H.H. the Dalai Lama shares his thought on building a positive world
Apr 29th, 2012 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking in Ottawa Canada

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking in Ottawa Canada

Ottawa, Canada, 28 April 2012 – On his last full day in Ottawa during this visit, His Holiness the Dalai Lama began his program with an audience to the Tibetan community held in the Assembly Hall of the Ottawa Civic Center, the venue of the morning public talk. Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay, Tashi Namgyal and Norbu Tsering, both members of the Tibetan Parliament from North America, were among those who received him at the venue.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to the Tibetan community at the Assembly Hall of the Ottawa Civic Center in Ottawa, Canada, on April 28, 2012. Photo/Fred Cattroll

In his remarks His Holiness talked about the changes in the Tibetan political system since his last visit to Canada and the devolution of his authority. He said this is implementation of his desire for a democratic system since his childhood and not because, as some say, of his fear of something like that happened in Tunisia. His Holiness said that the Tibetan struggle is for the rights of the Tibetan people. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai Lama inaugurates World Parliamentarian’s Convention on Tibet
Apr 29th, 2012 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Ottawa
His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Ottawa

His Holiness the Dalai Lama inaugurates World Parliamentarian’s Convention on Tibet, meets Canadian PM

Ottawa, Canada, 27, April 2012 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama began his program in Ottawa on April 27th by giving interviews to Graham Richardson of CTV Ottawa and Campbell Clark of Globe & Mail newspaper.  They asked about His Holiness’ message to Canadians, how the West should deal with China, future of the world, technology, temptations, and succession issue. Thereafter, His Holiness left for the University of Ottawa to speak to the students and staff on the topic of Education of the Heart. Read the rest of this entry »

Dalai Lama mocks China’s interest in naming his successor
Apr 28th, 2012 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Ottawa

His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Ottawa

Dalai Lama mocks China’s interest in naming his successor

by Campbell Clark, Globe and Mail, Published Friday, Apr. 27, 2012.

In the political dispute over the future of Tibet, the reincarnation of a spiritual leader – the Dalai Lama – looms as the focal point of a tug-of-war with Beijing.

Concerned with restraining a nationalist movement by controlling its living symbol, the Communist Party has proclaimed its right to approve the naming of the next incarnation, traditionally identified as a young child after his predecessor’s death.
At 76 years old, the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, counters Beijing’s claims that they have the right to identify his successor with laughter and mocking jest. Read the rest of this entry »

Tibetan quake victims fight China government land grab
Apr 28th, 2012 by admin

Pire crematorie delle migliaia di morti del terremoto di Yushu

Thousands of deths burning in Yushu earthquake

Tibetan quake victims fight China government land grab

April 27, 2012 3:47 pm

By Sui-Lee Wee, GYEGU, China | Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:38pm EDT (Reuters) – For two years after a cataclysmic earthquake struck a remote and wild part of China’s northwestern Qinghai province, Baobao and 29 other homeless ethnic Tibetan residents occupied the area outside several government buildings to denounce a land grab.

But no officials in Gyegu – known in Chinese as Yushu – would listen to their pleas, said Baobao, 41, a burly Tibetan odd-job laborer, who goes by only one name.

Government officials, he said, were threatening to forcibly relocate some 600 people – mostly Tibetans – from what was prime real estate in order to rebuild Gyegu as what officials billed as an “ecological tourism centre”. Read the rest of this entry »

In Tibet “è in atto un genocidio culturale”
Apr 28th, 2012 by admin

Una recente manifestazione a Roma per i diritti umani in Tibet

Una recente manifestazione a Roma per i diritti umani in Tibet

L’International Campaign for Tibet denuncia: “Dall’invasione comunista non è cambiato nulla: Pechino vuole distruggere la lingua, la cultura e soprattutto la religione tibetana”. Nel frattempo il Partito manda a Hong Kong il falso Panchen Lama (che parla di “società armoniosa”) mentre il vero Panchen compie 23 anni: è agli arresti dal 1995.

Dharamsala (AsiaNews) – Le autorità cinesi “stanno commettendo un genocidio culturale” in Tibet tramite politiche che gettano i presupposti per la completa, sistematica distruzione del popolo tibetano. Lo scrive in un lungo rapporto l’International Campaign for Tibet (Ict), una organizzazione non governativa che monitora la situazione della regione. Nel testo gli autori chiedono alla comunità internazionale di “agire con rapidità” per interrompere la repressione in atto. Le restrizioni cinesi comprendono il divieto di insegnare la lingua e la religione tibetana Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. the Dalai Lama’s interview on CNN
Apr 27th, 2012 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Text of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s interview on CNN

His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s interview on PIERS MORGAN TONIGHT, CNN

Aired April 25, 2012 – 21:00 ET

This is a rush transcript. this copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

PIERS MORGAN, CNN HOST: Millions of people turn to him for spiritual guidance. Tonight my exclusive, in-depth interview with the Dalai Lama.

DALAI LAMA, EXILED TIBETAN SPIRITUAL LEADER: My honor is to describe myself as simple Buddhist monk. No more, no less. With the blessing of Buddha.

MORGAN: An extraordinary and surprising conversation with the Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Do you think the world is a more peaceful place now than it was when you first became Dalai Lama?

DALAI LAMA: Oh, yes. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai lama talks on non-violence and interfaith in Loyola University
Apr 27th, 2012 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his talk at Loyola University in Chicago on April 26, 2012.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his talk at Loyola University in Chicago on April 26, 2012.

His Holiness talks on non-violence and interfaith collaborations in Loyola University

Chicago Illinois, USA, 26 April 2012 – On his last day in Chicago during this on April 26th, His Holiness first went to the chapel of Loyola University to address the Tibetan community. Around 500 Tibetans from Chicago, Madison, Bloomington, and Minneapolis area had gathered.  On his arrival there he was received by officials of Loyola University, Tashi Tsering Phuri of the Tibet Center, Lhakpa Tsering, President of Tibetan Alliance of Chicago, while a select group of children and members of the community sang a welcome song and two children (a boy and a girl) made the Droso Chemar offering
As His Holiness assumed his seat on the stage, a group of children sang a song in praise of him. His Holiness asked that Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay share the stage with him.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is greeted by song on his arrival to meet with the Tibetan community at the Loyola University Chapel in Chicago on April 26, 2012.
Photo/Mark Beane/Loyola University Chicago

His Holiness stressed on the importance of the Tibetan people to preserve their identity.  He said this is particularly important where the Tibetans have to be representative of their people. He talked about the need for the younger generation of Tibetans to know their language. He added that without understanding the language it would be very difficult for the people to really understand their heritage (even though they could read about the same in translation). Therefore, he advised the parents to converse with their children in Tibetan at home and not take the easy way out by speaking in English, for example.

His Holiness then talked about the development in the devolution of authorities to the elected Kalon Tripa.  He said that ever since his childhood, he had witnessed drawbacks in the Tibetan administrative system.  His Holiness said although his officials would not give him the reality of the situation, it was his sweepers in both Norbu Lingka and Potala who used to convey to him about the real developments relating to the Regent or the officials. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai Lama participates in the 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates
Apr 26th, 2012 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev participate in a panel discussion during the 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates held in Chicago, Illinois, on April 25, 2012. Photo/Getty Images

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev participate in a panel discussion during the 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates held in Chicago, Illinois, on April 25, 2012. Photo/Getty Images

His Holiness participates in the 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates

Chicago, Illinois, USA, 25 April 2012 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama began his morning program ias he met separately with President Lech Walesa, Jody Williams, and President Mikhail Gorbachev. They discussed issues of mutual concern, including issues taken up at the 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates. His Holiness said he regarded President Walesa as a hero as he stood firm against totalitarianism.  His Holiness told President Gorbachev that he had single-handedly contributed to a change that had global impact. Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay, who is attending the Summit, was present in these meetings. Thereafter, His Holiness attended a luncheon for the participants of the Summit. In the afternoon, His Holiness was one of the panelists for a discussion on “World Peace and Nonviolence: Never Give UP.” His co-panelists were fellow Nobel laureates President Mikhail Gorbachev, Prof. Jody Williams and Prof. Muhammad Yunus. Before the session began, all the Nobel Laureates gathered on the stage as President Gorbachev presented actor Sean Penn with the 2012 Peace Summit Award.  A video message from Aung San Suu Kyi was also screened. Read the rest of this entry »

L’India ritira tutte le accuse contro il Karmapa
Apr 26th, 2012 by admin

Il 17mo Karmapa Lama

Il 17mo Karmapa Lama

Il governo indiano ammette l’errore e chiude le indagini contro il “numero 3” del buddismo tibetano, accusato in dicembre di “essere una spia al soldo della Cina”. Soddisfazione nel mondo della diaspora: “Sapevamo che era del tutto innocente”.

Dharamsala (AsiaNews) – Il governo indiano ha ritirato tutte le accuse presentate in dicembre contro il Karmapa Lama, “numero 3” del buddismo tibetano e probabile guida dei fedeli della “sciarpa gialla” dopo la morte del Dalai Lama. Le autorità dello Stato settentrionale dell’Himachal Pradesh avevano aperto un’inchiesta contro il religioso per “cospirazione” e “truffa”, ma molti avevano visto dietro le accuse la mano di Pechino, che cerca di spezzare la continuità religiosa del buddismo tibetano.

Alla fine del 2011, grazie a una soffiata anonima, gli agenti di polizia locale avevano perquisito il monastero di Gyuto a Dharamsala, dove risiede il 26enne leader del “sentiero del Diamante”. All’interno avevano trovato circa 1 milione di dollari in varie valute, comprese gli yuan cinesi: la scoperta aveva fatto gridare allo scandalo, e diversi media indiani avevano definito il Karmapa Lama “una spia al soldo della Cina”.

Subito dopo il sequestro, il leader religioso aveva ammesso la presenza del denaro ma aveva specificato che si trattava di “donazioni, che arrivano a me da ogni parte del mondo. Sono pronto ad ammettere che qualcosa è andato storto nella gestione finanziaria di questi fondi, ma non me ne sono mai occupato io. Il mio ruolo è del tutto religioso, non affronto queste questioni”. Read the rest of this entry »

La meditazione agisce sul funzionamento del cervello
Apr 26th, 2012 by admin

La meditazione agisce sul funzionamento del cervello

Varie_6595.jpgCosì come l’allenamento in palestra potenzia i muscoli, allo stesso modo una lunga pratica di meditazione è in grado di portare a delle modifiche fisiologiche nel cervello in grado di potenziare le emozioni positive a scapito di quelle negative come quelle legate alle preoccupazioni ed allo stress. A trarre questa conclusione è stato uno studio condotto su monaci buddisti pubblicato sugli Annals of American National Academy of Science.
Il gruppo di ricercatori dell’Università del Wisconsin di Madison, negli Usa, ha effettuato una comparazione tra un gruppo di dieci studenti volontari che non avevano mai praticato la meditazione, dall’età di una ventina di anni, e monaci, dall’età media di 45 anni, formatisi secondo i principi e gli esercizi spirituali insegnati dalla millenaria tradizione tibetana. Read the rest of this entry »

La meditazione riduce l’ansia e potenzia le difese immunitarie.
Apr 25th, 2012 by admin


La meditazione riduce l’ansia e potenzia le difese immunitarie.

Uno studio dell’Università del Wisconsin ha coinvolto 41 persone in uno studio sull’effetto della cosiddetta “terapia della mente attiva” (mindfulness medication), una tecnica sviluppata da Jon Kabat-Zinn, un esperto americano nella riduzione dello stress, per aiutare chi viene ricoverato in ospedale a limitare dolore e fastidi. Venticinque persone hanno seguito un corso di meditazione a cadenza settimanale, con un ritiro di sette ore, nel corso dello studio, eseguendo anche una serie di esercizi a casa. Le altre non hanno fatto nulla di speciale. Dopo otto settimane, i ricercatori hanno misurato l’attività elettrica nella zona frontale del cervello di tutti i partecipanti. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness Shares Views on Mindfulness at Mayo Clinic Discussion
Apr 25th, 2012 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “Master Shantideva said there being no reason to feel sad if there is a way to overcome a challenge, and there being no use to feel sad if there is no way to overcome it”.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama: “Master Shantideva said there being no reason to feel sad if there is a way to overcome a challenge, and there being no use to feel sad if there is no way to overcome it”.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama first gave an interview to Piers Morgan of CNN, who began by asking His Holiness about his health given his medical check up.  His Holiness responded by saying that for the last seven years he has been having his annual check up at Mayo Clinic and that his basic physical condition is good.  His Holiness also answered questions about future of world peace, his views on the United States and President Obama, the self-immolations in Tibet, China’s future, vegetarianism, movies, music, etc.  This will be aired on Piers Morgan Tonight on April 25, 2012 night.

Thereafter, His Holiness met with the newly appointed President of Mind & Life Institute, Mr. Arthur Zajonc, and with its board of directors. Read the rest of this entry »

Il Dalai Lama: la Cina ha travisato le mie intenzioni
Apr 25th, 2012 by admin

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: “E' arrivato il momento per la Cina di interrogarsi sulle reali cause che portano i tibetani a sacrificare le loro vite”.

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama: “E' arrivato il momento per la Cina di interrogarsi sulle reali cause che portano i tibetani a sacrificare le loro vite”.

Dagli Stati Uniti, dove si trova in questi giorni, il Dalai Lama ha commentato la drammatica situazione tibetana. Il 22 aprile, parlando a un gruppo di 500 studenti cinesi, il leader spirituale tibetano, dopo aver ribadito che l’unione con la Cina è nell’interesse dei tibetani – ma solo in presenza di una reale autonomia – ha affermato tra l’altro che all’epoca della Rivoluzione Culturale i funzionari cinesi in Tibet affermarono che avrebbero annientato la lingua e la cultura tibetana nell’arco di una quindicina d’anni. Questa politica, ha affermato il Dalai Lama, è stata la causa scatenante delle dimostrazioni del 2008 e di quelle che si sono succedute ma i cinesi, volendo trovare un capro espiatorio, hanno accusato la mia persona di essere il mandante delle proteste. Per questo, ha aggiunto, ho perso ogni fiducia nel governo di Pechino, anche se continuo fermamente a credere nel popolo cinese. Read the rest of this entry »

Tibet: nuovi arresti e proteste a Kardze. Sono morti Choephag Kyab e di Sonam immolatisi il 19 aprile.
Apr 25th, 2012 by admin

Continuano le proteste dei tibetani in Cina
Continuano le proteste dei tibetani in Cina

È stata data ufficialmente notizia della morte di Choephag Kyab e di Sonam, i due giovani tibetani immolatisi con il fuoco a Zamthang, località a sud est di Ngaba, il giorno 19 aprile. Intanto arrivano dal Tibet notizie di nuovi pestaggi, arresti, espulsioni di monaci dai monasteri e chiusure di scuole e istituzioni tibetane. Il Centro Tibetano per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia ha reso noto che il 14 aprile, circa 250 tibetani residenti nel villaggio di Da-Yul (nella Contea di Kardze) sono stati arrestati per aver protestato contro la chiusura di una organizzazione locale, la Da-yul Thundin Tsogpa”, letteralmente “l’Associazione per l’Unità di Da-yul”.

L’organizzazione, che dal 2008 riunisce gli abitanti di tredici villaggi aiutandoli a risolvere dispute locali e a cementarne l’unità, è stata accusata dalle autorità cinesi di svolgere attività politiche e per questo definita “illegale”. L’ingiunzione di chiusura immediata ha causato il risentimento della popolazione locale che è scesa in piazza. Un gruppo di oltre trecento poliziotti è subito arrivato dalla vicina Kardze e ha arrestato il leader dell’organizzazione assieme a 250 tibetani. Read the rest of this entry »

The Year of the Stray Dog
Apr 23rd, 2012 by admin

lotoThe Year of the Stray Dog

By Yan Lianke

BEIJING — Old habits die hard. Despite leaving my home in the countryside more than 30 years ago, I never feel that the first of January marks the start of a new year. In my hometown, the true beginning of a new year is the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year.
The year 2011 for me was as long and dark as a tunnel without light.
My dark 2011 started with my son’s search for a job. He had finished his studies in Britain and returned to China armed with a master’s degree in law. He believes that to make a difference in China he must start his career as a public servant within the legal system. However, because he is not a member of the Chinese Communist Party, it is almost impossible for him to sit for the national civil service exam to get the job he wants.
He considered joining the Communist Party more than once when he was an undergraduate. I talked him out of it every time, saying, “Do people have to be party members to get on in this life?” As a father, my son’s experience makes me feel I should kneel down in front of the party leaders and beg them to give young people who are not party members the same career opportunities it gives to those who have joined. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness speaks to Chinese students in Rochester
Apr 23rd, 2012 by admin

Rochester, Minnesota, USA, 22 April, 2012 – This morning His Holiness left the city of Long Beach for Rochester, Minnesota. Gaden Shartse Abbot Jamyang Choeden, Geshe Lobsang Tsultrim, Managing Director, and staff of Gaden Shartse Thubten Dhargye Ling saw him off at the airport.
On his arrival in Rochester, several hundred members of the Tibetan community (Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota) had gathered to welcome him. His Holiness went around greeting them and advised them to remain at ease. His Holiness was received by officials and doctors of Mayo Clinic and thereafter went to address a gathering of more than a 100 Chinese students and scholars studying in in Minnesota, including from St. Olaf College; University of Minnesota; Macalester College; Carleton College; Normandale College; Mayo High School; Winona State University; and Southwest High School.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama addresses a gathering of Chinese scholars and students in Rochester, Minnesota, on April 22, 2012. Photo/Shenphen Sangpo

His Holiness began by talking about everyone of them being the same human being from the one blue planet.  He said if we have such a mindset then we will not see any need to involve in cheating, etc.  His Holiness said Han and Tibetans have sufficient reason to fight. Historically, he said for the past 1000 years or so Tibetan and Chinese emperors specially have had a close relationship, including marital ties.  He said the ties have sometimes been happy ones and at other times problematic.

He said throughout the world things are changing referring to how the European Union has evolved.  In the Tibetan case, the Tibetans have a distinct identity, including our own language and written script, which is closer to the Indian Devnagri script, he said.  We must, however, think of the reality, he said. His Holiness said it is in the Tibetan people’s own interest to remain within the People’s Republic of China.  However, there should be meaningful autonomy, he said.
His Holiness said the 17 Point Agreement that Tibet had signed with China was in the spirit of one country, two systems. He talked about his visit to China in 1954-55 and his meetings with Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi (who he called as his immediate boss), Zhou Enlai. Etc. His Holiness said he had much interest in Marxism and had expressed his desired to the Chinese Communist Party, but was asked to wait.  He added that although he considers himself a Marxist, he is not a Leninist. He talked about Mao’s interest in Tibet and how he even asked His Holiness to be in direct touch with him.  Read the rest of this entry »

Campagna di raccolta firme: solidarietà ai prigionieri politici tibetani
Apr 22nd, 2012 by admin

solidarietà tibetL’Associazione Italia-Tibet e la Comunità Tibetana in Italia hanno indetto una campagna di solidarietà e di raccolta firme a favore della liberazione di quattro prigionieri politici tibetani. Chiediamo la scarcerazione dell’XI Panchen Lama, di Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, di Dhondup Wanchen e di Jigme Guri. La campagna è ufficialmente lanciata oggi Sabato 21 aprile, a Milano, Piazza S. Babila, dove è allestito, dalle ore 14.00 alle ore 20.00, un banchetto con materiale informativo e i moduli per la raccolta delle firme


Invitiamo i simpatizzanti della causa tibetana a scaricare e stampare i moduli sotto riportati e a partecipare alla campagna raccogliendo le firme tra amici e conoscenti. Le firme raccolte dovranno essere inviate entro la fine del mese di giugno 2012 a: Associazione Italia-Tibet, Via Pinturicchio 25, 20133 Milano.

I quattro moduli per la raccolta firme

Liberazione dell’XI Panchen Lama: nato il 25 aprile 1989 e rapito nel 1995, all’età di 6 anni, dopo il suo riconoscimento da parte del Dalai Lama come reincarnazione del X Panchen Lama, fu all’epoca definito da Amnesty International “il più giovane prigioniero politico del mondo”. Non si hanno più sue notizie. Il 25 aprile compirà 23 anni.


Liberazione di Tenzin Delek Rinpoche: condannato all’ergastolo il 7 aprile 2002 con l’accusa di aver compiuto attività separatiste, ha sempre protestato la sua innocenza. E’ in carcere da 10 anni.


Liberazione di Dhondup Wanchen: regista tibetano arrestato nel 2008 per aver girato un filmato in cui intervista i suoi connazionali sulla situazione del Tibet occupato. E’ in carcere da 6 anni.


Liberazione di Jigme Guri: assistente del regista Dhondup Wanchen, arrestato e torturato nel 2008, è stato nuovamente arrestato nel gennaio 2011 per aver denunciato in un video le torture che gli erano state inflitte. E’ accusato di attività separatiste.


Grazie per la vostra partecipazione e il vostro sostegno

Associazione Italia-Tibet – Comunità Tibetana in Italia – Onlus

His Holiness Arrives in Long Beach and Begins Yamantaka Initiations
Apr 22nd, 2012 by admin

Well-wishers greet His Holiness the Dalai Lama on his arrival at his hotel in Long Beach, California, on April 20, 2012. Photo/Max Roper

Well-wishers greet His Holiness the Dalai Lama on his arrival at his hotel in Long Beach, California, on April 20, 2012. Photo/Max Roper

Long Beach, California, USA, 20 April 2012 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama left San Diego on April 20th morning arriving in Long Beach a little after 8:00 am to continue with his visit to Southern California.  The Abbot of Gaden Shartse, Jangchup Choeden, and officials of the Gaden Shartse Thubten Dhargye Ling Center, the host of his visit, received him at the airport. At the hotel, members of the Tibetan community in Southern California as well as of the GSTDL Center had gathered to receive him. Before a gathering of the press, the Mayor of Long Beach City, Bob Foster, welcomed His Holiness and announced that a tree will be planted in Long Beach in his honor. Then State Senator Lou Correa informed His Holiness of how he had read many of his books as a young boy and admired his thoughts. The Senator also presented to His Holiness a plaque of appreciation as a humble symbol of the people of Orange County, in which Long Beach is located. In his remarks to the press, His Holiness said wherever he went he talked about his two commitments of promoting human values and promoting religious harmony and understanding.  Read the rest of this entry »

Il Dalai Lama deplora le immolazione di tibetani
Apr 22nd, 2012 by admin

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama

Long Beach (California), 21 apr. (TMNews) – Il Dalai Lama si è detto dispiaciuto per l’ondata di immolazioni tibetane degli ultimi mesi, con 34 casi dall’inizio del 2011: “E’ un fatto molto triste, ma allo stesso tempo si tratta di una questione molto politica e preferisco non commentare”.
Il leader spirituale tibetano – in visita negli Stati Uniti – ha tuttavia aggiunto di vedere dei segni di riforma politica in Cina: le dichiarazioni rese il mese scorso dal premier cinese Wen Jiabao mostrano a suo dire che Pechino non ha altra scelta che quella di procedere a delle riforme strutturali e politiche. (fonte Afp)

Sichuan, chiusa a forza una scuola di tibetano
Apr 21st, 2012 by admin

Una scuola per bambini in Tibet

Una scuola per bambini in Tibet

Sichuan, chiusa a forza una scuola di tibetano
Le autorità temono e proibiscono ogni forma di insegnamento autonomo: in Tibet e nelle province cinesi a maggioranza tibetana si deve parlare e scrivere in mandarino. Arrestati il preside e un insegnante: la scuola era aperta da più di 20 anni. Dharamsala (AsiaNews) – Le autorità cinesi della contea di Kardze, nella provincia del Sichuan, hanno chiuso con la forza una scuola che insegnava ai giovani in lingua tibetana. Il direttore e un insegnante sono stati arrestati e portati in una località sconosciuta. Secondo Pechino, l’insegnamento del tibetano – la lingua ma anche la cultura, la musica e la storia – è un crimine paragonabile all’indipendentismo. Alcune fonti confermano l’accaduto. Lo scorso 2 aprile, ma la notizia si è appresa solo ora, un gruppo di agenti in divisa si è recato presso la scuola Khadrok Jamtse Rokten e ne ha ordinato la chiusura. Read the rest of this entry »

Altri due tibetani di 20 anni si autoimmolano col fuoco
Apr 20th, 2012 by admin

autoimmolazioni in Tibet

autoimmolazioni in Tibet

Altri due tibetani sono andati ad aggiungersi alla sempre più lunga lista dei manifestanti che, in Cina o altrove, si sono uccisi con il fuoco per protestare contro la repressione cinese nella madrepatria. Si sono immolati dandosi fuoco nel sud-ovest della Cina, dove prosegue la contestazione contro la repressione culturale e religiosa condotta da Pechino nonostante la forte presenza della polizia. La notizia è stata riferita da un monaco buddhista che ha assistito al duplice suicidio e confermata dalla Ict, la Campagna internazionale per il Tibet, organizzazione umanitaria con sede negli Stati Uniti. Teatro della protesta sarebbe stato Barma, città situata nella prefettura di Aba tra le montagne della provincia del Sichuan, nella Cina sud-occidentale.
I due tibetani, identificati come Sonam e Choephak Kyap, entrambi laici e sulla ventina, si sono immolati davanti a un monastero invocando libertà per la loro terra; secondo alcune fonti, i residenti ne hanno difeso i corpi dalle forze di sicurezza, trasferiti in ospedale, sono deceduti poco dopo a causa delle gravissime ustioni riportate. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness speaks on universal ethics and compassion
Apr 20th, 2012 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama holding the University of San Diego’s Medal of Peace presented to him before his talk in San Diego on 18 April 2012/Photo/Tim Mantoani

His Holiness the Dalai Lama holding the University of San Diego’s Medal of Peace presented to him before his talk in San Diego on 18 April 2012/Photo/Tim Mantoani

San Diego: On his final full day in San Diego during this visit, on April 19, 2012 His Holiness continued with his theme of compassion without borders and spoke to a sold out crowd of 13000 people at the San Diego State University on upholding universal ethics and compassion.  He also participated in a discussion on neuroscience and the emerging mind with scientists. In the morning, His Holiness visited the Viejas Arena of San Diego State University and gave an interview to Maureen Cavanaugh of KPBS, the San Diego affiliate of Public Broadcasting Service. He responded to questions relating to compassion in the American society and on his devolution of political authority.  This is being broadcast later in the day. Thereafter, His Holiness entered the stage of the arena to a thunderous welcome from the people. Dr. Elliot Hirshman, President of San Diego State University, welcomed His Holiness to the event.  Thereafter, San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders presented His Holiness with the Key to the City. In a brief remark, the Mayor said, “Throughout his teachings, His Holiness encourages all of us to strive for a better future, through peace and compassion for others. With this key, we offer His Holiness a promise to keep working for a brighter tomorrow.” The Mayor said that His Holiness’ message of compassion and peace resonates with the citizens of his city.

Ms. Lauren Powell Jobs, in her introduction of His Holiness, said his message was that altruism to our spiritual wellbeing is a civic responsibility.  She termed His Holiness a religious leader who includes and not excludes. She applauded the approach of His Holiness and the Tibetan people even in the face of “terrible experience of oppression that continues even to this day.” Read the rest of this entry »

Two more self-immolations in Tibet
Apr 19th, 2012 by admin

tib-burnIn reports coming out of Tibet, two more Tibetans set their bodies on fire today in an apparent protest against China’s continued occupation of Tibet. The two lay Tibetans are being identified as Choephag Kyab and Sonam from the Zamthang region of Ngaba, eastern Tibet. Exile sources say that the two set themselves of fire at around 1 pm (local time). No further details are available on the condition of the two Tibetan youths, both in their early 20s. The continuing wave of self-immolations in Tibet has witnessed 35 Tibetans set their bodies on fire demanding the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile and freedom in Tibet. Speaking to reporters earlier this week in Hawaii, the Dalai Lama had called for an investigation into the “real causes” of the self-immolations in Tibet. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness dwells on connections between inner development and climate change, peace & justice
Apr 19th, 2012 by admin

San Diego, California, USA, 18 April 2012 – On his first day in San Diego on April 18th morning, His Holiness participated in a panel discussion on climate change in which he reiterated his call for countries to place global interest of environmental concern first before any other national interests.  In the afternoon, His Holiness spoke to a packed stadium on the connection between peace, justice and inner development.
His Holiness’ first went to the University of California San Diego where he was received by its Chancellor, Dr. Marye Anne Fox. Accompanied by the Chancellor, His Holiness met with the media.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking with members of the media in San Diego on April 17, 2012. Photo.Tim Mantoani

In his opening statement, His Holiness outlined his two commitments of promoting human values and promoting religious harmony and understanding.  Talking about his third commitment concerning Tibet, His Holiness explained that in 2011 there was a change by which he devolved his political authority to an elected Tibetan leadership.

His Holiness said it is his basic belief that the world belongs to humanity and each country belongs to its people, and not to religious leaders kings, queens, emperors or political parties.  He said he had said on another occasion that America belongs to the over 300 million American people and not to the Republican or the Democratic parties.

He said from his days as a teenager, he had voiced his feeling that the governmental system in Tibet had lot of drawbacks. He said he had assumed temporal responsibility in 1950 and in 1952 established a Reforms Committee and started some reform.  He, however, added that this was not very successful because China wanted reforms according to its own agenda. Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness honoured with San Diego University’s Medal of Peace
Apr 19th, 2012 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his talk at the University of San Diego on April 18, where he was presented with the University’s Medal of Peace/OHHDL Photo

His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his talk at the University of San Diego on April 18, where he was presented with the University’s Medal of Peace/OHHDL Photo

San Diego: On his first day in San Diego on April 18, 2012 morning, His Holiness participated in a panel discussion on
climate change in which he reiterated his call for countries to place global interest of environmental concern first before any other national interests.  In the afternoon, His Holiness spoke to a packed stadium on the connection between peace, justice and inner development. His Holiness’ first went to the University of California San Diego where he was received by its Chancellor, Dr. Marye Anne Fox. Accompanied by the Chancellor, His Holiness met with the media. In his opening statement, His Holiness outlined his two commitments of promoting human values and promoting religious harmony and understanding.  Talking about his third commitment concerning Tibet, His Holiness explained that in 2011 there was a change by which he devolved his political authority to an elected Tibetan leadership. His Holiness said it is his basic belief that the world belongs to humanity and each country belongs to its people, and not to religious leaders kings, queens, emperors or political parties.  He said he had said on another occasion that America belongs to the over 300 million American people and not to the Republican or the Democratic parties. Read the rest of this entry »

Tibetani in piazza contro la corruzione, 100 feriti e 20 arresti
Apr 19th, 2012 by admin

stop-kill-tibetGli abitanti del villaggio Adhue decidono di manifestare contro i funzionari comunisti locali, che volevano premiare due loro colleghi accusati di aver rubato i fondi destinati alla popolazione. La Polizia armata del popolo ha represso con la forza bruta una manifestazione pacifica di tibetani che dimostravano contro il governo della Prefettura autonoma di Qiang, nella provincia del Sichuan, colpevole di aver premiato due funzionari locali che avevano rubato i fondi destinati alla popolazione. Circa un centinaio i feriti: alcuni sono molto gravi. Lo scorso 14 aprile, un gruppo di dirigenti comunisti della Contea di Ngaba si è recato in visita presso il villaggio Adhue per premiare in maniera pubblica due funzionari del posto, accusati dalla popolazione di aver sottratto fondi destinati alla costruzione di case popolari. Nel corso della visita, i funzionari della Contea hanno anche annunciato che i due sarebbero stati premiati per il loro “buon lavoro”. A questo annuncio, i tibetani presenti hanno espresso il loro disappunto; subito dopo sono arrivati circa 10 camion della polizia. Scesi in terra gli agenti, insieme ai loro capi, hanno iniziato a percuotere la folla: i camion si sono allontanati con i funzionari della Contea. Tra i 15 e i 20 manifestanti sono stati arrestati: tre sono stati identificati come Tenzin Tsering, Tsenor e Tsamchen del villaggio Tsosum. Di loro al momento non si sa nulla. Dopo le proteste del 2008, il governo locale si è appropriato di una grande area di proprietà dei residenti nota come “Omaylue”, utilizzata per preghiere comunitarie e per le festività buddiste: alcuni locali avevano protestato ma erano stati isolati. Il governo aveva promesso di costruire sul luogo un ospizio per gli anziani, mentre oggi vi sorge una grande caserma della polizia. Per evitare altre proteste, il governo ha costruito nei pressi di “Omaylue” – sempre sui terreni della comunità – una serie di piccole abitazioni “da destinare al popolo”. Solo dopo la costruzione i residenti hanno scoperto che avrebbero dovuto pagare per ottenere una casa, di fatto per saldare i conti scoperti dalle tangenti dei due dirigenti. Il Tibet è sin dal 2008 teatro di continue violenze contro la popolazione. Il governo centrale ha autorizzato l’uso della forza per reprimere le proteste dei locali, che chiedono libertà religiosa e autonomia culturale. Secondo Pechino essi sono invece aizzati dal Dalai Lama e dalla sua “cricca”, che vogliono distruggere l’unità cinese. Le proteste contro la corruzione del Partito e del governo sono oramai una costante in tutto il Paese. (di Nirmala Carvalho, AsiaNews)

Ricordati a Dharamsala Jamphel Yeshi e Dhondup Phuntsok, un centinaio di tibetani picchiati vicino a Ngaba
Apr 18th, 2012 by admin

tibt-freeNella ricorrenza della terza settimana dalla morte di Jamphel Yeshi e della seconda settimana dalla morte di Dhondup Phuntsok, si è tenuta a Dharamsala, nello Tsug-la Khang, il tempio principale, una cerimonia commemorativa e di preghiera presieduta da Tenzin Tsundue, presidente della sezione regionale del Tibetan Youth Congress. Ricordiamo che Jamphel si è immolato a Delhi il 26 marzo ed è spirato la mattina del 28 in seguito alle ustioni riportate sul 98% del suo corpo. Dhondup è annegato gettandosi nel Gange, a Calcutta, nella notte tra il 2 e il 3 aprile. In una lettera scritta a mano prima di darsi fuoco, Jamphel Yeshi spiega le ragioni del suo gesto. Queste le sue parole: “Nel momento in cui si avvicina la realizzazione del nostro obiettivo, ricordate che se possedete del danaro è il momento di spenderlo, se siete istruiti è il momento di mettere a frutto la vostra educazione, se avete il controllo della vostra vita è arrivato il giorno di sacrificarla”. “Se, nel 21° secolo, i tibetani si immolano con il fuoco è perché vogliono che il mondo conosca la loro sofferenza e il loro essere privati dei diritti umani fondamentali; se avete a cuore il popolo tibetano, siate al suo fianco”. Il Centro Tibetano per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia ha diffuso oggi la notizia che un centinaio di tibetani sono stati picchiati e feriti dalla Polizia Armata del Popolo a Adhue, un villaggio a nord di Ngaba. Il fatto è accaduto il 14 aprile quando un gruppo di dipendenti governativi, arrivati al villaggio dalla vicina Contea di Ngaba, hanno iniziato a tessere gli elogi di due funzionari e a promettere loro una ricompensa per il “buon lavoro” svolto. Immediata la protesta della popolazione locale che riteneva invece i due funzionari responsabili di appropriazione indebita di fondi destinati alla costruzione di nuove abitazioni. Numerosi poliziotti, in precedenza allertati e già nelle vicinanze, sono subito arrivati a bordo di una decina di automezzi e hanno iniziato il pestaggio. Si contano un centinaio tra contusi e feriti, alcuni dei quali ricoverati all’ospedale, e una ventina di arresti. Fonti: Phayul – Centro Tibetano per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia – Italia Tibet

His Holiness talks about preserving culture and promoting peace in today’s world
Apr 17th, 2012 by admin

Honolulu, Hawaii, 15 April 2012.- On his second full day in Hawaii, His Holiness the Dalai Lama participated in a panel discussion on “The Importance of Native Intelligence in Modern Times” with Native Hawaiian leaders and spoke about peace at a sold-out public talk. He also gave an interview to Renee Montagne of National Public Radio (NPR).  His Holiness responded to questions about the possibilities of bullies in schools changing themselves, his impression about Hawaiian culture, as well as about the current situation in Tibet.  This interview is being aired in NPR’s Morning Edition program on April 15, 2012.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and fellow panelists at the East West Center at the University of Hawaii, venue for the Hawaiian cultural panel entitled “The Importance of Native Intelligence in Modern Times” held on April 15, 2012. Photo/JHook/Civic Beat

Thereafter, His Holiness went to the East West Center where Mr. R. Brian Tsujimura Chairman of the Board of Governor of the Center, received him.  As His Holiness entered the venue of the panel discussion, he was welcomed with traditional Hawaiian chants.  His Holiness inquired about the meaning of the chant before going to the stage.

The topic of the panel discussion was “the Importance of Native Intelligence in Modern Times, and His Holiness’ co-panelists were Dr. Pualani Kanahele, writer and expert on Hawaiian cultural practices and Mr. Nainoa Thompson, President of the Polynesian Voyaging Society. The discussion was moderated by Mr. John De Fries, president of Friends of the Future that focuses on Native Hawaiian cultural practices. He began by requesting His Holiness to share his experience after a day and a half’s stay in Hawaii this time. His Holiness responded by saying that at the level of a human being, he was impressed with the smile of the Hawaiian people, both old and young.  He then expanded on his view on culture saying that it was an evolutionary one. In Tibet, the Tibetan culture evolved on account of the particular environment there and similarly in Hawaii its culture evolved with its connection to the sea.  He said in general a small community that has not had an easy life develops a sense of community heritage unlike developed urban areas where people are almost becoming like parts of a machine. Read the rest of this entry »

Lettera di Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Apr 16th, 2012 by admin

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama benedice Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama benedice Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Lettera di Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Miei carissimi amici, benefattori, studenti, staff dell’FPMT, preziosi come la gemma che esaudisce i desideri,

Non potete immaginare quante puje siano state fatte, in seguito al mio ictus, in Tibet, in India e in tutto il mondo; il numero di puje che sono state fatte è incredibile, così come le centinaia, migliaia, milioni di mantra di Padmasambhava e Om Mani Padme Hum recitati in Tibet e in altri paesi, da singoli individui, gruppi e centri. E poi specialmente le liberazioni di animali sono state così numerose in Tibet e in altri luoghi, e naturalmente questa è una cosa molto positiva, perché fa sì che gli animali non soffrano e non vengano uccisi.

Quando ero in ospedale ho visto un programma su animali che venivano venduti per essere uccisi in Indonesia e in altri paesi (commercio di animali vivi); non so da quanto questa cosa vada avanti, sicuramente da molto tempo.

Alla televisione ho visto le capre che aspettavano in fila, dentro recinti di legno; non mostrava come venivano uccise, ma mostrava una mucca su una piattaforma, con la testa legata, tirata giù per essere uccisa. La mucca non voleva muoversi e l’uomo la tirava.

Ho pensato che non ho il potere di fermare tutte queste uccisioni, ma quello che posso fare è cercare di ispirare le persone perché diventino vegetariane; da allora, qualsiasi insegnamento stia dando, anche se di tantra, sto provando a parlare alle persone dell’importanza di diventare vegetariani, di evitare la carne, o di mangiare meno carne, in modo che meno animali vengano uccisi. Sto cercando di fare questo.

Ad esempio, una persona in Vietnam è diventata vegetariana perché ha saputo che ero malato, e una studentessa del Centro Buddhista Amitabha di Singapore ha preso i precetti Mahayana per tutta la vita dopo aver saputo che ero malato, e anche un carcerato negli Stati Uniti ha smesso di mangiare carne. Sono davvero, davvero incredibili! Read the rest of this entry »

His Holiness talks about Educating the Heart in Honolulu
Apr 15th, 2012 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama wearing a traditional ceremonial hat at the Bishop Museum on Oahu, Hawaii, on April 14, 2012. Photo/Brian Tseng/Civic Beat

His Holiness the Dalai Lama wearing a traditional ceremonial hat at the Bishop Museum on Oahu, Hawaii, on April 14, 2012. Photo/Brian Tseng/Civic Beat

Honolulu, Hawaii, 14 April 2012 – Today His Holiness the Dalai Lama spoke about Educating the Heart to around 9.500 students of Hawaii advising them about the importance of inner mental development for a wholesome education. As he left the hotel for his engagement, he gave a brief audience to the small Tibetan community in Hawaii in the hotel’s lobby. His Holiness inquired about the profession the people were involved in and told them not to forget their Tibetan identity.  He stressed on the importance of preservation of the Tibetan culture and pointing to a person who was from Ladakh, he said that the Ladakhis had done much in this effort. Thereafter, His Holiness went to the Bishop Museum, the largest museum in the state and the premier natural and cultural history institution in the Pacific. On his arrival, he was welcomed with a special chant.  Young children of the ‘Aha Pūnana Leo Honolulu, an institution set up to promote Hawaii’s culture, sang a song of welcome. Thereafter, His Holiness went through the museum’s exhibitions. Read the rest of this entry »

H.H. Dalai Lama arrives on Hawaii
Apr 14th, 2012 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama does a traditional Hawaiian Ha with a student during welcoming ceremonies on his arrival in Honolulu, Hawaii, on April 13, 2012. Photo/JHook/Civic Beat

His Holiness the Dalai Lama does a traditional Hawaiian Ha with a student during welcoming ceremonies on his arrival in Honolulu, Hawaii, on April 13, 2012. Photo/JHook/Civic Beat

H.H. Dalai Lama arrives on Oahu, brings laughter to welcoming ceremony

Honolulu, Hawaii, 14 April 2012 (by Ben Gutierrez, HawaiiNewsNow) – Tenzin Gyatso, better known as the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, arrived on Oahu Friday and quickly charmed a group of students who greeted him with music and hula. (video of arrival at

The Dalai Lama was accompanied by eBay founder and chairman Pierre Omidyar, who also accompanied him to the welcoming ceremony. Omidyar’s foundation also provided a lead grant to fund the visit.

There was a nervous hush in the room as the Tibetan spiritual leader first entered. But the Kamehameha Schools Glee Club and Hula Ensemble quickly caught his attention; instead of walking to the stage, he headed the students to shake hands, and to smell the lei that glee club member Jonah Ho’okano was wearing. Read the rest of this entry »

Come nel 2009 a Machen, un tibetano sceglie la morte gettandosi nel Gange a Calcutta
Apr 13th, 2012 by admin

Dhondup Phuntsok, un tibetano di 26 anni si è immolato a Calcutta saltando dal ponte Howrah e gettandosi nel Gange.
Dhondup Phuntsok, un tibetano di 26 anni si è immolato a Calcutta saltando dal ponte Howrah e gettandosi nel Gange.

E’ accaduto nella notte tra il 2 e il 3 aprile ma la notizia è stata data i giorni successivi e ripresa con nuovi particolari l’11 aprile dal sito tibetano Tibet Post. Dhondup Phuntsok, un tibetano di 26 anni si è immolato a Calcutta saltando dal ponte Howrah e gettandosi nel Gange. Sconvolto dalla notizia dell’immolazione di Jamphel Yeshi, a New Delhi, Dhondup, prima di compiere l’atto estremo ha scritto di suo pugno un messaggio in cui solleva i suoi amici e compatrioti tibetani da ogni responsabilità legata al suo gesto. E’ una mia personale decisione” – scrive Dhondup Phuntsok – “Qualsiasi conseguenza possa derivare da quanto compirò questa notte, non preoccupatevi, nessuno di voi è coinvolto, cancellerò tutti i numeri dal mio cellulare così nessuno sarà contattato se dovessi essere preso mentre compio quanto ho deciso o durante le indagini della polizia; ripeto, non preoccupatevi, siate certi delle mie parole”. “Tibet libero”, conclude il messaggio. Il suo corpo è stato ripescato dal Gange il 6 aprile: indossava una Tshirt con la scritta Free Tibet. Read the rest of this entry »

Self-immolation as protest in tibet
Apr 12th, 2012 by admin

Palden Choetso, self-immolated 3 November 2011

Palden Choetso, self-immolated 3 November 2011

Self-immolation as protest in tibet

Guest Editors: Carole McGranahan (University of Colorado) and Ralph Litzinger (Duke University)

Tibet has no history of self-immolation as sacrifice, religious offering, or political protest. Yet, in the last year alone, roughly thirty-five Tibetans have set themselves on fire. The overwhelming majority of self-immolators are inside Tibet, in the People’s Republic of China, and almost exclusively in northwestern Sichuan and southeastern Qinghai provinces (corresponding to the Tibetan regions of northern Kham and southern Amdo). In this special issue of Cultural Anthropology, we collectively ask why. Why are so many Tibetans resorting to the singular act of setting the body on fire? What combination of cultural, historical, political, and/or religious reasons inspire these acts?

Most of the self-immolators have been young Buddhist monks (or former monks), men in their teens and early twenties, but nuns have also immolated, as have both male and female laypeople. One of the self-immolators was a tulku/sprul ku, a respected Buddhist reincarnate lama in his forties. Two earlier Tibetan self-immolations are notable: Thubten Ngodup who in 1998 was the first Tibetan to self-immolate as a form of political protest, and Tapey who self-immolated in February 2009 following massive protests in Tibet the year before. Read the rest of this entry »

All is not lost for Tibetans
Apr 12th, 2012 by admin

pregh-donn-tibtWith the new media, the Tibetan issue is now known worldwide

By RS Kalha, Former Secretary, MEA (Tehelka)

MOST PEOPLE in India, when they saw Jamphel Yeshi, a 27 year old Tibetan set himself on fire to protest the arrival in India of the Chinese leader Hu Jintao, could not but have pondered over the sad fate that has befallen a forgotten people. Yeshi was an activist with the Tibetan Youth Organisation who before self-immolating, left a poignant note that read, “The fact that the Tibetan people are setting themselves on fire in this 21st century is to let the world know about their suffering.” Yeshi is not alone, for the figure of Tibetan self-immolations in China has crossed over 30. But is the world listening? Read the rest of this entry »

Tibetan Parliament thank US Senate for Tibet Resolution
Apr 11th, 2012 by admin

The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile with His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile with His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Tibetan Parliament in exile thank US Senate for 6-Point Tibet Resolution

DHARAMSHALA: The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile has expressed its deep appreciation to US Senators for unanimously passing a resolution on Tibet last month in view of spate of tragic self-immolations of Tibetans.

The six-point resolution, introduced by Senators Dianne Feinstein and Joseph Lieberman, mourns the death of Tibetans who have self-immolated and deplores the repressive policies targeting Tibetans”.

The resolution calls on the Chinese government to suspend implementation of religious control regulations, reassess religious and security policies implemented in Tibet, and resume a dialogue with Tibetan Buddhist leaders, including the Dalai Lama. Read the rest of this entry »

Tenzin Delek Rinpoche: condannato all’ergastolo, è in carcere da 10 anni.
Apr 11th, 2012 by admin

Tenzin Delek Rinpoche

Tenzin Delek Rinpoche

Il 7 aprile 2002, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, un monaco di Lithang, una contea della prefettura di Kardze, provincia del Sichuan, fu arrestato con l’accusa di aver compiuto attentati e attività separatiste e fu condannato alla pena capitale. Con lui fu arrestato anche Lobsang Dhondup, un ex monaco la cui esecuzione fu immediata. La condanna di Tenzin Rinpoche fu commutata, nel dicembre 2009, nel carcere a vita. Ricorre quindi in questi giorni il 10° anniversario dell’arresto e della sua illegale detenzione: Tenzin Delek Rinpoche ha, infatti, sempre protestato la sua totale innocenza ed estraneità ai fatti imputatigli. Tenzin Delek Rinpoche era molto stimato e godeva di grande prestigio tra i membri della sua comunità per l’incessante impegno con cui si batteva per la preservazione dell’identità culturale tibetana nella regione. Era, di conseguenza, inviso al potere cinese e tenuto sotto stretto controllo dalle autorità locali. Accusato di essere l’autore di un’esplosione avvenuta a Chengdu nel 2002, fu arrestato e torturato. L’esecuzione della sua condanna a morte fu sospesa per due anni e fu commutata nel carcere a vita dopo i processi di primo e secondo grado. Sappiamo che le sue condizioni di salute non sono buone. In questo decimo anniversario della sua detenzione si moltiplicano le campagne e gli appelli alla dirigenza cinese per la sua liberazione. Invitiamo i lettori ad aderire alla campagna promossa da International Tibet Network sottoscrivendo la lettera-appello diretta a Liu Qibao, Segretario del Partito della Provincia del Sichuan, in cui si chiede il rilascio di Tenzin Delek Rinpoche. La lettera al sito: Read the rest of this entry »

China’s Tibetan herders face uncertain future
Apr 10th, 2012 by admin


Tibetan herder Gatou used to live a nomadic life on the grasslands of the Tibetan plateau before he was rehoused under a controversial Chinese government scheme.

Now he inhabits one of scores of small brick houses that have sprung up in incongruously neat rows in the rugged and mountainous terrain of the Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in northwest China.

They are giving us houses for free, with electricity,” Gatou, who like many Tibetans only goes by one name, told AFP at a prayer festival he has organised for his community, his brown eyes beaming from a dark tanned face.

Most people welcome this. But they are also making people settle down in fixed homes, which does not conform with the traditional lives of herders.”

China has invested billions of dollars into resettling Tibetan herders, who have for centuries led a nomadic life, moving regularly to seek fresh grazing for their animals. Read the rest of this entry »

Tibetan arrested for sighting His Holiness’ vision in moon
Apr 10th, 2012 by admin

moon-himalayaTibetan arrested for sighting His Holiness’ vision in moon

The Chinese government has forbidden Tibetans living in Tibet from keeping their most-revered spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s photos in homes, monasteries, to name a few. An act of defiance from Tibetans definitely leave them in facing the inevitable consequences. But now, for Tibetans, even seeking just a vision of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the moon has become an punishable act. A report coming out of Tibet say Phurbu Namgyal, a 20-year-old youth from Lhundup district near Tibet’s capital Lhasa, saw reflection of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the moon recently. He confided his experience to his friends while working together at a club house in Lhasa. He told them that if someone gazes at the night sky one can see His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the moon. All of them then started looking at the sky to see the vision outside the club. The police from the public security bureau knew about this and arbitrarily picked up Phurbu Namgyal alleging him for committing an illegal act. His whereabouts and well-being remain unknown.

Why Tibet burns
Apr 9th, 2012 by admin

Tibet burns

Tibet burns

Why Tibet burns

By Maura Moyniha, published on Deccan Chronicle

When Chinese Premier Hu Jintao flew into New Delhi for the Brics Summit recently, he careened onto unfamiliar terrain: a democracy with a free press, where a 27-year-old Tibetan refugee, Jampa Yeshi, walked to a public protest, poured kerosene over his body and set himself on fire whilst shouting for an end to Chinese atrocities in Tibet. The searing images from India of Jampa Yeshi’s burning body exposed to the world the cost of China’s reign of terror in Tibet, which has been well concealed for 61 years.

I have just returned from interviewing Tibetan refugees in India, a mission that began when I first lived in India in the early 1970s, and I can attest that after 53 years in exile, Tibetans are increasingly frustrated and desperate. To date, 32 people inside Tibet have set themselves alight in public, in defiance of Chinese Communist assaults on their Buddhist faith, but there are no journalists or diplomats to bear witness to the carnage, only raw video that reaches the Internet. But there is another potent source of this explosion of Tibetan outrage which receives negligible international coverage; the covert history of China’s rape and pillage of Tibet’s ancestral lands and waters. The elemental facts about Tibet are not widely known, yet any map of the Tibetan Plateau reveals the enormous resource and strategic advantage gained by its capture. Tibet is a unique geomorphic entity, its 46,000 glaciers comprise the Earth’s third largest ice mass. Read the rest of this entry »

China Said to Detain Returning Tibetan Pilgrims
Apr 8th, 2012 by admin

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama conferisce l'iniziazione al Kalachakra a Bodhgaya gennaio 2012

Sua Santità il Dalai Lama conferisce l'iniziazione al Kalachakra a Bodhgaya gennaio 2012

China Said to Detain Returning Tibetan Pilgrims – By Edward Wong; The New York Times, Published: April 7, 2012

DHARAMSALA, India — Hundreds of Tibetans who attended an important Buddhist ceremony in January in India have been detained without charge by Chinese security officers on their return to Tibet, according to family members and friends living in exile in India, international human rights groups and officials with the Tibetan exile government. This is the first time that the Chinese authorities have detained large numbers of Tibetan pilgrims returning from the ceremony, held regularly in India among other places. Read the rest of this entry »

Global Signature Campaigns Calling for Release of Tenzin Delek
Apr 8th, 2012 by admin

Tenzin Delek Rinpoche
Tenzin Delek Rinpoche

Dharamshala: – A worldwide signature campaign launched by Students for a Free Tibet-India on Saturday, April 7,  is calling on China to release of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, the imprisoned Buddhist leader of Tibet. Over 45,000 signatures were already registered on websites such as according to campaigners who have said the Buddhist leader is innocent. “Today, April 7, 2012, marks the 10th year of injustice of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche’s imprisonment, Students for a free Tibet network everywhere, we’re launching a petition campaign to highlight his cause. So far, website such as, we have managed to collect over 45,000 signatures and we will be forward more signatures, all will be deliver to Mr. Zhou Yongkhang, who was Sichuan party secretary when Rinpoche was arrested on false allegation in 2002,” said Tenzin Jigdal, program director for Students for a Free Tibet-India.

“10 years too long; Tibetans escalate campaign for release of innocent Buddhist leader on anniversary of his arrest. Top Chinese official Zhou Yongkhang targeted for his rile in Tenzin Delek Rinpoche’s imprisonment,” said in a statement released by Student for a Free Tibet-India.

“On the 10th- year anniversary of this arrest, Tibetans and their supporters worldwide have wowed to escalate the campaign for the release of Tenzin Deleks Rinpoche, a highly revered Buddhist leader framed and subsequently imprisoned by Chinese authorities for crimes he did not commit. This week thousands of letters appealing for his release have sent to Zhou Yongkhang, the politburo Standing Committee member who is currently facing speculation of a connection to the Bo Xilai scandal that rocked China last month. Zhou was Sichuan Party secretary in 2002 when Tenzin Delek Rinpoche was arrested for this alleged involvement in a series of explosions in Chengdu; allegations that are unproven to this day,” the statement added. Read the rest of this entry »

More good news from Alice Project Bodhgaya
Apr 6th, 2012 by admin

Alice Project Bodhgaya

Alice Project Bodhgaya

PH- 0091-542-2595062 Mobi- 09415291478 FAX-2585380; e-mail; Web.; Web:

Dear friends,

I realized that many of you did not know that we have opened the school for local children in Bodhgaya (Barbatta, Dandawa villages). As you know, we were compelled to shut down the school due to economic problems (our main sponsor from Germany was a victim of the economical crisis on 2008). We then closed the school when the senior students were ready for class X exams. We got very positive results: all the students brilliantly passed the exams (60% First Division). One student was first among all the students of the District. Read the rest of this entry »

Pechino lancia la campagna “colpisci duro”
Apr 5th, 2012 by admin

La polizia fronteggia una protesta di tibetani

La polizia fronteggia una protesta di tibetani

Pechino lancia la campagna “colpisci duro” nella P.A. di Kanlho e detta le condizioni per la ripresa dei negoziati.

Le autorità cinesi della Prefettura Autonoma Tibetana di Kanlho, situata nella Provincia nord-orientale del Gansu, hanno lanciato a partire dallo scorso 9 marzo una campagna mirata a far sì che la popolazione riferisca alle autorità ogni notizia relativa ad attività ritenute illecite, sovversive e di minaccia alla “stabilità sociale e l’unità nazionale”. Il bando, scritto in lingua tibetana e cinese, è stato affisso sui muri di tutte case, per le strade e perfino sui tronchi degli alberi. Tutte le otto Contee della Prefettura sono state teatro, a partire dal 2008, di numerose manifestazioni di protesta culminate nell’auto immolazione della studentessa diciottenne Tsering Kyi avvenuta nella Contea di Machu il 3 marzo 2012. Nella notifica dell’Ufficio di Pubblica Sicurezza della Prefettura di Kanlho si legge che, per mantenere e promuovere una “Kanlho armoniosa”, la Sicurezza colpirà duramente chiunque creerà attriti tra le differenti etnie, favorirà il separatismo etnico e minaccerà l’unità nazionale. Colpirà inoltre chiunque, con parole, scritti, filmati o partecipando o promuovendo organizzazioni illegali metterà in discussione la stabilità sociale. Saranno perseguiti coloro che diffonderanno notizie attraversi siti internet, cellulari o telefoni fissi e coloro che compiranno attività illegali, quali pestaggi, incendi, furti o danneggiamenti. A chi denuncerà tali attività “criminali” è garantita la protezione personale, l’anonimato e una ricompensa non inferiore ai 5.000 Yuan. Read the rest of this entry »

World Nobel Laureates Urge President Hu for Dialogue on Tibet
Apr 4th, 2012 by admin

I Premi Nobel per il Tibet

I Premi Nobel per la Pace per il Tibet

A group of 12 Nobel Peace Laureates – including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Rigoberta Menchu Tum, and President Jose Ramos Horta – today sent a letter to Chinese President Hu Jintao urging him to “respect the dignity of the Tibetan people” and open “meaningful dialogue” with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan leaders. The letter is in response to the recent spate of self-immolations of Tibetans protesting the repression of the Tibetan people.
Full text of letter:
President Hu Jintao,
The People’s Republic of China
Bejiing, China
Dear Mr. President:
The people of Tibet wish to be heard. They have long sought meaningful autonomy, and chosen negotiation and friendly help as their means of attaining it. They now turn to protest. The international community is concerned by the drastic expressions of resentment by the people of Tibet through self-immolation. The Chinese government should hear their voices, understand their grievances and find a non-violent solution. Read the rest of this entry »

Condannato a 2 anni un abate buddista: lavorava per combattere l’analfabetismo.
Apr 4th, 2012 by admin

Lhasa presidiata dalle truppe cinesi

Lhasa presidiata dalle truppe cinesi

Condannato a 2 anni un abate buddista: lavorava per combattere l’analfabetismo.
Khenpo Gyewala guidava il monastero Gyegyel Zogchen e aveva fondato una scuola elementare per i tibetani. Dopo 20 giorni di arresto (illegale) è stato condannato per “attività anti-statale”: la sua sparizione ha provocato un infarto alla sorella, che è morta. Il presidente del Parlamento tibetano ad AsiaNews: “Violenze e arresti sono ormai la norma. Ma noi continuiamo sulla strada indicata dal Dalai Lama”. Dharamsala (AsiaNews) – Dopo 20 giorni di detenzione forzata, l’abate del monastero Gyegyel Zogchen è stato condannato a due anni di detenzione per “attività anti-statale”. Il religioso, Khenpo Gyewala, è molto noto e rispettato per il suo lavoro a favore dell’istruzione e per la libertà religiosa del Tibet: dopo il suo arresto, la polizia gli ha impedito di contattare la sua famiglia e una sorella, Boyang, è morta di infarto per la preoccupazione. Khenpo è “sparito” l’8 marzo insieme ad altri 13 tibetani (rilasciati il 25 marzo): l’arresto, senza alcuna base legale, è avvenuto nella contea di Zatoe, nella provincia del Qinghai. Alcune fonti raccontano al Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy che un parente dell’abate è stato convocato lo scorso 28 marzo dalla polizia della contea e ha potuto parlare con il religioso per 3 minuti via telefono. Prima di dargli la linea, i poliziotti hanno avvertito il parente di non parlare della sorella morta. Read the rest of this entry »

Thousands attend the Dalai Lama’s teachings
Apr 4th, 2012 by admin

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Thousands attend the Dalai Lama’s teachings at Chime Gatsal Ling

Sidhbari, HP, India, 4 April 2012 (By Tendar Tsering, – Thousands of devotees, including new arrivals from Tibet and foreigners, are attending a three-day teachings by His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Chime Gatsal Ling Monastery in Sidhbari, near Dharamshala.

The Dalai Lama is conferring the Kagyae Initiations at the request of H.E. Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche.

Speaking at the beginning of the teachings, the 76-year old Tibetan spiritual leader reiterated that his decision to devolve his political authorities to the elected Tibetan leadership last year is for the benefit of the Tibetan people in the long run. Read the rest of this entry »

Il Ven. Lama Zopa Rinpoce sta andando bene
Apr 3rd, 2012 by admin

Lama Zopa Rinpoche e Lama Yeshe in meditazione nel 1969

Lama Zopa Rinpoche e Lama Yeshe in meditazione nel 1969

Cari amici

Il Ven. Lama Zopa Rinpoce sta andando bene, progredisce lentamente, ma è normale data la situazione. La cosa principale è che ci siano ancora progressi. Rinpoce è più indipendente, usa di più la mano destra, la gamba destra è più forte, abbiamo solo bisogno di concentrarci su come agire correttamente. Rinpoce parla in modo chiaro in tibetano, in inglese, se non si sforza, vi è un leggero farfugliamento. Ma quando Rinpoce insegna e si concentra sulla pronuncia è chiaro. La pressione arteriosa e la glicemia (il livello dello zucchero nel sangue) sono buoni data la situazione di Rinpoce e i medici sono soddisfatti. Rinpoce non desidera assumere le medicine occidentali a lungo, se possibile, dobbiamo quindi trovare altri metodi associati ad un corretto stile di vita!

Grazie a tutti per tutto il vostro sostegno e la vostra gentilezza.


Tutti i monasteri tibetani finiscono sotto il controllo del governo cinese
Apr 3rd, 2012 by admin

Tutti i monasteri tibetani finiscono sotto il controllo del governo cinese

Il Potala a Lhasa, dove risiedeva il Dalai Lama prima dell'esilio in India

Pechino invia 20mila uomini “per parlare con le persone”. Ma la tensione è crescente: altri due monaci si danno fuoco. Di Ilaria Maria Sala, La Stampa.

Il tetto del mondo è in fiamme: ieri, altri due giovani tibetani si sono immolati, bevendo cherosene e poi dandosi fuoco. Sono Thenpa Dhargyal, di 22 anni, e Chime Palden, di 21, entrambi monaci al monastero di Kirti, nella regione di Ngaba (Aba in cinese) parte delle zone tibetane del Sichuan.
Mentre bruciavano, secondo quanto dichiarato da testimoni che hanno inviato informazioni a gruppi di tibetani in esilio in India, i due hanno gridato slogan anti-cinesi e chiesto il ritorno del Dalai Lama. La tragedia di ieri ha portato a 33 le immolazioni, iniziate lo scorso anno. Altri due tibetani, invece, si sono dati fuoco in India, un rituale che si ripete ormai sempre più frequentemente e che lascia sbigottiti, ma che non sta avendo altro risultato se non quello di falciare giovani vite. Read the rest of this entry »

Il mese di marzo si chiude con due nuove immolazioni: sale a 34 il numero dei martiri tibetani.
Apr 2nd, 2012 by admin

Chime Palden, 21 anni recentemente immolatosi per il Tibet

Chime Palden, 21 anni recentemente immolatosi per il Tibet

Venerdì 30 marzo, attorno alle 12.30 (ora locale) altri due giovani monaci si sono immolati con il fuoco. E’ accaduto a Barkham, nella Prefettura Autonoma di Ngaba, (provincia cinese del Sichuan). Sono Tenpa Dhargyal, 22 anni, e Chime Palden, 21 anni. Entrambi risiedevano dal 2009 nel monastero di Gyalrong Tsodun Kirti, un istituto religioso che conta trecento monaci situato a 82 chilometri dalla città. Appena si è diffusa la notizia della doppia immolazione, alcuni confratelli, su tre pulmini, hanno cercato di raggiungere Barkham ma la polizia cinese ha impedito loro di entrare in città, costringendoli a tornare indietro. I due monaci erano ancora vivi quando sono stati portati via dalle autorità che non hanno fatto sapere dove li hanno ricoverati. La polizia ha messo in stato di fermo coloro che hanno assistito al gesto. La città è stata blindata dalle autorità governative per evitare manifestazioni da parte della popolazione. Read the rest of this entry »

Self-immolations reflect rising Tibetan anger
Apr 2nd, 2012 by admin


Self-immolations reflect rising Tibetan anger

By Simon Denyer, Washington Post

DHARMSALA, India — He walked three times around the rural monastery he had attended as a small child, cycled into town and had a simple vegetarian meal with a friend. Then 22-year-old Lobsang Jamyang excused himself to go to the bathroom.

Inside, he doused himself with gasoline. When he emerged, he was already in flames.

Jamyang then ran a few yards to the intersection at the center of the eastern Tibetan town of Ngaba, faced its huge main Kirti monastery and shouted slogans calling for Tibetan independence from China and for the return of the Dalai Lama, the region’s exiled religious leader.

In the tense and heavily militarized town, police first kicked him and beat him with clubs spiked with nails before dousing the flames, according to witness reports compiled by refugee groups here in the Indian hill town of Dharmsala. Read the rest of this entry »

What the Dalai Lama Should Do Now
Apr 1st, 2012 by admin

As a follower of Gandhi, the Dalai Lama inherits a radical tradition as well as a more compassionate one.

As a follower of Gandhi, the Dalai Lama inherits a radical tradition as well as a more compassionate one.

What the Dalai Lama Should Do Now

By Stephan Talty; The Huffington Post 03.29.12

The Dalai Lama is now 76 years old and is fast running out of time. The leader of Tibet has repeatedly said that he will return to Lhasa again to walk the streets he knew as a boy. Millions of Tibetans dream of this happening. But every year that passes, there is less and less chance that it will.

By every metric, China has won on the issue of Tibet. They hold complete control over the ancient nation and are remaking the society in their own image. The language, culture and religion of the natives are under severe pressure, its dissidents jailed or in exile. Beijing is riding a wave of prosperity and power that makes it harder and harder to apply even the minimum pressure on Tibet.

With that in mind, I’d like to make a modest proposal. The Dalai Lama and his followers should march to the Tibetan border and demand to cross back into their ancestral homeland. His Holiness should be accompanied by some of the tens of thousands of Tibetans who fled with him after 1959, along with young men and women in their teens and twenties who have never even seen the dun-colored hills and valleys of Kham and Amdo. Read the rest of this entry »

China Threatens “Torture” For Tibet Informants
Apr 1st, 2012 by admin

Tibetans have protested what they call increasing repression by the Chinese authorities in the Tibetan-populated areas.

Tibetans have protested what they call increasing repression by the Chinese authorities in the Tibetan-populated areas.

Report: China Threatens “Torture” For Tibet Informants

VOA News – Media rights advocacy group Reporters Without Borders says Chinese authorities openly threaten with “torture” those who circulate information on the situation in Tibet.

In its statement Thursday, the Paris-based group expressed outrage at the policy of terror, which it said is openly pursued by the Chinese authorities in Gan Lho Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in the northwestern province of Gansu. The statement says police have posted notices in public places in which those who circulate certain views and information are threatened with “beating” and “torture.” Read the rest of this entry »

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