Milarepa: Song to the girl Paldarbum

Milarepa: Since it was easy to meditate with your mind, The thoughts are the mind’s magical display, So let them be as the very state of your mind.

Milarepa: Since it was easy to meditate with your mind, The thoughts are the mind’s magical display, So let them be as the very state of your mind.

Milarepa: Song to the girl Paldarbum

Milarepa said to the girl Paltarbum, “If you sincerely wish to practice the Dharma, in my tradition you don’t need to change your name. Since one can awaken to buddhahood as either a monk or layperson, you don’t need to shave your hair off or change your dress.” Then he sang this song on meditation guidance in training the mind with four meaningful analogies.

Listen here, you lay girl Paldarbum,
Listen well, you rich and dedicated maiden.

Take this sky as your example,
And train in the meditation state without center or edge.

Take the sun an moon as your example,
And train in the meditation state without increase or decrease.

Take this mountain as your example,
And train in the meditation state without shifting or change.

Take the great ocean as your example,
And train in the meditation state without surface or base.

Take your own mind as the meaning,
And train in the meditation state without worry or doubt.

Teaching her the key points of posture and mind, he set her to practice meditation. The girl had some fine experience and understanding. In order to clear up her uncertainty and hindrances, she sang these questions.

Please listen, precious Jetsün,
Please hear me, sublime nirmanakaya.

It was easy to meditate like the sky,
But I felt uneasy when training with clouds.
Now please give me advice on training with clouds.

It was easy to meditate like the sun and moon,
But I felt uneasy when training with planets and stars.
Now please give me advice on training with planets and stars.

It was easy to meditate like the mountain,
But I felt uneasy when training with bushes and trees.
Now please give me advice on training with bushes and trees.

It was easy to meditate like the ocean,
But I felt uneasy when training with waves.
Now please give me advice on training with waves.

It was easy to meditate with my mind,
But I felt uneasy when training with thoughts.
Now please give me advice on training with thoughts.

The Jetsün thought, She has gained the meditation experience, and he was very pleased. In reply to her request, he then sang this song of clearing hindrances and bringing forth enhancement.

Listen here, you lay girl Paldarbum,
Listen well, you rich and dedicated maiden.

Since it was easy to meditate like the sky,
The clouds are the sky’s magical display,
So let them be as the very state of the sky.

Since it was easy to meditate like the sun and moon,
The planets and stars are the sun and moon’s magical display,
So let them be as the very state of the sun and moon.

Since it was easy to meditate like the mountain,
The bushes and trees are the mountain’s magical display,
So let them be as the very state of the mountain.

Since it was easy to meditate like the ocean,
The waves are the ocean’s magical display,
So let them be as the very state of the ocean.

Since it was easy to meditate with your mind,
The thoughts are the mind’s magical display,
So let them be as the very state of your mind.

She practiced accordingly and established certainty in the unconditioned nature, the basic state of her mind. Much later, she passed on to the celestial realms in her own body and accompanied by melodious sounds.

In INSIGHTS by Erik Pema Kunsang