Dalai Lama: Il mondo ha fame di religione.
Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: "I figli, come le persone care, hanno bisogno di attenzione e cura. Ma è necessario che crescano con la libertà di potersi sviluppare secondo le proprie inclinazioni".
Dalai Lama: Il marxismo è finito, il mondo ha fame di religione.
Il leader spirituale incontra una delegazione di manager ed economisti liberali provenienti dal Vietnam: “Anche se la condivisione della ricchezza è un principio attraente, i regimi hanno sempre controllato la vita e il pensiero degli esseri umani. Questo è inaccettabile”.
Dharamsala (AsiaNews) – Il sistema economico comunista “ha poco meno di 200 anni ed è in chiaro declino, mentre il buddismo e diverse altre religioni hanno migliaia di anni e continuano ad attirare l’attenzione del mondo. Anche se il mondo immaginato da Marx ha alcuni punti che possono essere condivisibili, il modo in cui i regimi controllano la vita e il pensiero degli esseri umani è inaccettabile”. Lo ha detto il Dalai Lama durante una “due giorni” di insegnamento a un gruppo di manager ed economisti vietnamiti, appartenenti alla corrente liberale e quindi mal visti dal governo di Hanoi. Read the rest of this entry »
H.H. Dalai Lama Meets Vietnamese Group for the Second Time
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: "The nature of the mind is knowing, but just as you cannot see when your eyes are obstructed, so long as the mind is clouded by ignorance, its ability is obstructed. Once ignorance, the negative emotions associated with it and their imprints are removed the mind becomes all knowing. ".
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Meets Vietnamese Group for the Second Time
Thekchen Choeling, Dharamsala, 25th September 2012 – As soon as His Holiness the Dalai Lama had taken his seat this morning, representatives of the group from Vietnam presented him with a flowering tree that is traditionally grown in pagoda gardens in Vietnam. He thanked them and began his talk, “ Yesterday, my main theme was secular ethics and today I’d like to talk a little about Buddhadharma. Usually when I talk about Buddhism I like to explain something about other world religions so people can appreciate the unique features of the Buddha’s teachings. Great scholars of the ancient Indian University of Nalanda like Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Bhavaviveka and later Shantarakshita and Kamalashila, Read the rest of this entry »
I lavori della Speciale Assemblea Generale del Popolo Tibetano
Dharamsala, 26 settembre 2012. Sono iniziati ieri, 25 settembre, i lavori della Speciale Assemblea Generale del Popolo Tibetano convocata a quattro anni di distanza dal primo incontro avvenuto nel novembre 2008. Partecipano all’Assemblea 432 delegati provenienti da 26 diversi paesi di tutto il mondo. Nel suo discorso inaugurale, il presidente del Parlamento tibetano in esilio, Penpa Tsering, ha dichiarato che l’Assemblea è chiamata a discutere come e con quali mezzi i tibetani in esilio devono rapportarsi alla tragica situazione esistente in Tibet. Cinquantuno bandiere tibetane, in omaggio ai 51 martiri che si sono auto immolati all’interno del Tibet, sono state esposte nell’auditorium del Tibetan Children’s Village che ospita l’incontro. Penpa Tsering, nel ricordare il loro sacrificio, ha posto l’accento sulla gravità della situazione all’interno del Tibet in cui vige una legge marziale di fatto che fa assomigliare l’intero paese a un campo di prigionia al quale è negato l’accesso sia dei giornalisti indipendenti sia delle organizzazioni governative e non governative. Read the rest of this entry »
La meditazione aiuta chi soffre di artrite reumatoide
La meditazione aiuta chi soffre di artrite reumatoide
Ricercatori dell’University of Maryland School of Medicine di Baltimora stanno conducendo studi tesi a provare l’efficacia della meditazione nell’aiutare chi soffre di artrite reumatoide, una malattia autoimmune che colpisce circa 2,1 milioni di persone solo negli Stati Uniti, principalmente donne. Chi è colpito da artrite reumatoide soffre spesso di affaticamento, rigidezza e dolori. Le articolazioni possono gonfiarsi e, con il tempo, degenerare. I ricercatori hanno preso in esame un gruppo di pazienti affetti da artrite reumatoide e li hanno sottoposti ad una forma di meditazione chiamata “mindfulness,” sviluppata 30 anni fa all’Università del Massachusetts e che ha l’obiettivo di ridurre lo stress fisico e psicologico associato ai sintomi della malattia. Read the rest of this entry »
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Meets Vietnamese Group
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: "We need to be 21st century Buddhists. Buddhist practice is to use our intelligence to the maximum to transform our emotions".
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Meets Vietnamese Group for Discussion
September 25th 2012
Thekchen Choeling, Dharamsala, 24th September 2012 – A group of 102 visitors from Vietnam, about half from the North and half from the South, members of the Vietnamese CEO’s Club, had a meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama today, during which he encouraged them to ask him questions. They recalled that it is a year since His Holiness first gave teachings to interested people from Vietnam. On this occasion, however, they said they were looking forward to hearing his advice on how to lead a meaningful life. Read the rest of this entry »
Resort sul tetto del mondo
I nomadi pastori e i contadini sono costretti ad abbandonare pascoli e terreni curati da millenni. I villaggi più antichi vengono abbattuti per fare posto a stazioni turistiche prodotte in serie. Centinaia di monasteri cadono in rovina e i religiosi sono concentrati altrove, in scuole di rieducazione ideologica.
Resort sul tetto del mondo
La nuova frontiera del turismo di massa si sposta sulle vette himalaiane. E l’ultimo paradiso rischia di diventare un deserto.
di Giampaolo Visetti. La Repubblica
Gli altopiani dell’Himalaya sono esempi di natura al grado massimo della bellezza. Non appena la quota seleziona la presenza degli uomini, tutto esibisce l’essenzialità perfetta del proprio ruolo. Rocce, animali, pascoli, neve e vento contribuiscono all’equilibrio della regione montuosa più elevata della terra, decisiva per la vita dell’Asia. Se si interrompe la stabilità dell’ambiente tra Tibet e Nepal, Cina e India vedono in pericolo la propria sopravvivenza. La meraviglia dei luoghi spinge governi e imprese a vagheggiare enormi affari. Read the rest of this entry »
La frequenza della pratica di yoga predice la buona salute
La frequenza della pratica di yoga predice la buona salute
Lo Yoga si propone come un intervento terapeutico, ma i rapporti tra la pratica dello yoga e la salute sono ancora poco determinati. Per esaminare la relazione tra la pratica dello yoga e la salute (benessere soggettivo, dieta, indice di massa corporea, il fumo, l’alcool, il consumo di caffeina, il sonno, la stanchezza, il supporto sociale, la consapevolezza, e l’attività fisica) Ross A , Friedmann E , Bevans M , Thomas S . della University of Maryland , School of Nursing, Baltimore ( Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;2012:983258. Epub 2012 Aug 14.) hanno effettuato un’indagine trasversale tramite questionari anonimi distribuiti a 4307 soggetti scelti a caso da 18.160 individui in 15 centri di yoga Iyengar negli USA. I questionari compilati furono 1.045 (24,3%), l’età media dei soggetti era di 51,7 (± 11,7) anni, di cui l’84,2% di sesso femminile. La frequenza della pratica dello yoga a casa risultò favorevolmente correlato (P <.001) con: la consapevolezza, il benessere soggettivo, l’ indice di massa corporea (IMC o BMI , dall’inglese body mass index ) , il consumo di frutta e verdura, lo stato vegetariano, la qualità del sonno ed inversamente con la stanchezza. Ogni componente della pratica dello yoga (diverse categorie di postura fisica, tecniche di respirazione, meditazione, studio filosofico) risultava predittivo di almeno 1 indicatore di salute (P <.05). È quindi emerso che la durata della pratica dello yoga a casa si rivela un migliore indicatore predittivo della salute degli anni di pratica o di frequenza ai corsi di yoga. Diverse posture e tecniche di yoga possono dare dei benefici unici per la salute. Read the rest of this entry »
H.H. Dalai Lama Concludes Visit with a Dharma Talk
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “Inner peace is inner peace! To have peace of mind is to be not only physically relaxed, but completely relaxed on a mental level too; not dull, but fully alert.”
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Concludes Visit with a Dharma Talk
Mussoorie, India, 18 September 2012 – Days of heavy rain gave way at last to clear blue skies, the early morning sun catching the surrounding hill-tops, as His Holiness the Dalai Lama stepped out of the temple where he had been staying to walk down to the Tibetan Homes Foundation School ground. He admired the hibiscus bushes with their white and pink blooms on the way, greeted a 90 year old Tibetan as he reached the school, then took his seat in an armchair before the assembled children. In the front row sat the youngest children, Read the rest of this entry »
H.H. Dalai Lama Attends Golden Jubilee
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “In order to lead a meaningful life, you need to cherish others, pay attention to human values and try to cultivate inner peace.”
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Attends the Tibetan Homes Foundation Golden Jubilee and Speaks at Wynberg Allen School
Mussoorie, India, 17 September 2012 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama was the Chief Guest at the Tibetan Homes Foundation (THF) Golden Jubilee celebrations in Happy Valley, Mussoorie today. Heavy rain from early in the morning had left the ground wet, which did nothing to prevent the stirring display as teams of students from the various houses of the Tibetan Homes Foundation, Happy Valley, local satellite schools like Rajpur and Rishikesh and others from the Central School for Tibetans (CST) in Happy Valley marched past to the beat of drums. Once all had filed onto the ground, spectators stood to join them in singing first the Indian and then the Tibetan National Anthems.
The General Secretary (THF) welcomed His Holiness and read his report, followed by that of the Principal (CST). Students then performed songs and dances typical of the three provinces of Tibet. Read the rest of this entry »
H.H.Dalai Lama Visits Nunnery, Monastery, Woodstock School
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “That’s my secret that I don’t want to share! But more seriously I get 8-9 hours sound sleep every night and I am basically very peaceful, I don’t harbour negative emotions. Training the mind is the source of inner peace.”
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Visits a Nunnery, Retreat and Monastery Before Speaking at Woodstock School
Dehra Dun, India, 16 September 2012 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama spent the night at Sakya Rinchen Ling Nunnery and this morning the nuns demonstrated their debate skills before him in the temple, based on their studies of Sakya Pandita’s Treasury of Reasoning.
From there he went to Lhodak Gaden Donnye Ling Monastery close by. The original monastery in Tibet was founded by the 5th Dalai Lama and its monks were mostly focussed on a style of practice that followed the sutras rather than the tantras, with some prayers to the Medicine Buddha. At some point in the 1940s or 50s an influential lama from Ganden Jangtse introduced the practice of Dolgyal, after which the monks faced no end of trouble and discord. Read the rest of this entry »
Perché il buddismo oggi è frainteso?
Buddha spiegò - precisa Gombrich - che il karma non è il passaggio di un'anima da un corpo all'altro. Invece indicò che la realtà è in perenne mutamento, impermanente, e che di conseguenza non esiste nulla di predestinato.
Vi spiego perché il buddismo oggi è frainteso a danno di Buddha
di Raimondo Bultrini , Il Venerdì di Repubblica, 14/09/2012
Scheda del libro: Il pensiero del Buddha, di Richard Gombrich
Un volume sul pensiero dell’illuminato, autore, lo studioso inglese Richard Gombrich che contesta troppe interpretazioni divulgative, e denuncia il tradimento delle idee di un grande saggio molto pratico.
Bangkok. Parlare di un uomo vissuto ben 2500 anni fa, e per di più del suo Pensiero metafisico, è un’opera ardua perfino per accademici di prodigiosa conoscenza delle lingue e della storia. Oggi il Buddha, il Risvegliato, ha condizionato milioni di individui, ispirato il più grande imperatore della storia dell’India di nome Ashoka, convertito moderne star del cinema e del calcio, fatto scrivere decine di libri al suo rappresentante terreno più famoso, il Dalai lama.
Il leader tibetano, certamente, è solo uno dei molti divulgatori postumi di un pensiero con la P maiuscola al quale sono state attribuite frasi, sentenze, leggende e perfino favole delle sue vite passate, di quando offrì il corpo per sfamare una tigre, creò un ponte per far attraversare i viandanti, produsse acqua per dissetare gli assetati. Ma di tutte le scuole religiose, spirituali e filosofiche che sono sorte in suo nome, solo una, la Theravada, è l’oggetto di un libro che viene presentato come l’ultima parola – quasi una sfida al principio dell’impermanenza di cui parla l’autore – in fatto di interpretazione testuale del “vero” Pensiero dell’Illuminato. Il titolo dell’opera, scritta dall’autorevole e brillante accademico inglese Richard Francis Gombrich, è Il Pensiero del Buddha . La casa editrice italiana Adelphi lo ha preferito a quello originale inglese, Cosa ha insegnato il Buddha. Read the rest of this entry »
H.H. Dalai Lama gives an Avalokiteshvara Empowerment
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “First you gain knowledge by listening to explanations from your teachers or you read books, but this tends to be information without any sense of conviction about it. Next you need to analyse what you have learned to clear away any doubts and then you can meditate on what you have understood, to reinforce and gain real insight into it.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama gives an Avalokiteshvara Empowerment at Tashi Khyil Monastery and Visits TCV Selaqui
Dehra Dun, India, 15 September 2012 – The garden in front of Tashi Khyil Monastery, Clement Town, was full of expectant faces when His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived early this morning to begin the preparatory procedures for the Avalokiteshvara empowerment he was going to give. To do these he sat with his back to the audience facing the mandala; when he was ready he took his seat on the throne and began.
“We need to understand what it is to be a Buddhist. It involves transforming the mind, which is something we have to do for ourselves, it’s not something someone else can do for us. The Buddha also encouraged his followers to take the initiative not simply to take his teachings on trust, but to examine them as a goldsmith tests gold to check its real value. To do this it’s necessary to be sceptical, to question whether what is taught is appropriate and what its benefit may be.
“For example, you might ask what the benefit is of avoiding the ten unwholesome actions. If you practise the virtue of restraint from them, people will regard you as a friend and you’ll be happy. In this world, it’s clear that when people are powerful and wealthy, but also dishonest, people don’t like them, even if they don’t show it to their faces. In brief, if you do good, you’ll have friends in this life and when you’re gone you’ll be missed.”
His Holiness advised that studying the Buddha’s teachings is not just a question of reciting prayers about taking refuge, you have to establish for yourself what the Buddha meant. Tibetan Buddhists outwardly observe the discipline of the Vinaya, cultivate a Bodhisattva attitude within Read the rest of this entry »
H.H. Dalai Lama Teaches from Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland in Dehra Dun
His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking at Drikung Shedra in Dekyiling Tibetan Settlement near Dehra Dun, India, on September 14, 2012. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Teaches from Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland in Dehra Dun
Dehra Dun, India, 14 September 2012 – After spending the night at Mindrolling Monastery, in Clement Town, Dehra Dun, His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s first engagement today was to visit the Drukpa Kagyu Dechen Choekhor Monastery nearby, where he paid his respects. Local Tibetans, young and old lined the streets, eager to catch a glimpse of His Holiness as he passed. From there he drove to Norling Park in the Dekyiling Tibetan Settlement where he was to teach the first chapter of Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland. As His Holiness arrived it began to rain and the rainfall became so heavy that he invited the first row of monks, who were getting particularly wet, to join him on the platform around the throne. Read the rest of this entry »
H.H. Dalai Lama Addresses the IFSO Medical Conference
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “Wherever I go I tell people that in India different religious traditions have been living together side by side in respect and harmony for 2-3000 years. And this is a reality not a dream, something in which India can lead by example.”
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Addresses the IFSO Medical Conference
New Delhi, India, 13 September 2012 – Invited to address the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders conference in New Delhi today, His Holiness the Dalai Lama was received by Dr Pradeep Chowbey.
His Holiness opened his remarks with the observation that as human beings we are all the same, physically, mentally and emotionally. We all want to be happy and successful, a wish we share from birth. He said it is on this basis that he always emphasises the oneness of humanity. In the face of this, differences between us are secondary. Violence seems to be part of human history, but it does not arise because of the things that unite us, rather it arises because we make too much of the differences between us. Read the rest of this entry »
H.H. Dalai Lama: Non-violence and Ethical Values
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “To be contented human beings we need trust and friendship, which tends to develop much better once we realise that all beings have a right to happiness, just as we do. Taking others’ interests into account not only helps them, it also helps us. Warm-heartedness and concern for others are a part of human nature and are at the core of positive human values.”
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Speaks about Non-violence and Ethical Values at Jamia Millia Islamia University
New Delhi, India, 12 September 2012 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s first engagement today was to give an extensive television interview to Andrew North, South Asia correspondent of BBC News. He asked from various angles whether His Holiness was optimistic about positive change in relation to Tibet under the prospective new Chinese leadership. His Holiness told him that it is too early to say, but that if the new leaders took a realistic, common sense view of the situation then change should follow. Asked why the world should care about Tibet, His Holiness said, “People respect truth Read the rest of this entry »
H.H. Dalai Lama: World Meet for Peace and Harmony
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “I am grateful for all our religious traditions, because, despite their differing philosophical views, they all convey the same message of love and compassion and counsel us to live a simple life. In a world of 7 billion human beings with different ways of life these different traditions are necessary for humanity. Realistically speaking we need these different approaches to achieve inner peace and peace in the community.”
World Meet for Peace and Harmony
New Delhi, India, 11 September 2012 – Although, following the tragic events of September 11th 2001, this day is remembered by many with sorrow, it also commemorates an occasion of bright significance. It was on 11th September 1893 that Swami Vivekananda fired the imagination of his listeners with his speech to the first Parliament of Religions held in Chicago. It was perhaps the first occasion that anyone had acknowledged the existence of other faith traditions with respect and had suggested that they were paths to the same goal and so could live in harmony with one another. Read the rest of this entry »
Over 9 million follow Dalai Lama in cyberspace
The teachings of the Dalai Lama, the global face of the Tibetan exile movement, on ethics, non-violence, peace and religious harmony have made him one of the twentieth century’s most popular and revered figures.
IANS – DHARAMSALA: Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama has over nine million fans following him in cyberspace.
Although not tech-savvy, the Dalai Lama, revered as a demi-god by his people and followers all over the world, is quite a hit on social media sites Twitter and Facebook. The phenomenal fan following is all the more significant as his private office, based in the northern Indian town of Dharamshala, believes extensive use of social media helps in reaching out to the netizens worldwide.
“Many of our world’s problems and conflicts arise because we have lost sight of the basic humanity that binds us together as a human family,” is one of the recent tweets from the spiritual leader. Read the rest of this entry »
Golden Jubilee of the Central Tibetan Schools Administration
His Holiness the Dalai Lama visiting the CTS school in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, South India, during a visit in the early 1970's. File photo/OHHDL
Golden Jubilee of the Central Tibetan Schools Administration
New Delhi, India, 10 September 2012 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived in New Delhi this morning and in the afternoon was chief guest at an event to mark the 50th anniversary of the Central Tibetan Schools Administration (CTSA). He was joined on the platform by Union Minister of Human Resource Development, Shri Kapil Sibal, Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay, Joint Secretary and Chairman of the CTSA, Shri Apurva Chandra, and the Secretary for School Education and Literacy, Shrimati Anshu Vaishji. The guests were introduced by Shri Rajiv Mehrotra, who, in addition to his work as a writer and broadcaster, is Secretary of the Foundation for Universal Responsibility of HH the Dalai Lama.
In his introductory remarks, Apurva Chandra paid tribute to His Holiness the Dalai Lama as being not only the spiritual leader of the Tibetans, but also an apostle of peace. Read the rest of this entry »
Statement of the Kashag on the Fifty-Second Anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day
Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay addressing the 52nd Tibetan Democracy Day celebrations in Dharamsala, India, on 2 September 2012.
Statement of the Kashag on the Fifty-Second Anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day
On the 52nd anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day, I would like to pay the Kashag’s and my personal obeisance to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and extend heartfelt greetings to fellow Tibetans in Tibet and in exile.
Today is a proud day for all Tibetans. It is the day when Tibetan exiles have fully realized His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s cherished wish to transform the Tibetan polity into a vibrant democracy. Since the age of 16, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has taken steps to introduce and consolidate Tibetan democracy. Read the rest of this entry »
H. H. the Dalai Lama Concludes Teachings to Southeast Asian Devotees
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “First get rid of non-merited actions, then get rid of self-grasping, then get rid of distorted views.”
Dharamsala, HP, India, 6 September 2012 (By Samuel Ivor, The Tibet Post International) – On the concluding day of teachings to the Southeast Asian visitors, His Holiness the Dalai Lama warmly addressed the audience to the main temple of Dharamshala, preparing the gathering for a deeper understanding into the meaning of the sacred text Shantideva’s ‘A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life’.
As the morning rain receded, and the enormous crowd settled, fixing their attention to the great spiritual leader, His Holiness commenced the teachings by drawing upon the life of the Buddha Himself. The Dalai Lama began by drawing upon how the Buddha had accumulated merit and wisdom over countless aeons:
“If Buddha didn’t exist after His death, only serving human beings over a few decades doesn’t actually become compatible to the time He spent to reach that goal”.
“According to Sanskrit tradition, there are five Buddha bodies. These are not actually taught at the first sermon of the Buddha. They came in the second turning of the wheel of Dharma”.
The audience were again treated to the generous hospitality of Tibetan and Buddhist spirit, as tea was served from enormous pots with elegant skill from the resident monks, and bread was distributed to the entire gathering. With grace and speed, the monks had soon attended to everyone’s needs.
His Holiness explained how we fall into Samsara, and how we can get out of it: “The first teaching of the four noble truths teaches this precisely”. Read the rest of this entry »
Inspiring Teachings Continue By H. H. the Dalai Lama for Southeast Asian guests
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “If you have peace of mind, your immune system is strengthened. Anger has no benefit whatsoever”.
Inspiring Teachings Continue By H. H. the Dalai Lama for Southeast Asian guests Dharamsala, HP, India, 5 September 2012 (By Samuel Ivor, The Tibet Post International) – As the main temple in the Tibetan-exile community filled with an eager audience; ranging from the visiting Southeast Asian delegation, to robe-clad Buddhist monks and nuns, a sense of anticipation mixed with the plumes of incense that wafted through the rafters of the roof.
The second day of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teachings on Shantideva’s ‘A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life’ were about to commence, and a hushed silence Read the rest of this entry »
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Commences Teachings To Southeast Asian Devotees
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “Religion can become hypocrisy when religious people say something nice, but think something different. That is hypocrisy. Religion should be sincere”.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Commences Teachings To Southeast Asian Devotees
Dharamsala, HP, India, 4 September 2012 (By Samuel Ivor, Tibet Post International) – At the request of a group of Southeast Asian devotees, His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet continued teachings today (September 4th) on Shantideva’s ‘A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life’, see http://www.dalailama.com/webcasts/post/250-shantidevas-a-guide-to-the-boddhisattvas-way-of-life .
Warmly greeting a vast audience of visitors from around the world, Read the rest of this entry »
Hermann Hesse: Perché sono fuggito dal cristianesimo
Hermann Hesse: Perché sono fuggito dal cristianesimo
È in libreria la nuova edizione di Siddhartha di Hermann Hesse (288 pagine, 18 euro) Adelphi pubblica un’edizione arricchita con diari, foto e pagine inedite. Ne anticipiamo un estratto.
Hermann Hesse
Non soltanto in saggi occasionali ho detto apertamente come la penso in fatto di religione, ma una volta, poco più di dieci anni or sono, ho anche cercato di esporre il mio credo in un libro. Il libro si intitola Siddhartha, e il suo contenuto di fede è stato di frequente esaminato e discusso da studenti indiani e sacerdoti giapponesi, ma non dai loro omologhi cristiani. Che in questo libro il mio credo abbia un nome indiano e un volto indiano, non è puro caso. Io ho vissuto la religione in due forme: da figlio e nipote di protestanti pii e rigorosi, così come da lettore di testi sacri indiani, tra i quali metto al primo posto le Upanishad, la Bhagavadgita e i Discorsi di Buddha. E neppure questo fu un caso: che io, cresciuto nell’alveo di un cristianesimo autentico e vivo, abbia avvertito sotto fattezze indiane i primi slanci di una mia peculiare esperienza religiosa.
Mio padre — così come mia madre e il padre di lei — aveva speso l’intera vita al servizio della missione cristiana in India, e benché la consapevolezza che non esiste una gerarchia delle religioni si fosse poi manifestata solo in uno dei miei cugini e in me, già mio padre, mia madre e mio nonno non possedevano soltanto una conoscenza vasta e piuttosto approfondita della religiosità indiana in tutte le sue forme, ma verso tali forme nutrivano anche una simpatia non del tutto confessata. Read the rest of this entry »
Hesse e il segreto di Buddha
Hesse ci mostra le tappe di un risveglio e la via per raggiungere la saggezza.
Hesse e il segreto di Buddha
di Antonio Gnoli, La Repubblica Domenicale 02.09.12.
A novant’anni dall’uscita del romanzo-leggenda che ha mosso generazioni di giovani a cercare “la verità oltre le dottrine”, le confessioni inedite dell’uomo che non voleva essere un guru.
Io, Siddhartha. Novant’anni fa usciva “Siddhartha”, il romanzo destinato e diventare il manifesto di generazioni di occidentali alla ricerca dell’illuminazione. Eppure il suo autore dovette aspettare molto tempo per vedersi riconosciuto come scrittore e come quel maestro che in realtà non aveva mai voluto essere. Come raccontano i diari inediti che ora vengono pubblicati. Sono trascorsi novant’anni dalla pubblicazione di Siddhartha. Il piccolo romanzo — che Hermann Hesse iniziò a scrivere nell’inverno del 1919 — nasceva anche come reazione alla guerra e alle sue devastazioni. Read the rest of this entry »
Il piano di Pechino per “cinesizzare” i buddisti
Una ricerca dell'Università del Nordest proverebbe che buona parte delle ribellioni nei conventi buddisti non sarebbe contro il colonialismo cinese, ma contro la condanna di migliaia di adolescenti a vivere in una condizione di "clausura medievale".
Piccole storie (non solo) cinesi. Shopping rieducativo.
Il piano di Pechino per “cinesizzare” i buddisti dei monasteri ribelli: profumi, tecnologia, turismo e alta moda.
di Giampaolo Visetti. D Repubblica 04.08.12
Dove non arriva l’esercito, arriva lo shopping. Contro i tibetani fedeli al Dalai Lama, Pechino cambia arma. L’ultima è il centro commerciale di lusso. La capitale cinese scoppia di alta moda e la repressione ha scoperto che sui monaci buddisti, isolati da bambini nei conventi himalayani, può esercitare un richiamo irresistibile. Per “rieducarli”, invece che rinchiuderli nelle scuole del partito, il potere opta così per offrire vacanze da vip. Una trentina di suore e cinquanta religiosi, scelti nei monasteri ribelli di Gansu, Qinghai e Yunnan, sono stati ospiti dei leader comunisti che hanno organizzato i primi “corsi di aggiornamento buddhista”. Lezioni di socialismo e di nazionalismo ridotte al minimo. Read the rest of this entry »
S.S. Dalai Lama: comprensibili ma molto tristi le immolazioni
Il Dalai Lama: “comprensibile ma molto triste l’innarestabile succedersi delle immolazioni”. Altri due morti a Ngaba.
Dalai Lama: «La Cina cambierà verso il Tibet. Vedo segnali molto incoraggianti»
«Non posso pronunciarmi in modo definitivo, ma secondo molti amici la prossima leadership cinese sarà più indulgente verso il Tibet». A pronunciare parole di speranza è il Dalai Lama da Dharamsala, India, dove si trova il governo tibetano in esilio dal 1959. «Non c’è niente di ufficiale – aggiunge all’agenzia Reuters – ma sembra che esponenti molto importanti del Partito comunista cinese vogliano cambiare l’atteggiamento del paese nei confronti del Tibet». Questo autunno sette dei nove membri del Comitato centrale del Politburo, che comandano di fatto il Partito e la Cina, cambieranno. Xi Jinping dovrebbe diventare il nuovo presidente e Li Keqiang il prossimo premier del Dragone. Read the rest of this entry »