protesta può e deve essere portata avanti con altri mezzi”. Il leader religioso ha però riconosciuto di “non poter neanche comprendere” tutto il dolore del suo popolo. Due tibetani, arrestati nel 2008 a Lhasa assieme ad altri 13 monaci, sono stati rilasciati dalle autorità cinesi dopo aver scontato la pena loro inflitta. Sono entrambi in precarie condizioni di salute. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai Lama at Bern University and at the Swiss Parliament
Apr 16th, 2013 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with HE Maya Graf, President of the National Council, at the Swiss Parliament Building in Bern, Switzerland, on April 16, 2013. Photo/Manuel Bauer

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with HE Maya Graf, President of the National Council, at the Swiss Parliament Building in Bern, Switzerland, on April 16, 2013. Photo/Manuel Bauer

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Speaks at Bern University and Visits the Swiss Parliament

Bern, Switzerland, 16 April 2013 – After several days in the predominantly French speaking part of Switzerland, today’s invitation to the University of Bern brought His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the country’s German speaking capital city. Prof Dr Martin Täuber, Rector

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Conference on ‘Living and Dying in Peace’ at University of Lausanne
Apr 15th, 2013 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with fellow participants after the conference on "Living and Dying in Peace" at the University of Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland, on April 15, 2013. Photo/Manuel Bauer

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with fellow participants after the conference on "Living and Dying in Peace" at the University of Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland, on April 15, 2013. Photo/Manuel Bauer

Conference on ‘Living and Dying in Peace’ at University of Lausanne

Lausanne, Switzerland, 15 April 2013 – The University of Lausanne that originated in 1537 as a school of theology, the only French language Protestant school of theology, is now a modern university well regarded as a leading institution for research in Europe. It is located on the banks of Lake Geneva. Today, it invited His Holiness the Dalai Lama to participate in a conference on the theme ‘Living and Dying in Peace – Crossed Perspectives on Aging’. He was welcomed on arrival by the Rector, Dominique Arlettaz and the conference moderator Philippe Moreillon.

In his opening address, the Rector said: “I have the privilege today to welcome His Holiness the Dalai Lama and thank him for spending this day with us.” Read the rest of this entry »

‘Lamp for the Path,’ White Tara Empowerment and Secular Ethics in Fribourg
Apr 14th, 2013 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai during the teachings at the Forum Fribourg at Fribourg, Switzerland, on April 14, 2013. Photo/Manuel Bauer

His Holiness the Dalai during the teachings at the Forum Fribourg at Fribourg, Switzerland, on April 14, 2013. Photo/Manuel Bauer

Lamp for the Path,’ White Tara Empowerment and Secular Ethics in Fribourg

The sun glancing across Lake Morat outside His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s hotel this morning gently caught the newly opening leaves on trees on the shore; signs of the coming of spring on a day when he was to give a White Tara Long Life empowerment. He drove to the Fribourg Forum early to begin preparations. Those done, he was about to pick up the text where he had left off yesterday, but seeing that people were still arriving decided to talk about something else. “At an inter-faith meeting in Amritsar, India, some years ago, a Sufi master declared that there are three questions that characterize religious traditions: What is the self? Has it a beginning? And has it an end?” Read the rest of this entry »

Lamp for the Path Teachings in Fribourg
Apr 13th, 2013 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeting the audience before the start of his teachings at the Forum Fribourg in Fribourg, Switzerland, on April 13, 2013. Photo/Manuel Bauer

His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeting the audience before the start of his teachings at the Forum Fribourg in Fribourg, Switzerland, on April 13, 2013. Photo/Manuel Bauer

Lamp for the Path Teachings in Fribourg

The Swiss countryside presented a bright countenance, green fields and woods rolling up to distant snow peaks, as His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove from his hotel on the banks of Lake Morat, to the Fribourg Forum. He was escorted by representatives of the organizers of the event to the stage in the hall before which upwards of 8000 people waited eagerly to hear him teach Atisha’s ‘Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment’. Although there was an ornate formal throne on the platform, His Holiness preferred to sit in an armchair, which he had brought closer to the stage’s edge, the better to see the faces of the audience. His opening was cheerful: “I am very happy to be here in Switzerland again; this small country which early in 1961 or so became home to about 1000 Tibetan refugees who had been relieved from road building work in the Himalayan foothills.

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H.H. Dalai Lama Addresses the Second Tibetan Buddhist Conference in Europe
Apr 12th, 2013 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking at the European Tibetan Buddhist Conference held at the Friborg Forum in Friborg, Switzerland, on April 12, 2013. Photo/Manuel Bauer

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking at the European Tibetan Buddhist Conference held at the Friborg Forum in Friborg, Switzerland, on April 12, 2013. Photo/Manuel Bauer

Arriving in Switzerland, His Holiness the Dalai Lama Addresses the Second Tibetan Buddhist Conference in Europe

Fribourg, Switzerland 12 April 2013 – A light drizzle was falling when His Holiness the Dalai Lama stepped out of his hotel in Bolzano and looking up, waved to staff in the Provincial Offices who waiting to see him off on his journey to Switzerland. The weather deteriorated sufficiently to delay the take-off of his flight by almost an hour.

He was received on arrival at Payerne Airport in Switzerland by India’s Ambassador Ms Chitra Narayanan and a representative of the Tibetan organizers of the teachings in Fribourg, before driving under intermittent sunshine to the Fribourg Forum to address about 80 representatives at the Second Tibetan Buddhist Conference in Europe. Read the rest of this entry »

Welcomed in Trento, H.H. Dalai Lama Speaks About Happiness in a Troubled World
Apr 12th, 2013 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his talk "Happiness in a Troubled World" in Palatrento Stadium in Trento, Italy, on April 11, 2013

His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his talk "Happiness in a Troubled World" in Palatrento Stadium in Trento, Italy, on April 11, 2013

Welcomed in Trento, His Holiness the Dalai Lama Speaks About Happiness in a Troubled World

Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy, 11 April 2013 – Today, His Holiness the Dalai Lama was a guest in Trento, which entailed his driving under cloudy skies along the Adige River for about half an hour. On arrival at the Palace of the Autonomous Province of Trento he was received by the President, Dr Alberto Pacher and the Head of the Province’s Press Office, Roberto Pinter. They escorted him to the President’s office Read the rest of this entry »

Dalai Lama a Trento: la sorgente della felicità è il buon cuore.
Apr 12th, 2013 by admin

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: La sorgente della felicità è il buon cuore, e per coltivarla bisogna aprirsi innanzitutto agli altri e avere cura di loro, o quantomeno non nuocere loro.

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: La sorgente della felicità è il buon cuore, e per coltivarla bisogna aprirsi innanzitutto agli altri e avere cura di loro, o quantomeno non nuocere loro.

Dalai Lama: la sorgente della felicita’ e’ il buon cuore. La conferenza stampa nel Palazzo della Provincia autonoma di Trento.

Ha parlato di felicità, una felicità che dobbiamo coltivare in noi stessi, nel nostro cuore, ma che si deve esprimere nel rapporto con gli altri, nel nostro prenderci cura degli altri, il Dalai Lama, nel corso della conferenza stampa tenutasi questa mattina nel Palazzo della Provincia autonoma di Trento. La cronaca ha fatto la sua comparsa con domande sulla situazione del Tibet, dove più di un centinaio di persone si sono immolate con il fuoco per protestare contro l’occupazione cinese, e sulla democrazia italiana. “So che avete avuto qualche problema con le ultime elezioni – ha detto a questo proposito il Dalai Lama – che non hanno espresso un esito chiaro. Queste cose possono succedere, ma la democrazia rimane il migliore sistema politico possibile.”

Cordiale e di buon umore, come tutti i trentini lo ricordavano, del resto, Tenzin Gyatso, il XIV Dalai Lama, classe 1935, ha parlato della felicità come di uno stato che nasce dalla relazione. Fra ciascun essere umano e tutti gli altri, perché “la mia felicità è la tua felicità”, e perché, conformemente al concetto buddista di interdipendenza, ogni cosa va vista in relazione ad un’altra, come le dita della mano. Allo stesso modo, la nostra felicità influenza il nostro prossimo, e per capirlo basta osservare i gatti, ha detto il premio Nobel per la pace 1989: “Se il mio gatto mi vede bendisposto lo percepisce, mi si avvicina, desidera la mia compagnia, viceversa, si tiene a distanza. E così è anche per i rapporti fra gli esseri umani”. La sorgente della felicità, quindi, è in definitiva il buon cuore, e per coltivarla bisogna aprirsi innanzitutto agli altri e avere cura di loro, “o quantomeno non nuocere loro.” Una verità che, secondo il Dalai Lama, nota anche ai cinesi, che occupano il Tibet dal 1950 (il Dalai Lama ha lasciato la sua terra nel 1959 dopo la repressione dei modi indipendentisti seguiti all’invasione da parte delle truppe di Mao). Riguardo alle autoimmolazioni che si susseguono nel suo Paese, il Dalai Lama ha riconosciuto di potere fare poco, non potendo visitarlo fisicamente (un suo ritorno in patria è a tutt’oggi una delle principali richieste del popolo tibetano, assieme ad un’autonomia per il Tibet); Read the rest of this entry »

Bestowed a Minority Award, H.H. Dalai Lama in Bolzano
Apr 11th, 2013 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is presented the Minority Award by South Tyrol President Luis Durnwalder in Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy, on April 10, 2013. Photo/Alessandro Molinari

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is presented the Minority Award by South Tyrol President Luis Durnwalder in Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy, on April 10, 2013. Photo/Alessandro Molinari

Bestowed a Minority Award, His Holiness the Dalai Lama Speaks About Secular Ethics in Bolzano

Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy, 10 April 2013 – Snow capped mountain peaks can be seen from the streets of Bolzano, capital city of the autonomous province of South Tyrol. On a bright spring morning today, Dr Klaus Kluther, Cabinet Chief came to escort His Holiness on the short walk across the road from his hotel, which was flying the Tibetan flag amongst others over the door. Read the rest of this entry »

Il Dalai Lama a Bolzano
Apr 11th, 2013 by admin

Il Dalai Lama a Palazzo Widmann

Il Dalai Lama a Palazzo Widmann

Bolzano: Dalai Lama, conferenza dialogo tra i popoli e rifiuto della violenza

Bolzano, 10 apr – È durata quasi tre ore la permanenza a Palazzo Widmann del Dalai Lama, accolto alle 9 dal presidente della Provincia Luis Durnwalder, che lo ha accompagnato nel suo ufficio per un colloquio ristretto. Successivamente l’illustre ospite e il Landeshauptmann hanno raggiunto assieme il Cortile interno del palazzo dove li attendevano la Giunta provinciale e un centinaio di invitati per la cerimonia dii conferimento al Dalai Lama del Premio delle minoranze 2013 (comunicato a parte). Nella successiva conferenza stampa con il Dalai Lama e il presidente Durnwalder i rappresentanti dei mass media – oltre una sessantina tra giornalisti, fotografi e cineoperatori accreditati a Palazzo Wodmann – hanno puntato su alcuni temi: il lungo cammino del Tibet verso un’autonomia, i rapporti con la Cina, i crescenti conflitti internazionali. Read the rest of this entry »

Gyama mining tragedy is man-made disaster
Apr 10th, 2013 by admin

tibt-rescue-minersCentral Tibet Administration has enough evidence to prove that Gyama (Jiama) mining tragedy is man-made disaster

The environmental researchers of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) based in Dharamsala, India, refute reports in the China’s official media outlets stating that natural causes triggered the recent landslide at a copper and gold mine near in Tibet’s capital Lhasa which killed at least 83 miners. The Environment and Development Desk of CTA has released a 16-page report titled ”Assessment Report of the Recent Devastating Landslide in Gyama Valley: It’s Possible Cause and Impacts”, detailing the actual causes of the mining disaster and its collateral issues.

In order to acquire maximum profit in the shortest period possible, mining in Gyama has been pursued aggressively. Whole swaths of land have been excavated in several sites and in some cases the whole face of a mountain has been ripped in the process of exploration, water diversion, mining and road construction. It was just a matter of time that such a large scale and aggressive expansion out of the mine was going to cause a big disaster,” the report reads. Read the rest of this entry »

Anche la lingua tibetana è in via d’estinzione
Apr 6th, 2013 by admin

Esibizione di tangka (dipinto votivo su tela) durante celebrazione nel monastero di Drepung

Esibizione di tangka (dipinto votivo su tela) durante celebrazione nel monastero di Drepung

Anche la lingua tibetana è in via d’estinzione

di Claudio Cardelli

È di questi giorni la notizia dell’ennesima chiusura verso l’esterno del Tibet. A tempo indeterminato. Così ogni anno nel periodo del Losar (il capodanno tibetano) la tensione è alle stelle.

Negli ultimi quattro anni più di cento tibetani si sono dati fuoco per protestare contro il regime di Pechino. Solo questo può far comprendere il loro livello di esasperazione dopo 62 anni di occupazione del loro Paese. Una delle ragioni alla base di questa dolorosa e drammatica protesta è il piano cinese, ormai quasi giunto a termine, di cancellare l’uso della lingua tibetana; piano che si aggiunge alle altre violazioni dei diritti umani basilari sistematicamente perseguite in Tibet.

La reazione delle autorità cinesi a queste proteste conosce una sola direzione: repressione! Questo è il Tibet oggi. Un Tibet in cui tutti gli elementi essenziali della cultura di questa antica nazione sono umiliati e vilipesi senza pietà, per far posto a un modello economico-sociale totalmente alieno a quello degli originali abitanti. Oggi, la lingua tibetana è di fatto bandita dalle scuole in Tibet per far posto al mandarino. È inutile porre l’accento su cosa significhi privare un popolo della propria lingua madre.

Come se in Italia a un certo punto fosse invasa da una potenza straniera che distrugge la quasi totalità del patrimonio artistico; obbliga a imparare la propria lingua, così diversa dall’italiano, e l’utilizza per tutta la segnaletica, la modulistica degli uffici e le insegne dei negozi. I nostri figli incominciano a parlare fra loro in nella lingua straniera, mentre gli anziani sono sempre più isolati per la difficoltà di apprendimento e il rifiuto di adeguarsi al nuovo corso. Read the rest of this entry »

Muore a Luchu un monaco di 28 anni
Apr 2nd, 2013 by admin

Konchok Tenzin, un monaco di 28 anni appartenente al monastero di Mogri, nella contea di Luchu, si è autoimmolato con il fuoco la mattina del 26 marzo.

Konchok Tenzin, un monaco di 28 anni appartenente al monastero di Mogri, nella contea di Luchu, si è autoimmolato con il fuoco la mattina del 26 marzo.

Prosegue la tragica sequenza delle immolazioni: muore a Luchu un monaco di 28 anni.

Dharamsala, 2 aprile 2013. Konchok Tenzin, un monaco di 28 anni appartenente al monastero di Mogri, nella contea di Luchu, si è autoimmolato con il fuoco la mattina del 26 marzo lungo la strada principale che conduce al monastero. Il suo corpo carbonizzato è stato portato dai confratelli all’interno del monastero dove, dopo i rituali funebri, si è svolta la cerimonia della cremazione. Il personale di sicurezza cinese presidia ora il monastero e l’area circostante.

Konchok Tenzin è il sesto tibetano a darsi la morte nella contea di Luchu. Tutti sei sono deceduti. Il monastero di Mogri, che ospita attualmente circa 90 monaci, è stato fondato nel 1780 da Samtsa Sertri Jigme Namkha la cui 11° reincarnazione è ora a capo dell’istituto religioso. Sale a 114 il numero dei tibetani che si sono autoimmolati in Tibet dal 2009.

Ancora una volta le pesanti restrizioni poste in atto dalle autorità cinesi in Tibet hanno impedito l’immediata diffusione della notizia di questa nuova autoimmolazione. Le autorità hanno stilato una lista aggiornata di 13 attività ritenute perseguibili in quanto contrarie alla legge. Il documento, scritto in tibetano e fatto circolare con l’intento di “rafforzare la protezione della stabilità sociale e mantenere la disciplina” elenca, tra i comportamenti illegali, il coinvolgimento nelle autoimmolazioni, la diffusione di notizie, foto e filmati ad esse relativi nonché ogni azione volta a “fornire informazioni segrete alle forze separatiste”. Read the rest of this entry »

Landslide in Gyama mine: natural or man-made?
Apr 1st, 2013 by admin

Large-scale mineral resource extraction in the Gyama valley.

Large-scale mineral resource extraction in the Gyama valley.

Landslide in Gyama mine: natural or man-made?

The tragic incident of landslide could be a result of the aggressive expansion and large-scale exploitation of mineral in the Gyama Valley.

China’s official media reported that 83 miners including two Tibetans have been buried after a major landslide hit a part of the Gyama (Ch: Jiama) Copper Gold Polymetallic Mine. So far, the rescue efforts have failed to find any survivors or bodies and the chances of survival for those buried are getting slim. This is a sad and unfortunate incident that resulted in large number of casualties that could be higher than reported. Read the rest of this entry »

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